Help me choose what to fucking play next

Help me choose what to fucking play next

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Vote, you fuckers

Yourself ;^)

Shit games, won't vote.

russian roulette single player campaign

what is she doing?

Seconding this
Preferably with all the chambers loaded

I legitimately cringed when I opened this poll

Play something good like Gothic instead

What's me to go to some site probably loaded with malware.

>that shit list
Go play Quake Live faggot.


why the fuck is quake live not free anymore

Huh... I thought I heard a noise, must have been my imagination

L.A.Noire is the best game on your shitty list.

because id is fucking retarded

Are All u faggots little anime girls?

Where can I watch this with sound

Destiny is dead, isn't it? Also, injecting "fucking" into the middle of the title doesn't make it funny

>literal dogshit


The people who actually played it and kept it alive got it for free, I got it for free twice myself.

Akari impregnation simulator.

>he's not an anime girl