Mfw Japan is regaining its throne as the main force in video games

mfw Japan is regaining its throne as the main force in video games
>street fighter V
>Final fantasy XV / 7
>RE 7
>Sonic, Zelda, KOF, etc
>everytime my normie friends/coworkers talk games its a jap IP or GTA
>All the western devs that sold us out in favor of the social marxist journalist getting BTFO into irrelevancy
>it feels right

post more cute girls

>Pacha is now a normie thing

Why can't they just leave us alone?

>sequels and remakes
GJ japan
Innovation is overrated

normie here
you're next ;)

good, pacha was never funny


He didn't post one to begin with



>people actually liking nu-male games

she clearly has real boobs and girl face/shoulders/hands you turds

boys can have boobs

How's Nipland going to take over with only shit games?

>Implying any of those are as good as Fall out 4, Witcher 3 and Dark souls 3

>nu-male cuck games

I'm starting to believe, 4chans full of little girls.

>Dark souls 3
It's a Japanese game you retard.

>street fighter 5 copies sold in the list
haha O WOW

>Fallout 4

>mfw Japan is regaining its throne as the main force in video games
Dead franchise after 3rd gen, only Pokemon Go is good as it has first gen
>>street fighter V
Shit fighting game , been irrelevant for a while
>>Final fantasy XV / 7
Irrelevant , it's shit now anyway
>>RE 7
Has potential fair enough
>>Sonic, Zelda, KOF, etc
Games that have gone on too long , progressively shit
>>everytime my normie friends/coworkers talk games its a jap IP or GTA
Bullshit , I believe GTA but nobody gives a fuck about shitty weeb or Jap mad games
>>All the western devs that sold us out in favor of the social marxist journalist getting BTFO into irrelevancy
Yeaa ok , whatever helps you sleep
>>it feels right
Top kek

But it plays and looks like a western game. In my mind it is a western game.

Pokemon Go is mobile cancer
Final Fantasy is what pushed casualization fir multiple console generations and is cancer
SFV is a technical mess
KoFXIV demo is a disappointment
The rest might be okay

Weebs don't care abiyt good games, they just want to suck Jap cock.

nu-male detected

why don't you go wear a hijab at San Francisco kek

>Final fantasy XV / 7
You're insane if you think XV will have the same amount of power that VII has.

Spotted the nu-males

No it doesn't. Play more Japanese games you fucking retard. Japs have been doing that shit for decades.

I bet you preorderd Call of duty 14.

>Fallout 4
>Witcher 3
It was good. But some will be better.
>Dark Souls 3
Sorry but FromSoftware is Japanese.

>street fighter
>shit fighting game
>street fighter

It's because western games copied that type of Japanese games.

name of gril pls?

cuck detected


Souls rips it's combat from games like Severance: Blade of Darkness and Jedi Knight 2.

I used to call out weebs like you and tell you to pull your head out of you ass, but holy shit you're right. I can't think of a single upcoming western game that I'm excited for.



This I was there when it caught fire. It was always unfunny.

You like soy sauce or wasabi on your Jap cock?

Japan always made better games.

you gunna tell us who this is or carry on talking about cucks and transexuals?


That would imply they ever lost it.

The absolute height of the west was the latter half of the 90s, with titles like HL, Deus Ex, and Doom. And even then, Japan dominated them in every other genre.

what is this show about?
slice of life?

>>street fighter V

dude, it's a trap

Replace shit flinger 5 with Tekken 7 and KoF XIV 2bh


their jew tactics are working and it's doing really well

dumb frogposter

>Why can't they just leave us alone?
Why can't YOU fucking get the fuck out of here with your forced meme shit, fucking troglodite.

Anthony Burch

I'm not an idiot.

Really? You have to ducking ask if it's slice of life shit? Of ducking course it is.

>truth doesn't count if it's green! look at my meme!

>it's doing really well
it really doesn't.

Raidou has a new friend ?

What's up with this obsession over "factions" be it west vs. east, console wars or sometimes even Game vs. Sequel?

Is it fueled by the desire to be part of a group and community?

Just play video games without making a cult of it.

All those japanese games combined together will still sell less than the next Assassins Creed.

>nu-males creed

>le middle ground cuck meme

The girl probably saw it on here, this place is full of normies if you hadn't noticed

Immunity cat blocked your attack
You receive 1 HP counter damage
You were defeated by Reasonable user

>le pls be with us or with them or my wife's son will be mad may!ay

Is this a joke or do you just not know anything about video games? Aside from RE7, every one of those is garbage.

pokemon alone comfortably outsells assassin's creed you autist

you do realize that socialism is the governing doctrine of the future... right? democracy doesnt stand a chance

Japs are not white and should be gassed

Don't forget:

>Dark Souls III
>Persona 5


>This delusion
None of these games even sell as much as GTA, Madden, Fifa, CoD, Battlefield and so on.

Japan is already finished when it comes to being the big players, just hope they will stay niche and make small scale games for their core fans.

>When the butthurt makes you fell good just right
Your tears are delicious.

They will never regain the lead especially now when console game sales are at their lowest point.
Hell no country will ever be at the lead since it's all lead by multinational mega corporations

Only franchises doing good there are Sonic and KOF. Call me when Japan is truly back.

Fire emblem . . .
Bravely default 2.
Persona 5.
Zero Time Escape 3

socialism is the past, and only death is inevitable.

>Love the idea of Slice of Life anime
>Fucking love watching characters go about their lives in Sailor Moon, Azumanga Daioh and shorts like Animatrix's Beyond
>Everything else in the genre is absolute, utter garbage that exists to serve bottom feeding hikis

What the fuck?

>scroll thread
>no more cute girls posted

K bye. Didn't read a single post. You people are channing incorrectly.

>"you have to ducking"

did you seriously just censor yourself?

you what m8? literally the only good devs in Japan are Nigoro, Noppin and From.

No, he's an idiot phone poster.

>Burgersona 5 with Laura Bailey, Anthony Burch and Lowenthal as the 90℅ of the cast

P.S. Pokemon Go was developed by a western studio and blew everything else Nintendo did out of the water. Nintendo aren't even seeing money from the game since they just made them pay for the license on the assumption it won't make a lot of money.

You've literally got a Reddit filename, retard

>portal shirt
when the cake is a lie just right #nerdstuff

Their games sucks, they have no customization and no personality

only 90s kids remember

There's literally nothing wrong with Laura Bailey. Of your entire nu-Persona bullshit, she's the only competent female VA.

>mfw my little brother was born in 1998...
>mfw he thinks he's a 90s kid...
>mfw I have no face...

Facebook get out

So what's the source on this slut?


I know this girl



I think you misspelled Sup Forums

>He's a dubfag
I'm sorry.

I know right?

Actually, I don't give a shit about Persona. I'm just correcting your meme. She's also better than your precious seiyuus, dumb waifufag.

This fucking guy won't tell
Probably trying to blackmail her into a blowjob or something
You better make a video of it you tool


I don't know anything about her. Should I care? I just want to play the game.