Playing overwatch with a controller

>playing overwatch with a controller


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I want to use my controller on pc now cause of this.

>blaming bad aim on hardware

This had to be on PC, console games have aim assist for a reason.

>fps on a console

top kek!

kys my ass

*black people acronyms go here*

I first saw it on Leafy videos, which is honestly worse than black people acronyms.


Is it just me or is the general running speed on console look slower?

can't console players get a keyboard an mouse, i think xbox had support for it.

Yeah it is slower, Blizzard made it that way for consoles because otherwise it'd be too fast for someone using a controller to keep up with.

"Hey man let's have a hole digging contest"
"ah ok"
"Here you take this shovel and I'll use this excavator"
"wait, what"
"looks like I won bro. You haven't even started"
"But I had this dinky shovel"
"Not the shovels fault you're bad at digging"

what the fuck

I think overwatch does actually, but most of them are massive casuals who unironically play on the couch and will never experience the glory of having your consoles plugged in the same monitor as your PC and just switching seamlessly

And I say consoleSSS sparingly, because most couch gamers only have 1 platform kek

Yeah, but it emulates the thumbsticks instead of having actual support.

>>playing overwatch



>posting on Sup Forums

aw what

it doesn't involve food so it's already x1000 better than any other analogy out there

You know what, this might be a legit nerf to Bastion for the casuals crying about him (not that you pick him in good comps anyway)

Just give him a forced turnrate speed, no matter your mouse sensetivity

>the Winston has time to reload

I play both and console gameplay is a lot more slow and less reliant on twitch.

They play mostly the same, but the meta is a bit different.

No one complains about bastion anymore.

Hell he's actually been effectively removed from the game because of Ana.

Give him his shield back but only have it block projectiles.

>one person using it determines the skill of everyone
I use a controller on pc max out the sensitivity and do just fine. I've literally spent upwards of 25 to30 thousand hours using one. Git gud scrub can't believe how many casuals are on Sup Forums these days

>because of Ana
people stopped using him before that silly goose

Yea, but if anyone does bother to use him now they're immediately hard countered by take a nap

Is the aiming really this bad? How do they fuck up like this? COD and Battlefield master this perfectly, how does a game which is made to be competitive have such shit aim? Looks like GTA V 1st person aiming to me, utter shit.

>yfw a controller actually takes skill to use in an fps over a m+kb

I play on PS4 and the aiming is actually janky as fuck.
I play with 100% sensitivity and 100% aim assist and it's still difficult to aim properly. I've played a lot of shooters on console and Overwatch has a serious problem where it's just imprecise unless you can counter the clunky aiming, which is actually harder than it sounds. I guess to put it in simpler terms, it just doesn't feel very responsive most of the time.

I don't even play on console and know these are just terrible fucking players, which is not surprising :^)

It's rather amusing how much people bitched about him considering that he's been getting harder to play as time goes on since players have learned to stop being retards and running in-front of him.

Shh user don't upset the pc casuals that can't aim

>retard starts digging in the wrong place
>"lol hey must be a shovel-pleb"

Some people are just fucking shit, it doesn't matter if you give them the best tool for the job, they'll still be shit.

>Replying to your own posts

The aiming is just unresponsive and imprecise.

And yet there are plenty of console posters on this site thay complain that kb+m is too hard.

Those are shitty players. BUT, the controls on consoles could use improvement. I was experimenting with aim assist yesterday and surprisingly found my accuracy was better at around 70%

>aim assist
>surprisingly improved my aim

Do headshots matter with Ana?


Decreased from 100%(default) to be more clear.

>Hey man let's have a sandwich making contest
>ah ok
>Here, you make your sandwich using store bought lettuce and cheese and I'll make my sandwich using ingredients out of carefully handpicked Tibetan roots that only blossom once every two years under a blood moon carefully harvested by equal opportunity companies who also pay $15 an hour - a very livable wage - and cheese mixed from the teet of the village's oldest virgin goat
>wait, what
>*ceremonial Tibetan chime plays*
>looks like my sandwich tastes better bro. Your sandwich looks like you bought it from McDonald's.
>But I had this Kraft© shit
>Not the sandwich's fault you're bad at cooking


>Playing any fps with a controller

Console version has basically no aim assist. I feel exactly like that WebM; set sensitivity too low and you can't aim at shit, set it too high and still can't hit shit. This game was practically ported to consoles. Congrats, pcfats, you found the only company that practices PC first consoles second.

inb4 console kek
inb4 you're shit at aiming

Pretty sure the PC version has aim assist if you decide to use a controller for whatever reason.

thanks for wasting 6 minute and 17 seconds of my time.

>cunt whines about console vs pc for 5 minutes >spends 30 seconds saying it has the same problem with rectangular dead zone like planetside 2 on console
>this could've been a 1 minute video


>video is a typical "Why X sucks"
>surprised it's fucking shit
come on man, i barely use youtube and i know a shitty video when i see the thumbnail

>I use a controller on pc max out the sensitivity and do just fine.
That's bullshit and you fucking know it. Even the most braindead KB+M player can shit all over gamepad users.

shovel fag spotted

Nigga wat? He had a shield?

