pic related
Games with shit communities
Csgo. At least a fair amount.
A given
Arma 3. Possibly the worst.
every game ever
cs go
dota 2
most team games really are just degenerate
csgo is the cancer of all PC gaming in one place, every cancerous piece of shit and retarded kid has to play it with no exceptions, fuckin drones.
Every free to play game is infested with 13 year old South Americans who absolutely destroy any community.
I miss the times where you had only yourself to count on during multiplayer sessions
But just like we have to be culturally enriched by immigrants ( :) ) we also have to be culturally read to play in team! I love globalism! Thanks!
You know why did I fucking left dota for good?
>Turkish "people"
>Kazakistan "people"
>other culturally enriching "people"
F2P games are unplayable, too many epic nationalities that can't afford to buy games
And honestly, fuck key sites such as G2A
Thanks to that, there are poortards even on Overwatch
Fuck multiplayer games, maybe I could actually have fun on games such as miscreated or dayz where I could just shoot everyone on sight for fun
team based games are garbage.
L4D & L4D2
It follows the modern blizzard mantra of making it for literal children, what do you expect
>it's a Sup Forums pretends everything they dislike is Marxism episode
Just play fightan.
you sound autistic desu senpai
Any competitive multiplayer games.
I think you can make mobas fun by making them into PvE games with PvP elements instead of PvP games with PvE elements.
I love the game, but CS:GO holy crap the people who play it are either so stupid they shouldn't play the game or so smug that they should could kill themselves.
So an MMO?
Well duh, any game with Techies players will be in shit community wise.
As a techies player, I am laffin
Valve Games.
Call of Duty.
GoldScr and Source Mods.
Bethesda Games.
Most Indie Games.
Did you play with a Russian mid witch doctor too?
Zombie panic source still has players?
I mostly agree even though you may be taking it a bit too extreme.
WC3 was and still is the most autistic and cancerous community in the history of gaming. it single handidly invalidates your shitty nostalgiafag arguments
An MMO that lasts 20-50 minutes per session sure. I was thinking more along the lines of D&D with two competing parties trying to have their town come out on top by doing quests, defeating rampaging armies, and occasionally helping their town's army defeat the other town's army, and then if there's a losing faction assuming it doesn't end in a stalemate the losing town will need money to be rebuilt an shit.
Like, losing your town hall is still an instant loss, but one side could raid the other town and raze the marketplace, forcing them to repair it or have to pay extremely high prices for imported goods.