Post your

Post your
>favorite video game
>darkest secret

what happened to the last thread?

this is now a poster thread
















I need a high-res version of this
it would make a great poster for my home






mods probably deleted it




That's all the posters from me.




Fallout New Vegas

A guy killed himself because i didnt love him back. Im a straight dude, he wouldnt stop talking about suicide and how close he was to ending it all. So i cut contact with him before it involved me even more. RIP Leo, you autistic motherfucker.


The art of RDR is god tier. I mean the promotional and character art



Shit, smart move, user.




I never asked for these feels user


the co-op is just too good.



you can't feel guilty for that shit
bound to happen sooner or later. If anything, him dumping that emotional shit on you is a huge dick move, youre the victim here







Mah man



Shit, i thought id be berated for doing something like that. Think about it every day. Felt like a piece of shit because i just left him like that.

Anyway, thank you anons. Never told anyone that. Cant imagine how relieved i am to know it wasn't entirely my fault.





Demon's Souls.
I have a strong desire to enforce justice and remove evil from the world; essentially to kill bad people in its bluntest terms.



the one whee the guy is getting punched through the mouth is the best

As a Gay guy myself who has also suffered from major depression, fuck that guy. You're not responsible for his well-being. He needed to get actual help. Doctors and family are responsible for helping him. Don't be guilt tripped by someone's abusively exploitative mental illness.


I moan when I jack off

>Same as OP
I look like a girl quite a bit, and have gone to cons with people thinking I'm a girl. I plan to cosplay as Flora or Felicia from Fire Emblem Fates at a con near the end of the year.


SeeYou're alright famalam

less nintendoshits and more real games like this please

Dark souls
Graphic viewings of normal and even ordinary violence makes me feel enraged and full of anger where i put myself in the spot and makes me want to kill the oppressors. Kinda the reason i despise the Purge series. i Share your feeling

Deus Ex
I beat off to women getting fucked by horses. I'm not even into animals, I just like watching women doing fucking depraved shit.


Why? Do some guys actually do this? It seems ridculous. I don't.

Tales of Legendia

When I was around 6 I watched a man machete a kneecap off another man. Literally 20 feet away from me.


Did you grow up in the Middle East or Africa?

Story time?


Nope, Canada. A fight broke out from another street and came to ours. Something about a girl.

He's probably mexican, that's a normal weekly tradition


SMT Nocturne

[Spoiler] I can't tell you my darkest secret, sorry. [/Spoiler]


I slept with my Aunt a few times, it was amazing.

Animal abuse does that to me, even text stories. Fills me with a venomous rage.

an hero




>I've spent heaps of money over the last few months on escorts and prostitutes. I think I have a problem.

Xenoblade Chronicles
I fingered one of my friends at a sleepover when I was seven


I jerk off to trap porn , and id probably fuck one to

same here, especially if its against something that can't defend itself. Literally shouted at the top of my lungs watching a webm of a black woman hammering a small child. Maybe its the fact that i find real violence revolting is what throws me into it or maybe its something else



Probably the desecration of the person/animal/thing in general, and the brutish "might makes right" animalistic mentality displayed. The inability to change this on any notable scale infuriates me.



You should watch Death Note.
Story time.
You need to learn to talk to real women so you save those expenses lad.