>Company has been mostly PC exclusive with a few console ports for over a decade
>Makes a pc to console port instead of console to pc port
Gee didn't see that coming, valve is the same but they don't make games anymore. Is the aim assist that bad? Blizzard got Treyarch to help with the aim assist because they have zero experience with FPS. Also its still ironic a mainly PC dev got 1080p 60fps out of overwatch when most AAA devs struggle for 30fps.

Yeah, I know it might seem weird to ask for more aim assist, but I agree. Especially when you compare it to the more popular shooters like destiny. Pic related.

I don't want it to be this easy, but characters like widow maker will never get used unless you are some kind of prodigy on controllers.

>that "running" speed
even i can run faster than that, what the fuck

>playing casualwatch to begin with
>post another thread on Sup Forums about it, instead of /vg/
>what is autism
I don't know why i still visit this shitty normie board

what games do you play asperger-kun?

>comparing Bioshock video to DOOM

Don't ever do this again.

The guy in the video actually hits something, meanwhile console plebs couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if their nose was touching it.

>confusing System Shock for Bioshock
Don't ever do this again.

Nah I dig with my bare hands, clearly this makes me better than shovelfags or excavatorfags combined because using the worst tools makes you STRONGER and builds character.


>playing fps with controller
That is like eating a soup with a fork

>using controllers for anything

What the hell is LeafyIsHere?

why the fuck would you play this on console anyway

>muh friends

seriously who doesn't have PC friends these days? Hell, pretty much all my friends play on PC

More like a brain tumor

>FPS on console

Jesus christ how horrifying

I'm not comparing the games you idiot I'm showing two examples of a fuck who can't aim regardless of the method given to him.

more like a very small spoon

>*ceremonial Tibetan chime plays*
Lost it hard

And your comparison is great at destroying your argument, considering that even people who can't aim for shit on PC still have infinitely better aim than consoleniggers.

>more likely to hit a target by just strafing back and forth without moving the reticle at all than by turning your character with the right stick

o i am LAFFIN

you won't ever catch me tryin to do any kind of shooting on console ever again. going from console to kb+m shooting is like sliding on your ass everywhere for your entire life and then you finally learn how to walk

>Is the aiming really this bad?
Well it's an FPS with a controller, of course it is.

He didn't have a shield as in "large object to block projectiles" shield. He just some shield HP(you know the blue blocks in your HP bar) before.

Think an edgy teenager leading a cult of edgy teenagers. That's LeafyisHere

>Controller aiming has to have a built in autoaim/lock on because its so shitty
>Requires more skill
Top kek

>kill yourself self

>Just give him a forced turnrate speed, no matter your mouse sensetivity
That's pretty much the worst possible thing you can you do in an FPS.

not really.
It's more like:

>hey man let's have a hole digging contest
>ah ok
>so what are you going to use to dig? I'll use this excavator
>you do realize you're never going to win, right? there's another excavator right there....

10 seconds later

>I finished
>sure whatever bro

>why the fuck would you play this on pc anyway
>>muh friends
>seriously who doesn't have console friends these days? Hell, pretty much all my friends play on console

god you are retarded

Actually my argument is destroyed because both videos use PC.

Also I seriously don't understand why you have such a low opinion on console players. I used (and still use) PC for years before picking up a controller to play Halo with friends, and while it took a while I finally adapted and my aiming skill on controller was within tolerable range of my skill with a mouse. Obviously mouse is better for this type of precision work, but it's not like by picking up a controller I suddenly lost all control of my hand-eye coordination and became incapable of using both hands at the same time.

Meanwhile, in things that really do suck with controllers, I have zero ability to play RTS on console, and I have no idea why anyone bothers trying to port that.

Console aim has one thing going for it: The inherently poor accuracy, even for good players, makes fights take longer and look cooler. Kind of emulates reality a little better - people don't have super precise aim like you can manage with a mouse.

webm mostly unrelated, I don't have anything from quake pros who can flick onto a target in microseconds.

Yes, it is really fucking bad. I'm not upset that it's a PC port, what upsets me is it's Blizzard, one of the largest and most profitable devs in the industry, and they come out with this shit that controls like a retard on downs, and they've made no mention of improving it.

Or your finger

Have you ever seen a good mouse player and a good controller player?
It's a huge skillgap.

that'd be like going "boxing with blindfolds on is such a better sport cause it's more entertaining for the people watching it"

videogames aren't something that performers utilize and entertain audiences with even if the latest generation of kids only watch people play videogames on twitch

D.Va without her mech always does this, she's smaller than tracer and just as fast

t. consoletard

if that was pc roadhog would've had him hooked as soon as he got out of that mech even with all the dodging

>fights take longer and look cooler
2 idiots without arms can't play basketball too, does it make it look cooler?

No he had a mini rein shield at one point in closed beta

>Inciting a platform war.
Shame mods don't warn/ban for this shit even though it's against the rules.

>videogames aren't supposed to be entertaining

sure thing nigga

there's nothing good about tibetan cuisine

Oh did he? My mistake then.

It'd be pretty entertaining to watch

You're not making a good argument

They going to beat basketball players with arms? Fuck no they aren't, but I'd still watch a bunch of armless dudes play basketball. Probably watch that over regular basketball t b h