Monster Hunter!

Monster Hunter!

Your weapon is the best weapon!

Also missing monster in image attached

Hunting Horn is fun and cool!
Tell me your favorite buffs for me to bring!

Lets get this out of the way

All weapons are equal. HH is just more equal than the others.

last thread literally ruined by that gunlance faggot


Any high rank rooms?

>weapon elitist four posts in


>saying new bread
>all these meme replies that you'd see on /mhg/ at the start
come on now

>tfw favorite weapon is on the consistenly in the lowest place but don't complain about it since I understand how records work.

Bow is still the most weapon ever, now lets post 400 replies as of why this is.

I'm more of a fan of LBG myself, but bow is pretty cool.

xth for cat mode best mode

Best Weapon Tier List

>Damage; GS/HBG
>Status; SnS/LBG
>Stunning; SnS/Hammer
>Support; HH
>Breaking Parts; GL
>Literally immoral why the fuck wont you die; Lance
>Cat tier; Cat

All other weapons go home. This is objectively correct.

I sure hope the cooking gets better in this game, I don't like this cat ruining my delicious meat.

It is 4am.
>Can't see the description of the integrated shots before making a the weapon.
Fucking capcom making all these new shots and no fucking way to know if they are cool or not

Next version I make is going to have a "post screenshot of killtime to update records" thing on it.

Also skills. I need to put skills and weapons on the next one. I'm just not sure entirely how to keep it a manageable size without just turning everything into acronyms and providing a legend.

>Get deviant permits incredibly early
>Shitters with low rank armor get obliterated by level 1-2 deviants and ruin it for everyone else
Why did you start handing them out so early capcom

Some weapons are less equal than others, on both ends of the scale, but the difference isn't big enough to worry over.

That's good though, keeps fegs from thinking they're hot shit.

>Oh, shit, MHX is way too fucking easy
>Lets trick newbies into doing content they cant possibly do to keep the 'YOU WILL DIE' meme going

Hunter's notes.


>lets ruin ANOTHER MH thread!

honestly never cared which weapon a person used, even longsword back in unite i didnt care when i tried to hammer a monsters head and the LS user decides to fucking rape me with his combo.

but you are a massive fucking faggot if you use the wrong element/sharpness for a monster

Do online quests scale with player amount?

>loses in overall time to everything except bow and lbg
>lance does everything better aside from cutting high tails

why did they think the heat gauge was an okay think to do.

I just really wish i would understand this game. I went to the Huntercamp and killed a blue owl in the arena, but no progress was made :( i don't understand how that cat shit works, nor where to bring the stuff i collected for fetch quests. at the entrance of the zone a giant bed blocks the path back to the village. very confusing.


Just bought MHG for 2ds, how do I play comfortably?

yeah but lance doesn't explode

Nope, just one level for village quests, and another for Hub quests.

>stating an objective truth followed by a recommendation to not give a shit about said objective truth
Please fuck off with your "ruining threads" bullshit. The discussion is valid.

What is the point of playing as a cat?

i thought dual blades was the status one

By not fucking using a 2DS. Literally everyone but extreme masochists would tell you not to get it.

It is the truth, there's no denying. That's how always it has been. Don't start ruining the thread by going 400 post of something that everybody knows. Only thing you should care about is that everything is viable, and that you're having fun, which is true.

>*subjective view followed by saving face
You tried troll, you tried. Thats all that matters.


What's the issue with Khezu? Is it a high/G rank thing?

DB with aerial is spin fun zone

It's definitely Fun even if not that effective mode.

No stamina.
Infinite gathering tools.
Being a cat.

It's the secret 15th weapon and consistently gets kill times that are roughly in the middle of anything else.

>Samefag attempt to ruin thread
So close, and yet so far

Do the offline quests, newbie.

I could use my phone to take a picture of that other one not having a (you), if that would satisfy you. Hell I could use my 3DS.

Not in MHG. SnS got buffed too much.

It is actually pretty legit if you know what you're doing, see
For reference
Shut the fuck up.

Great input, thanks. if you would add where that would be you would have actually helped!


I am a little upset

I need a champion's crest. whats the best weapon to get it with?

>n-no dont point out im shitposting! please dont!
Okay I wont. Shitposter.

and yet it still breaks most parts better than GL because of its whole use whatevery damage type is best mechanic.
I loved GL in 3U, but i haven't been able to enjoy it because in 4U i was using other weapons since i used GL for 400 hrs in 3U, then in Gen i try to come back to it and they've added a system that fucks you over if you shell too much. the heat gauge is a cool idea terribly implemented, it should drain constantly while you try to use shelling and wyvern fire to fill it up, so your damage ramps up the longer you stay in the fight without resting.

Bhrena village quests, talk to the qt. 3.14. The hunters hub is the multiplayer area, stay away from that for a while.

If you're still confused i'm sure there's a youtube walkthrough you cuold watch

You better thank him for being polite when you're being such a shitter

I genuinely don't understand why a simple list of speedruns causes this much ass pain in everyone.

On the other hand, what else will we talk about, Rathian's 200lbs of poison ass?

>Evade 6 3 slots

So close to being perfect.

Can someone please post the images with multiple armors?

