
Do you guys still play bloodborne?

I'm doing the arcane build

I have it but haven't played more than the first 15 minutes or so. Sup Forums loves it and all soulgames, but I'm having trouble finding the fun.

Souls games aren't supposed to be fun. If you're having fun, you're playing it wrong.

Well, in the begging I said the same thing to myself 'This game is not fun' but after playing it for like the first hour, I can't stop playing it xd

Post the boss that you died the most to.
>defiled amy

>st the boss that
This bastard xd

>Not preparing for the sequel

I miss Bloodborne shitposting. Was a great time to see angry PCfats

>Souls games aren't supposed to be fun. If you're having fun, you're playing it wrong.

spot the shitter "le souls gaymz are soooo hard" memer faggot. the games aren't even fucking hard if you just slow down and use your fucking brain you degenerate.

will demon's souls 2 or bloodborne 2 come out first?

It's legitimately my favorite game of all time, the atmosphere, game play, music, really everything about it very much appeal to me. The entire aesthetic and the themes are so great. It's just spooky enough without being too edgy for my personal tastes.


I like how you automatically assume I'm saying something bad about the game. Spot the moron who thinks the game's difficulty has anything to do with how good it is.

I haven't in a while. I got platinum, helped people with all the hardest bosses a few dozen times a pop and I win like 80% of my pvp matches so it got kind of boring

Literally what the fuck are you talking about.
You're saying that souls games aren't supposed to be fun, and if you don't find them fun you're most likely just shit at it.

Kekity top kekity

if you aren't complaining about the difficulty, and you're saying the game sucks. then you're a clueless idiot that doesn't know what a good game is. sorry but it's true. opinions can be wrong, and yours is

I would but it's so shitty playing at 24 frames.

I actually enjoyed it more on a second playthrough when I had some idea what I was doing.

>angry pcfats
as an idort id argue it was false flaggers and bloodborne shills just trying to shitpost

Yup I actually started a 4th run through a couple of days ago. Excited for a sequel(?).

I would, but the HDMI port on my PS4 wacked out and it'll be a while until I can get it fixed.
I miss it so much.

Is this shit real? Because i saw no real argument against it. Everyone is saying it's fake and their reasoning is ''cuz its fake dood lmao''. While i am suspicious i never saw a real argument against it.

Fuck this fucking cunt i lost 458.000 blood echoes of him

The more I play it the more I realize that I'm starting to hate this game.

Have almost 200h on one chat though a lot of that was just idle time. And almost 60h on a second. I tried making a third character three times (pure arcane, skill/arcane, strength/arcane) and I always ended up loathing it. I just wasn't enjoying it anymore. Hell I can barely play the older characters anymore.

Does Dark Souls 3 feel like Bloodborne or does it feel more like Dark Souls? If it's like BB I feel like I might not like it after a bit.

It's fake, idiot.

DS3 does not feel like Bloodborne. It's like a cup of Dark Souls with a teaspoon of Bloodborne.

Again need reasoning and evidence so i can agree. Saying ''ayy lmao its fake'' doesen't contribute anything. Is this based of another picture did someone posted this as fanart? If no you telling ''it's fake i-idiot!'' is not concrete evidence. And even though the picture itself is not a concrete evidence of it being real there is no concrete evidence against it or atleast what i saw.

what the fuck is this guy even saying?

Google it, dumb ass. Either reverse image search the picture or Google 'bloodborne 2'. You'll easily see that it's fucking fake and that image doesn't exist outside of Sup Forums.

Hell, that picture alone is enough to tell you that it,'s take. It's a screenshot of the title on YouTube. Did you see any YouTube videos about Bloodborne 2 with that same title drop? Did you see any website making articles about it? Did you see anything about Sony having a video about Bloodborne 2 removed?

Christ. Are all the people here idiots now?

Any weebs that can translate the moon runes.

Nothing shows up when you reverse search it. And why are so fucking offended my firend? Did i hurt your feelings?

Nothing shows up when you Google anything about that image or Bloodborne 2.

That's the fucking point.

Are you stupid?

It is outside of Sup Forums though. it was on twitter long before it was posted on Sup Forums but that is again evidence against it.

Mainly the lack of evidence.

