Some of you guys are alright

some of you guys are alright

don't go to last lands tomorrow

I just got my airship

when do I get Magus?

?? what is that

you will get that scythe guy as ally later in the game just like magus

oooh, you get him once you go to the last lands right before the final boss

I'm pretty early on in the game, only at rare-breed village but I gotta ask: When does the game get good?

It feels like it's trying to harken back to the good ole jrpgs but missing the appeal of them.

Everything is extraordinarily copy paste so far, towns are completely pointless and boring, the plot is 100% shallow and cliche, every plot point has been concluded 10 seconds after it's introduced, the dungeons are nothing, the combat is slow, easy, and boring.

There has been nothing memorable or interesting except for the choices due to how infuriating they are due to the fact that it's fucking nothing.

Does it improve or is this just a shallow, soulless attempt to make an old-school jrpg with nice piano music?

When there's like nothing left to do.

>Nice piano music
ONLY piano music. There are no other instruments.

I stopped playing the moment I realized that all the music was piano. I like piano, but it doesn't really convey a wide range of emotion by itself.

Someone give me a percentage of progress, I have no idea how long this game is supposed to be

I just healed Julienne with Luminaire

It becomes extremely noticeable once you get the boss victory music

It's basically an old FF victory theme but only piano

and oh boy does it suck dick because of that

You're about 2 dungeons away from the final boss.

It never gets good.

Abandon ship.

The only reason it's been seeing sales it's because we want more RPG's on PC and if this doesn't sell well we won't get them.

What's your party, Sup Forums?


Does anything at least happen?

It has been nothing from start to now.

I've played and enjoyed bad games for their badness but this game is just boring. It's there, it's chaff: the game.

Not really.

The battles just get more tedious because of more encounters which you just AoE to kill the monsters, proceed and kill 1 boss, repeat.

No sidequest until the very end, just before the last boss and you have to backtrack through the entire dungeon to go to them and go through it to get to the final boss.

I don't get it.
Why make a game where nothing happens?
It is just boring. Nobody wants to play a boring game.

I like it

>got to the part where you need to go to village where that shota with glasses lives.
>don't want to continue anymore because it's just boring as fuck.

It's comfy but that's about all it has going for it.

That's all there is to it.

You have uninspired piano music that all sounds the same, uninspired cliche plot, uninspired dungeons, and uninspired combat.

It is the most boring game ever made.

Don't worry, user

the sequel will be better