Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

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Actual graphics eh? Damn. Never thought I'd see the day...

what is it

"Cool screenshot I wonder what kind of ga- oh."

Imbalanced as hell

>Team with the most fighters wins

It's the MOBA by Epic, and the first MOBA to actually matter.

It's fully crossplay between PS4 and PC.

>actual graphics
as opposed to?

Artificial graphics

Next week's patch changes that and sorta makes casters viable again.

I hate mobas


Fuck fighters that's why

>Trying to farm
>Grux sprinting at me at 800 MPH, uses his faggy pull skill and proceeds to rape me and the rest of the team

If only the beautiful visuals weren't in service of dota clone garbage.

>MOBA on console

It's no different than say, Smite, dude

Because graphics don't determine whether a game is fun or not

They're aiming to redeem the genre.

Plays the same on PC.

The genre is irredeemable trash. I don't care what they plan to do.

I thought so too until I played Paragon.

Maybe you can't function well on a team?

>playing MOBAs
literally the cancer killing video games

noones talking about this game, inc another battleborn flop

its a boring League of Legends clone with third person action camera. Extremely boring, total waste of investors money and artist/programmer time. Epic should shift all its resources into further developing new unreal tournament instead of making this DOA garbage.

Nobody cares about arena FPS anymore.

MOBAs are where the money's at.

You say this like I should get exited or something


It does for the genre what Gears of War did for third-person shooters.

What the fuck even is a moba desu

Made it clunky an bulky?

Yes, keep making more assfaggots.


And awesome.

I love how triggered Sup Forums is by this genre. It must be like posting FPS on 2chan.

Oh yea, money's at a genre that for past 6 years had 3 succesful games and about a hundred failed ones.

>land skillshots without a mouse
I will pass.

so much this

welcome to the club of every moba-FPS nobody gives a fuck

I'm playing it and having tons of fun.

I'll stop once they nerf Fury and nerf the jungle, or if they nerf Twinblast

Good graphics, neat Guardian of the galaxy world

>Hey guys i good idea, lets turn it into a moba

i hope it dies, nobody gives a fuck about it.

>Fury has tons of low cost cards that are equal to higher cost cards of other colors

seriously who the fuck designed this shit and thought it was okay?

The concept of a moba instantantenously turns me off, it's nor the fact of competition per se, but it sounds like a game of tug of war. There's nothing I hate more than shitty multiplayer systems that don't keep the pace flowing and fall in these 20 minute stalemates that just drag on.

You can play the game on PC and you can play with a mouse and keyboard on PS4.

>P2W with card based items
How to make an assfaggot

1. Take DotA
2. Change the skin


They're nerfing TwinBlast on Tuesday. Look at the blog.


>and the first MOBA to actually matter.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

Read the blog


Twinblast, like Gideon was for Casters, is the one-and-only-go-to Ranger. In non-mirror matches, his win rate is ~63.5%. We believe the reason is his extreme mobility and free Attack Speed, relative to other Rangers. To bring him back in line, his mobility tool is getting nerfed by reducing his evade distance significantly and his Nitro (Attack Speed pump) is getting an overall decrease in damage output. We may need to look at a kit rework for him in the future.

I smell a shill.


It's the first MOBA by professionals (apart from modern Blizzard) who have actually made other important videogames.

It's also the first MOBA with 3D gameplay (no longer flat) and actual graphics, and already hands-down the best console/PC crossplay title ever made. Playing on PS4 is almost the same as playing on PC, and you can play with KBM on console or gamepad on PC.

valve made dota 2

doesnt smite have '3d gameplay'?

what the fuk does 'actual graphics' mean

btw best console/pc crossplay title is fighting games (sfv and killer instinct)

But gears is shitty franchise only dudebros would like.

As opposed to a genre that hasn't had a single salable game in over a decade? UT04?

This is the only moba that matters

I played one match of it and it was like if you took all the boring parts of Smite and gave it better graphics. Most boring shit I've even played. Even LoL can be fun at times when you're shitstomping the enemy. This just feels like a >oh yea u guys like mobas huh heres a moba but its ps4 woaaa

Dota 2 is designed by the same anonymous amateur who worked on the original WC3 map, and the game's interface is deliberately hideous and bloated to emulate the experience of playing a WC3 custom map. It even emulates bugs in the WC3 engine, and the ungainly RTS functions.

Smite is totally flat and there is no Z-axis. Paragon has significant verticality and everything is aimed in proper 3D, including basic attacks.



fuck this shitty ass fuck game made by cucks, uninstalling.

holy fuck the shilling
>and the first MOBA to actually matter
nobody talks like that you retarded faggot shill

>MOBA shit
No thanks

Do we really need more people shilling their failed projects here

Does it have pay/grind-to-win stuff like LoL does?

You get cards as random drops in place of a standardized set of items like in other MOBAs.

not that it really matters, the only color cards that are any good is Red, all other colors are shit tier.

