>overdrones will defend this
Overdrones will defend this
What's wrong? He landed the hook through the window. The drag-in animation bugged out but that's it.
>chain goes through a wall
>What's wrong?
lol fuckin rekt
The hook drags people down when it draws them in, but the height of the window meant that by the time Pharah's body met the window, she was too low to pass through the actual window and the game struggled to bring Pharah to the Roadhog. Why the fuck do I need to explain this to you? It's super obvious. Are you a child?
Not him but it's not obvious at all.
for someone calling other people drones you sure have proved them something by buying the games and playing that much
le git gud
It should have stopped the hook when she was too low to pass through the actual window.
I went down like 5 ranks because my team was complete shit.
What happened to cause almost everyone to play so bad?
I didn't even have an Ana on the team most of the time.
Now that's a new one.
Seems like if that was me it would've just stopped her outside the door, as is the game's want.
It usually does. I've gotten hooks stopped before because it tried to pull me through a wall.
You could've saved yourself OP. The stun time is independant of the pull. You had a concussive blast.
The momentum from Pharah falling after getting hooked pushed her down below the window, but the hook kept pulling. It dragged her along the angled wall and around the corner. This is some simple shit.
Justice should take a nap or whatever the fuck ana says is the most satisfying thing ever.
Yeah that's ridiculous.
Hooks will only "break" if you get stuck on something.
If pharah got hooked, and roadhog was in the center of a large spiral, as long as she is moving towards him, and not stuck on an obstacle, the hook wont break.
I like that name, friend
Not disagreeing with you, but that's why. If the wall wasn't at an angle it would've stopped pulling.
One time I played with a guy called Dingus and I was tickled pink
>throw a pissy fit in Sup Forums
Don't worry, you'll get plenty of replies anyway since Sup Forums is an echo chamber whenever people bitch about popular games.
What a fucking garbage "game"
That's fucking hilarious
Roadhog's hook always does bullshit like that. I get pulled around a wall at least once everytime I play. He's probably my arch nemesis in this game, along with Reinhardt and sometimes Reaper.
Every time you lose rank because of griefers or people refusing to adapt, you get stuck with even worse players. Then you lose rank again because of the slightly shittier players. Then, you get teamed with even shittier players. Repeat forever.
That's what's happening and why ranked is so shit. You get scored on the most retarded player on the team and not your performance.
I think everyone will agree roadhogs hook is fucked.
Going by this logic, wouldn't the other team consist of more and more shitty players too?
It does when you hit a perpendicular wall, in the webm, the hook slides around the walls of the room.
Individual games will vary, but long term trends will place you in the correct spot. The consistent factor in every one of your games is you, and if you perform above your ranking, your team will, on average, have that much of an edge over the other team. If you start losing repeatedly, examine what your doing. Take time to come off tilt.
The Roadhog hooked her. The issue is that the hook has a delay before it actually reels people in where they can still move. This causes stupid bullshit like this to happen because it has to take into account where you moved since. If anything, it's not fair for the Roadhog, but it does look fucking retarded and unfair on the Pharah's end.
They should probably just freeze you and say you're stunned as soon as you get hit by it.
They do. However you will get the occasional teammate on one team or another several ranks higher. It matches according to team average. There can be a bunch of 40s with a 60 against yourall mid 40 team. No my math isn't perfect but thats the jist of it. The win will usually go to the team with the much higher level player on it.
No I won't, I hate this shit so much
>One shots most of the roster with his hook that has a 6 sec CD
>Can tank through most ults
>600 HP + huge self heal with low CD
>Shuts down ults all day
>Hook reach is a mile long with a giant hotbox that pulls people behind walls all the time
Delete roadhog
He hit the hook, but was knockbacked by your roadhog.
Everything is fine for me except for Roadhog. The most fucking stupid hooks jut to the left or right and grab me at the last second, and I got literally hooked through a wall once.
>play with friend
>he picks streetpig
>he won't kill their lucio or tracer
>tell him to kill them
tfw your friends are literal garbage
Over a long enough period of time, you'll always get ranked around your actual level. The only constant in every game is you and if you're good enough then you should win more games than not.
