Yandere simulator

>yandere simulator
>Not vidya
Fuck you mods look at this brand new animation

Other urls found in this thread:


Why did Miku Hatsune do that?

Fuck you go back to tumblr forever.

Holy shit that's awesome!

Would you believe everything in this game uses Unity store assets?

Sup Forums's just salty because the dev called us a piece of shit board and it's N-NOT LIKE WE C-CARE OR ANYTHING, FUCKING J-JEW ;_ ;

Looking forward to the next update.

Shitty meme game.

was fine until she killed herself and became a fountain

>murder suicide
>omg is that a dead body?!
what a terrible AI

If he called us a piece of shit board then why does he keep coming back?

She got mind broken because yandere chan tortured her vagina with her dick

>saying the name backwards

Is Yandere the worst female character trope?

He isn't coming back user, he got mad and yelled at everyone about how he was done with Sup Forums negativity and shitposting despite literally tailoring the game to us.

Someone post the screencap.

>Oh my god! Is that a dead body?

Yes. Without question.


More like Unity Asset Store-chan fucking kek.

I think it's okay. But that's all.

I mean, he literally never pretended otherwise as far as I am aware.

>have conversation with actual dev about his game being cloned
>thread 404
mods pls go and stay go.

I had a nice giggle the first time I saw that

>Does what Sup Forums wanted
>Still gets called an SJW faggot

He was probably right iah. Sup Forums just been getting closer and closer to Sup Forums territory ever since goobergate.

>Oh my god! Is that a dead body?!
fucking priceless kek

Why would he even pander to us in the first place? We are honestly shitty shitposting fucks. What did he expect?

>What did he expect?
Everyone sucking his dick.

>"wind-up" animation is super slow
>crowd AI waits until the kill and suicide animation is over before running the fuck away
>that over-the-top blood geyser
>that sudden switch to ragdolls

I hope this game is supposed to be a comedy.

so he's just coding? i mean if you work alone on a project like this, its understandable...

Pretty pathetic when the most iconic thing about your game isn't even yours and people are cosplaying it.

It's shit. Go shill somewhere else.

>All that clipping
Fucking hell.

They do interesting things.

I remember a while ago on his blog he was begging people to work for him for free.

Is that standing up animation the fucking dark souls summoning animation

Almost. Tsundere is the only one worse than it.

God, I love ragdoll effect so much.



That will never in a million years happen here. OP you fucking dingus. Leave. Just work on your game and try not to be the next Phil Fish.

Tsundere is best.

i can't blame him, this board was unbelievably shitty to him despite all the weird shit he did being years in the past

I have no idea whats going on here since yan-chan isn't the one killing, new features?

my one critisism is the AI needs to not all trigger at once after the kill, but I think you knew that.

it was only a handful of butthurt autists who knew him in the gamefaq days

I still do not give a single fuck what he looks like, I'm still buying this game once it's out.
IF it ever releases.

This desu, does anyone know the name of the clone app?

>oh my god is that a dead body?
no it isn't


I'm sorry for the guy who made the model.

Now the people think Eva made it

>Releasing a game when thousands of retards are stuffing your patreon with their autismbux for sitting on your ass and barely working on your shit asset store simulator.

As always. Gotta say hi to you.

im pretty sure the retard making this thread isn't actually the aspie who flipped out since he doesnt have his trip on

just saying desu

I don't know how to use tripcodes

>Witness a Murder/Suicide at point blank


That was a good chuckle.

Game looks like shit and dev should die in a tire fire though

right so you're a summerfriend

>6 simultaneous overwatch shill threads
>mods do nothing

Implying any AAA titles are doing a better job.
Just look at any bethesda games.

I know everyone needs to shit on everything just because but at least try to find a real reason.

this right here

and most of the time you'll find porn in em as well

mods still do fuck all

>At least find a real reason.

OK. The game is naughty bear levels of shallow ,vapid edginess with a generic soulless weaboo aesthetic and no real interesting stealth gameplay mechanics.