There is nothing exciting about what you posted here.

>in place of a standardized set of items

Sorry, I didn't mean like leveling your character up and buying items over the course of a match.

I meant like LoL's runes and masteries. Stuff that you earn over the course of months/years of playing and that carry over between matches.

Cards. Your gear is cards. You grind for cards over matches.

Ah, bummer. Game looks cool.

>with better graphic
it;s still shit. Now go suck some dick, OP.

Its the term moba-cucks use for ASSFAGGOTS.

Because they're nerfing literally everything I use in the next patch so I don't get any 30/0 games where the enemy team stays at level 7 the whole match while I'm maxed out within 20 minutes.

>MOBA released in 2016.
No need to call the ambulance this game is already dead.

Tried it but the movement speed and overall feeling in fights is terrible, also you may be able to use KB+M on ps4 but most don't so you end up with a team full of retards that couldn't hit a barn door. IF you thought other mobas were infuriating you will hate this one.

Go to bed Mithrandir.

>lifesteal and Twinblast nerfed later this week

there goes my 92% W/L ratio

Thats 3 more than your arena fps in the last decade bud

EPIC game.
> great graphics
> everything looks bland and dull
> game is boring, gameplay sucks

I mean, yes graphics are nice, but the rest? Shit.
There is no art direction, no writing, nothing.

Engine features are not bugs. Bugs would imply an error occurring.

is it free
If so. Is it p2w?

If it's free and not p2w I'll try it otherwise go fuck your self.

Smite has at least art. Characters that look alive. Some background, some story. Study that, Epic shill.

so whens the open beta

>people caring about story and interesting character lore in a multiplayer-only game
jesus what a bunch of faggots

this game probably isn't very good anyway though

It's free and p2w, just like ANY F2P title in the world. Why would you even ask that, lol.

Once again, Dota remains the best moba solely based on the fact it's f2p and f2w.

Nigga, no one said we want some 10/10 writing, but look at this:

WHO the hell designed these?

Made it popular yet awful for anyone who values quality gameplay, depth and fun. Sounds terrible.

MOBAs by nature cannot be fun. The competitiveness and lack luster slow combat just isn't a good thing. Its like playing battlegrounds in WoW, you aren't really having fun you're just trying to jerk off your epeen and if you ever get over your epeen and addiction to something that has meant so much to you (Because of all the skinner box rewards you've amassed), you'll start to realize how unfun and frustrating it all is.

epic should focus on making a proper new UT instead of the f2p garbage they are working on, for fucks sake

I can't see the difference between Paragon and Lawbreakers. Is Lawbreakers any good, or is it the same trash?

only one sexy female character.
call me again when they stop pandering to sjws

This is a fitting end for epic games, considering the ripped off quake all those years ago and failed horribly at it. Even at it's best UT was a shameless rip off of quake and everyone knew it, even epic games. Fuck this company, die, die, die!

They all look great but they're just so.

It looks like a movie, not a video game like, where's the color? The pizazz? Everything is a neutral shade.

>only one sexy female character.
>call me again when they start pandering to sjws
Fixed for you, Overwatch friend :)

if you want me to play your game the least I can expect is that you pander to me

your game is boring with a fucking awful card system to power up instead of a shop shill, smite as terrible as that has become is still more fun than your version of over the shoulder moba

and more importantly


>and the first MOBA to actually matter.

no one talks like this unless they are marketing jesus christ its like those ubisoft "team speak" segments when they show of their games

it´s trash

But is the PC version neutered by platform parity?

And I'm sure eventually they'll take the Overwatch route and fill the cast with strong empowered women who don't need no men, and remove any pose that might offend your ilk.

>console moba
I don't even play them but if you can't get rts working don't try and port a mod of an rts you dense fucks.

>It's fully crossplay between PS4 and PC.
You say this like it's a good thing. The PS4 is a turd and would be total shit for playing any ASSFAG permutation.

>The failed shill OP getting btfo by Sup Forums
It's been a while since you faggots have made me proud

Don't be too proud, they let Overshill get fully entrenched. Probably at least half the hate posts in this thread are from paid Blizzard marketers.

>strong empowered women
who wants trash like that? I want women that actually look and act feminine. "Strong woman" is a tired, overused gimmick

any way until they actually put some character into it that I like I will just continue to ignore it

i'm sick and tired of all these fake graphics in my gaems

>try paragon
>pick the most interesting character design wise
>all of them look like knock off UT3 characters
>nobody talks or speaks, just grunts
>no personality 9r something to make them stand out, just serious and super serious mode
>"skins" are pallette swaps
>complex card system with shit never explained to you in the tutorial
>no option to just buy all the Champions for a flat price

Because it's fucking boring as fuck

And grindy as hell.

None of these are conducive to fun. Fuckface.