And on average this causes you to lose more matches than you win how, considering you are just as likely to get the random rank 60 on your team?
Also if you consider yourself vastly more skilled than a rank 40, wouldn't YOU be the "random rank 60" that carries the team?
He is bad because he relies on his large health pool and self heal to sustain through pushes, which ends up making him an ult battery for the enemy team, who is doing thousands of damage on him
Streetpig's hook needs a rework. I'd also like to see some abilites making it possible to break free from the hook. Pharah jumpjets, D.va boost, Zarya shield and the likes. Wasting your ability at an inopportune and being pulled closer to the enemies is punishment enough for someone landing a hit with generous hitbox.
Roadhog in general is fucking broke as a joke and there's nothing they can do to him that won't completely fuck his character
Zarya's shield already does that, you just have to do it when you know he's about to hook.
Fuck all of you saying he needs a nerf. If you get hit by his hook, you deserve to be dragged through every fucking wall that is between you and roadhog because you were stupid enough to get hooked in the first place.
Yeah, but I'm thinking more in a way where you are hooked but are able to break the chain and get free during the reel-in.
>mfw healing a little over 10,000 in one match
man that was a shitshow.
roahog hooks you while getting blown away
t. Roadhog main
I've been hooked right after going into wraith form quite a few times
One time it didn't even revert me back once I was hooked, he just straight hooked me and shot me once in wraith form and then I managed to float away with low HP
Wish I saved a replay of it
That's retarded
I consistantly get gold medals on eliminations, objective time and healing with fucking Mercy. I will play her when nobody will go support. Then, they shit up the entire game and I lose rank. There is never ever an excuse for Mercy getting gold in kills. It isn't that I'm great, it's that others don't seem to want to win or play as a team. In one game last night I saw Reinhardt alone on a roof and Hanzo repeatedly charge alone into a mob and then bitch that I didn't heal him. Rein on the roof takes the fucking cake though.
>I want to be able to counter this ability for free instead of gitting gud
Got it.
holy kek this is some looney tunes shit
So then you've proven that it's not based entirely on the worst shitter on your team but games can in fact be won with the aid of one valuable player. If everybody in the game (except the occasional 60) is a shitter and you're better then shouldn't you be able to win more games than you lose?
If 10k is the best you can do, then you're a shitty healer
>you were stupid enough to get hooked in the first place.
Yea mean it's real easy to avoid that literal wall of a hitbox
>Getting good at avoiding a hitscan ability
What the fuck are you smoking?
If someone has an escape or movement ability, they should be able to use it to get out of a hook.
Hooks have absolutely no counterplay for everyone but 2 characters
It kind of is.
I want to be able to counter that ability at all. The chain has a 21 meter reach, which is enough to catch anyone in most areas of all maps. The only way to avoid the hook is staying behind cover indefinitely.
shut the fuck up im right you're wrong dumbass
me ooga team booga
I am good I swear I never make any dumb mistakes like these idiots on my team
fucking ELO hell over here keeping me down I have gm knowledge, bronze mechanics man
If you're using a lot of horizontal mobility than sure, but as the issue usually is with Pharah, if you're using vertical mobility than it means fuck all because the hitbox for the hook extends quite a few feet around it and then massive up and down
More like if you don't hit with the hook, you don't deserve to play Roadhog since it's so piss easy and you can even follow people behind obstacles once your hook projectile is past that.
Is it? What's the amount of healing I should be doing?
Minimum 30% damage taken. Anything lower your muckin' about
You counter the ability by not getting hit by it. Roadhog is already bad. Get good.
My average as Lucio is 11,000. And that's usually a tad over 20% of team damage.
It's a projectile. Quick characters can juke it, other characters have abilities that can avoid it when timed properly. If you're experienced enough you will have a feeling for when the Roadhog is about to hook you, so you will use your defensive ability preemptively. But I suppose that's too much to ask of the average Sup Forums shitter.
10k in one game is ok, you can't always do more, it depends on how much damage is traded between teams and if you have another source of healing.