>Literal section called TUTORIAL.
Dude, really. Read the hunter notes, do the damned tutorials and finish the village quest.

true that. This games making me rember 3u and all the monster I haven't seen in a while

It's been decently effective for me, and with alot less effort sans resetting a bunch to get the right cat.

Teostra made me his bitch though, and i sometimes really miss the superman dive for oh shit moments

When I need precision part breaks I use my blast Bow, but really, it's a Great Maccao. Whatever weapon you're best with should be more than enough.
Capture, don't kill.

Anyone got that image of some guy achieving 40+ in evasion in P3rd?

Lance doesn't actually change damage type.
It's always cutting.

What it does do however is swap between cutting and impact hitvalues depending on which is higher, which a slight malus on impact.

I agree that the heat gauge was implemented badly and decreased it's dps overall. I just really enjoy GL's moveset, the flow of stabbing and shelling is really fun

These are solo hunt times, right? Some weapons contribute more to the team than just damage.

I agree, it's fucking bullshit. Last one I played was 3U and I was hype to see GL return after it wasn't in Tri.

Why would they give the slowest fucking weapon the most variable "you need to combo to power up" damage in a game all about positioning?

You have your info. With MH it is usually best to start with offline content. You unlock tool such as meals, access to supplies, ect. I'm being a grouch. Time for sleep.

Yo, can I get some Insect Glaive tips?

Still not quite right.
It doesn't change damage types, and it doesn't use Impact's hitzones, either. It calculates a difference between cut and impact hitzones IF THE DIFFERENCE IS GREAT ENOUGH, such that you do marginally more cutting damage based on how large the difference was.

Basically, where other weapons would be complete shit on that cutting hitzone, Lance will be slightly less shit. But you really shouldn't be attacking that hitzone in the first place.

I kinda really miss him. Malifestio and Kut ku just doesnt do it for me.

I miss Barioth so much. He's easily my favourite monster.

Fuck Tigrex. He's similar but fuck Tigrex. Worst fucking monster in the entire fucking serious, fuck that cunt and fuck whoever made him.

So's Aerial Hammer.

No shit?

its weird seeing SA in the top 3 speedrun times

right and that makes it really good at breaking any part it can hit since pretty much every breakable part is weak to cutting or impact.

Peco is the best. At least you can ride him in Stories.

That's Demon Riot / Energy Charge for you.

oh i agree, i just hate having to worry about going over the heat limit, especially since i like normal lances and full bursting. (Rathian GL line is best GL)

Logic doesn't fit. It doesn't actually utilize impact hitzones or impact damage. It's all cutting, and the piercing effect only comes into play when the cutting damage is really shit and the impact damage is super great.

and it'll go right back down when they remove it in the next game

My greatest concern is that
Holy shit, GL in 3rd and 3u was as fast as Lance, but they decided to make it slower for some unholy reason.

But can you fuck them.

I find it super good at breaking parts just because it's so precise. Relatively easy to break everything before the monster dies because so few of my attacks hit where I don't intend them to. Reaching for high tails like Rath can be awkward but one trip and one charge spam session into the tail will take it right off.

Basic or more advanced stuff?

Make sure you get the farm finished so you can have a good fast bug for collecting buffs.

Aerial gives you maximum mobility, you can attack past a monster, or vault away from attacks.

Adept is tricky and needs effect extender.

>just crafted Gendrome set for prowler

Oh gosh, it's so cute. I'm glad there's finally a reason to give a shit about cat armor now.

Can't sleep, where the rooms at

>The best skill that replaces last stand and comes from a dlc cat requires you to wear no armor

It really sucks, i really love some of the cat armor designs.

If someone can produce decent HBG, LS, and SA times for Deviant Tigrex, somewhere around or better than the mark of 11m30s, I can update the graphic to have a new complete section.

Whether they're your times or some Nico video, I don't really care.

I'm only HR2 but I'm down to play

Aisha best girl

>not just playing with last stand and saying fuck it to minmaxing
>not playing para support cat with status+ skills
Fashion is worth it

You realize the meter goes down when you use regular attacks, right? Just don't use burst when the meter is high. It's that fucking simple. Wyvern fire letting you lock it at the max buff is the only reason it's even viable at all.

The real problem is that the only way to reach your optimum damage is to get in and land your combo. This kind of meter works great for LS and DB which are able to position themselves more efficiently. Not so much for the clunkiest weapon in the game. As a result, GL players simply have more work to do to reach their optimum damage and their dps will always suffer.

3 Slots, come post whatever, hunt things Have fun


pass 7243

>and yet it still breaks most parts better than GL because of its whole use whatevery damage type is best mechanic.
Nigga what

GL uses pure damage, Lance doesnt.

Even HBG cant compete unless you bring so many Crag shots you turn into a literal bomb.

what hr?

I'm 41 atm, i dont mind whatever though

>best skills on shitty or non-existent armor

So standard practice for MH games. Can't say I didn't see that coming.

It really is. I can't wait until I advance enough to get spooky Gore cat armor or cute Ludroth plush coats.

>literally two slams
Aerial > 2 slams > wyvernfire

It really isnt that hard

I use hammer for all monsters and i like to swing towards my teammate. Btw i am a professional mh player.