Wtf was Kojima thinking

Wtf was Kojima thinking.


We had this thread yesterday


>see this
>go to post it, someone already has


whoa senpai.

seems like I was on step ahead of you

he assumed that someone with such a horseface would have good ass

then it was too late into development to remove it

It's okay when Kojima does it

Because muh pervy asian male

Me. Thank you Kojima.

Because in Japan no one gives a shit

you! or me?

Sex sells pretty hard in Japan. I bet most people simply don't give a shit over there.

all of these

what anime?

fucked if I know, man. Makes for good reaction though.

Its from one if not multiple of the Nogatoris

Keep it down in there would ya?

It's an anime that would probably be too deep for you

>2 in the pink, 1 in the stink

Was thinking more how to make better ass than make a better game

>not spocking your girlfriend


I hope you all regret your words and deeds

2 fingers in each hole

why does she have a mustache

Why does your mom have a mustache?


Imagine Tracer and Quiet sandwiching you face between their asses and letting off loud, brassy farts. Would you like the taste of Quiet's better? Or do you prefer Tracer?

why can't chinks into asses, at all? just look at fucking DoA, all they care for are tits


Quiet may have been the one walking away, but Snake was the one that was leaving her.

Again? Sucks for her

>"Okay Stef, in this scene Quiet and Venom are in the shower together, so just rub your body like you're cleaning yourself"

>implying Snake ever set foot in the cell

more like facesittating


Monogatari series i think, never watched it
heard it has loli vampires or soemthing

He realized his fanbase was so desperate to lick his ass he decided to prove the point by making quiet ugly as fuck to see if they'd obsess over her.


Wtf was Kojima thinking.

that guy choking her never inserted

I feel like giving a serious answer.

The player is Snake. There's a romantic element to Snake's relationship with Quiet. What seems like needless fanservice in the helicopter and at other points is really a girl being sexy for the guy she likes.

of the people.