IS that a real reason?

He programmed OH MY GOD A DEAD BODY to play when someone sees a corpse. The girl getting killed doesn't die until the animation ends and then both girls die together so nobody can see a corpse until then. It makes some semblance of sense. what doesn't make sense is how OH MY GOD A DEAD BODY plays when you set someone on fire in plain view, even though the girl on fire still has to play a ten second burning animation before she dies.

Leave then. Where's the gun that they're holding to your head?

>this entire thread
is this just one shill samefagging repeatedly or did eva somehow actually manage to coax a bunch of people to shill his shitty unity youtube-bait game here

the post quality in this thread is so clearly far from the norm that it's obvious these shill fucks don't even come here but are just here to shill this game
holy shit

>implying mods don't join us in the overwatch porn circus

yandere dev said he hates Sup Forums so his shit shouldn't be on here

im reminding myself for not becoming a mod to actually clean this shit up
next time... next time i will.

thats part of the problem

Who's making the animations? looks awful.

Yes thats better.

>Shilling a free game
Kill yourself you retarded donkey. If you don't like just don't like it, you can always stay in your meme-threads.

>despite literally tailoring the game to us.

He just used Sup Forums to focus-group a game. He had no real ideas so he depended on others to flesh them out for him, then called them a piece of shit once the conversation started.

It's not just Sup Forums. He threw a bitchfit over people emailing him too. Communication with him is a one-way street. If you don't pander to or benefit him then you're useless to him.

user who mentioned that here, i'll get searching on my phone in a moment, nothing better to do right now.

if this thread 404s before i'm back and the 3 pokemon go threads are still up I ain't coming back.

>all this amount of Trigger

i dont know why, but now i want to shill this over and over again to trigger the jealous autist

I'll post vidya content to keep the thread alive

>That ragdoll

hey, don't talk shit about over-the-top blood geysers m8

i agree on the rest though

This is how people bleed IRL

this is what all the kids are excited about?
its worse than all the other cancer

>Oh my god, is that a dead body?

I found this a while ago.

bruh, the love of a tsun is always genuine.

>It's actually finished
If anything, Eva is copying that game.

Wow, that's hilarious. Its art assets actually look better than the original too somehow.

But it' not even a good blood geyser. It looks like garbage.

>v 0.84
I don't think it's finished.
I was actually considering contacting him about it when I saw it, but I'm not sure if he'd care/be able to do anything about it

>Tea and Cake games

So basically it's an edgy Artificial Academy that you can't jack off to. Wicked sick.

NTR and any variation thereof.

>character trope

Why bother? Worst case scenario we get two similar games and they have to compete. Feel that? It's the invisible hand of the free market cupping your balls.

>an edgy Artificial Academy
AA2 can get pretty edgy I think.
I haven't played it in months but I know there's personality traits that turn girls into murderers.

me again

took me a while but if you find one called 'high school simulator' most of the clones are in 'similar apps' including 'yandere school', 'tundere simulator', and others in moon I don't know what are called.

I also saw a game called 'demonsouls' which is clearly not a from soft creation...play store is whacked out yo.

>pissbaby dev
>Mike Z was right

>NTR is literally the worst
What is this meme? Are people actually being serious about this?

well it's from some ukrainian dev.
just watch the trailer video
hilarious engrish accent

It feels good

they self insert as the cuck instead of the bull

I mean, I wouldn't play that mobile thing.
Mobile games are just worse.
especially ones that are knockoffs.

on that note, I wish the pc game would be out already
and you know, be a real game.

>Make Yandere girl
>Hook up with her
>Tear through her hymen and make her my girl
>She rapes me in broad daylight because we didn't fuck for 2 days

My dong is gone.

IIRC, wasn't the emails because there were simply too much of them and he got nothing done trying to read them?

>is that a dead body?

No fucking shit

pretty much

I mean if he's a 1man team it's a valid concern

Is this a reference to MikeInel ?


What the fuck I'll sue