He is talking about Roadhog...
And the only way not to get hit by it is staying in cover, where you can't do shit. Peek out of that cover and Streetpig picks you out and removes your face.
Can't wait for the hog main tears when they finally nerf his hitbox into something non retarded like they did with hanzo
only Sup Forums will be at a low enough mmr to say "just don't get hit"
If you pop your defensive ability early you've usually got enough time to break LoS and approach from another angle as well.
Sometimes you gotta realise the fight isn't worth it.
But the problem with Overwatch competitive is that since it's so heavily focused on team synergy and composition it's impossible for even the godliest of players to carry retarded allies. They'll drag you down in rank with them, then you get even more retarded teammates, repeat ad infinitum. Literally your only salvation is to get lucky and get like a 10+ string of wins.
>overfags take the obvious b8 and actually defend it
90% of the thread is agreeing though mr bad poster
honestly they could fix this EZPZ, just cause collision with a wall to dehook the target and inflict 120 damage.
getting your guts ripped out is not a good thing.
The actual hook itself was fine. It's just the shitty netcode creates these bizarre scenarios in which the game has to furiously compensate for client side movement.
>comparing healing done with healers vs roadhog
What we have here is failure to comunicate.
>It's a projectile
No, it isnt.
It's a delayed hitscan.
If your crosshair is over a player when you activate your hook, it will track them.
Sure, you can juke the Roadhog's aim, like you can juke any other players aim, but there's no juking a hook that's already locked on, without disjointing it with a movement ability.
Don't call other people shitters when you have no idea what you're talking about.
>my team is fucking retarded to pass through the chokepoint while I flank them with D.Va from behind and try to find the fucking teleporter
>play poo in loo
>Reaper, Pharah and D.Va come from fucking behind
>get fucked
>try to defend B as Symmetra, because fuck playing as Mercy and I suck with this bitch
>they rush as D.Vas, clear the fucking point with one of their ults and win with ana as healer
>Fucking raged hard and kicked my dog
Anyone else know this feel of being surrounded with fucking retards? I only feel pleasure in my life with winning.
>honestly they could fix this EZPZ, just cause collision with a wall to dehook the target and inflict 120 damage.
>getting your guts ripped out is not a good thing.
>Hog should get free damage for missing his hook
I mean it's better than a free kill but still
>free damage for missing his hook
he didn't miss the hook, its just the person was able to turn a corner before the pull started
>>Fucking raged hard and kicked my dog
yeah, the angle of the wall meant pharra was never not moving toward roadhog, so she kept being pulled
If you're talking about OP's video then yes, he did.
The cd for hook is too low, 6 seconds is nothing for an ability that one shots someone.
Nice blog.
Who would defend it?
Roadhog's chain is the most annoying fucking thing, I can't count the amount of times it has pulled me through walls and terrain and not to mention COMPLETELY missed me, not only clientside but also in the killcam yet still somehow connect and pull me in.
>just don't get hooked
You realize that the only way he's gonna miss is if he's a shit roadhog right
the hitbox for that hook is the size of Timbuktu
I guess sub 40 shitters wouldn't understand though since they only play with other shitters
>kicked my dog
uninstall your vidya or give it up for adoption
This is just entirely false information. It doesn't track, but it does has a fat hitbox. It's not hitscan, but rather a projectile that travels quickly over about 20 meters. And it absolutely doesn't "lock on" to anything, you have to lead the target a bit depending on their direction of movement and speed. Try it out in the practice range if you don't believe.
>only way
No. Instead of calling you bad at video games I want to encourage you to find other ways to outplay him. You can do it. I'm just too lazy to outline steps how
The hitbox is about as large as reinhardt's shield vertically.
>You could've saved yourself OP. The stun time is independant of the pull. You had a concussive blast.
No, here's what would happen:
>press E as rapidly as possible
>hope the Roadhog is slow enough that it goes through
>if he times his shot right, you're dead
Stop getting in RH's face as a low HP character then
>Timing his shot
No need, you can hold down M1 and it'll instantly shoot as soon as you're able.