My build was literal vomit since I wanted to try out all the DLC weapons.

Jesus fucking christ you are really autistic people aren't going to spread it like the second coming christ all of a sudden even if it's real.

It is outside of Sup Forums veselekov tweeted about it a while ago. Wrote nothing about it though. I think he made the picture

fuck off

Probably Orphan of Kos. I didn't beat that guy until weeks after I first arrived at his arena.

1. Amygdalan Arm
2. Saw Cleaver
3. Stake Driver

>muh peeveepee/ muh numbers fags need not apply

Not sure why you're putting words in my mouth. I literally didn't say a single thing you're saying I said.

Top 3 weapons;
>Holy Moonlight Sword
>Holy Moonlight Sword again
>Holy Moonlight Sword
>Kos Parasite

Just beat the witch of whatever. The only real beef I have with the game is that most of the difficulty is artificial.

>Molotov cocktails somehow sail over or under a boss that's the size of a barn and standing still.
>power moves miss hits on the second come around.
>can't hit an enemy of I've knocked him down.

I know, I know, "gitgud". it's just a little irritating when something is designed to fuck you for no real reason.

1.Saw Cleaver
2.Whirligig Saw
3.Burial Blade

Ludwig and I'm not even ashamed to admit it.

While you sound like really shit heres a tip for you that does not require any skill fight with the witches with 0 insight next time.

That image is old. It's not like it JUST came out. Plus, YouTube. Where is it? That image is of a YouTube video yet no one has reported on it?

>it will never be on pc
kill me desu senpai

1. Whirligig Saw
2. Boom Hammer
3. Holy Moonlight Sword

Have you ever played any other souls game? Or is this your first?

I'm sorry, user. I hope you can get the chance to play it someday.

I've beat the witches. I'm not having a lot of trouble. It's easier than dark souls. It just makes you be more patient than you should have to. When you hit an enemy ,and it knocks them just out of reach of a second attack, forcing you to walk forward giving it just enough time to attack you; that's when you know something's up.

All these talk of Bloodborne 2 make me disappointed already.

What the fuck are you using and no you don't have to be more patient than dark souls you have to aggresive and quick this isn't a defensive game like DaS it's an offensive game. And i literally have no idea of what you mean when you hit them it knocks them out of your reach and you have to walk to hit them again.You are either doing something wrong or your weapon is autistic.

>beating the defiled watchdog and amygdala first try with my bloodtinge build

This. They will fuck it up if they try to make BB2

The release date is absurd, for starters. Over 2 years from now and on a Wednesday? Also why is there fucking pink in the logo?

Admit it, this is an effortless fake.

I'm actually playing through it for the first time. I just beat the One Reborn. I did the DLC and beat Ludwig and so have the moonlight sword and frankly it's making the base game kind of trivial. Although on the other hand I feel like sometimes for bosses the difficulty just spikes ridiculously out of nowhere.

There be way more fucking blood chunks in this game it's fucking irritating

Probably Gascoigne. BB was my first Souls so I was a total scrub. He got me gud fuckin' fast.

1. Tonitrus
2. Whirligig Saw
3. Hunter Axe

Not patient as in defensive, sperg. Patient as in, don't button mash, and time your attacks and dodges. If you don't understand what artificial difficulty is, then I can't really help you. Play the game again and use Molotov cocktails. There's no excuse you should miss an enemy standing still, from two feet away.

Still? I only recently started for the first time.

Nothing but thisngame has shit tracking on throwables. I've literally seen Molotov cocktails go through till enemies.

Blood Stone Chunks are the only upgrade item in the game that's actually hard to get in any useful amount.

>Sup Forums
It checks out

>beating the defiled watchdog and amygdala first try with bma

FromSoft games generally don't have the best aiming controls for throwable items.

Any game thats forced 30FPS is garbage

sorry Bloodborn fags, game would be great on PC, sucks that you had to settle for a sub par version of a great game


>sucks that you had to settle for a sub par version of a great game
Stay salty.

I only noticed the framerate getting low at one small spot in Old Yharnam. For the rest of the game it's completely playable.

No, my little brother sold his ps4 so I can't play anymore. Thinking of buying a new ps4 or a neo to replay it.

Great game but too short.
Old hunters and lost crowns are the best content from has ever made.
9/10 game

Not him, bit of cose it's playable. The fact that the frame rate dips so low is still terrible. Also the game had a terrible amount of pop in. It,'s becoming even more noticeable every time I go through an area. Seriously, the frame pacing is actually really, REALLY, bad in this game. I have a web saved from where the game reached single digit frame rate in the chalice dungeons.

No, i can't afford another console. I am waiting for nintendo nx and their kiddy games.

I really loved this game, make me wish From Software partnered with Japan Studio to make a sequel or at least another game in the series with all the lovecraftnian horror and shit.

Sad Miyazaki said hes done with Soul series at least for the moment, i suppose Bloodborne is in the same bag as the Soul series for the similar gameplay but well, if Sony tries enough they might convice them to make another one

not him
but enemies being able to hit while you are on the ground and not being able to do that vica versa combined with shitty hitboxes, especialyl when it comes to projectiles is artifical difficulty up the ass and just lazy devs overall

Well fuck.
I'm facing, for the first time, the much talked Ludvig.

Traditionally first try gave me hope "this isn't so bad, with some adjusting first phase will be easy."
Then second and third tries and "choo choo, here comes the rape train".

Having problems with the Witches is just being bad at the game and nothing else, i could understand having problems with electric dog or Amygdala due to bad camera, but not with the witches

Laurence fucked me up pretty bad he was the hardest boss for me.

His second phase is far easier than the first.

Defiled Amygdala, not even close.

Second most was Keeper of the Old Lords, not even fucking joking. It gave me more trouble than anything in the DLC or Watchdog.

I'm soul level 77 and I can only get him down like a quarter of the way. What the fuck man.

I never understood how people thought Laurence was so hard. His first phase is just a Cleric Beast with a fire buff. Phase 2 is different but it has so many openings.

The only hard part is the amount of health but unless you're under leveled it shouldn't be that bad.

>Not the prequel

I'm sure Dark Souls 3 DLC will be hype.

How? I don't get how people had problems with any version of the Amygdala. I had to actually try to get hit by it, even in the chalice dungeons and it has so many weak spots.
How are you fighting the damn thing?

>getting worked this easily
If that date doesn't raise all sorts of red flags, then you're beyond hope.

>Having trouble with a boss that can get stunlocked

Lol? Are the people who have thisngame certified idiots or something?

Guessing they tried to get some distance rather than sneak under his chin and spin2win.

Do we even know Great One canon genders? Pretty sure Odeon was a dude and the rest were chicks-even the Moon Presence might be called Flora if the Doll's prayers mean anything.

Bloodletting Beast with the head. I wanted to beat it before beating the game for the first time so I think I was a little lower in level than most people and constantly got one shot by him. That and the delays on his attacks and absurd range just mindfucked me really hard. Didn't really have too big of a problem with the headless version ironically.

1. Saw Spear
2. Hunter Axe
3. Whirligig Saw


I never even did that. I had an easier time fighting it at a distance. I never bothered trying to hit the head, the arms are just as vulnerable to damage and it takes a while to recover from over head swings.

Amygdala, even the defiled version, was one of the easiest bosses in the game for me.

Except with the last update for the game you can buy them with insight. So yeah, and insight is easy as fuck to get so you can get like 20 in one playthrough i you are doing it casually. If you are pvp'ing and cooping you can get more of course.

1: Church Pick
2: Whirligig Saw
3: Bloodletter

Anyone find that defiled amygdala is easier to cheese than regular amygdala? Like, every single time i got behind def amy, it would jump into the air to switch directions, but most of the time i tried this with reg amy it would just do this wide ass sweep that would hit me. must be the arenas

Are you joking? It's range is pretty much the entire battlefield in the second half, and will kill you in a single hit. It's easily the hardest boss among all souls games. I mean, I guess you could consider it easy if you cheese it by hiding under it and whacking it's tail for 15 minutes.

Chunks are easy to find, even without the DLC.

they're still harder to obtain in useful quantities than the blood rock by this standard, considering you only need one and it's 60 insight. enough chunks to fully upgrade a weapon would cost 320 insight