ARPGs or Diablo Clones

>Diablo 1 & 2
>Torchlight 2
>Titan Quest
>Van Helsing
>Path of Exile

How many of these games have you played and which are your favorite(s)? I ask because I've played all of them and its pretty much my favorite genre, but I think I've run out of games to play now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Diablo 2 followed by torchlight 2.

All the other popular ARPGS have some glaring flaw that makes them unplayable to me.

how is grimdawn

Diablo 2 > Grim Dawn = PoE > Diablo 1 > Titan Quest > Divine Divinity > Torchlight 2

Oh yeah shit! Forgot about that one.

I'm slowly playing my way through them all. I've played the fuck out of Diablo and Path of Exile, and getting close to done with Torchlight. FATE I've played for a bit but its a bit too simplistic and shitty for me.

Gotta go play Titan Quest, Van Helsin and then Grimdawn. If there's any others I'd like to know. I just love that loot generation man.

>Torchlight 2 below Diablo 1

Holy shit this delusion. Diablo 1 is nearly unplayable.

i love these games but i fucking hate the control scheme of doing everything with the mouse. which games in the genre allow keyboard or controller movement, at least?

>Diablo 1 is unplayable
I replayed it just a few days ago, it's great and atmospheric as fuck. Torchlight 2 just feels really bland. It was fun playing through it with friends like every other game but once we beat it once we never looked back.

D2 > PoE = D1 > Titan Quest > D3 > any Torchlight title

Nox and Revenant
or play on consoles in D3 or something

Emulated diablo 1 works pretty great on gamepad or touchpad.
I play it all the time on my phone.

>Diablo 1 is nearly unplayable.
Diablo 1 is fine, Diablo 2 is unplayable because it's a clunky boring horribly paced and balanced mess without any real endgame.

Torchlight 2 with synergies mod is very enjoyable.

That might be the case, but mods just don't fucking count. If you need other people to finish or polish your game, it's not how it should get rated.

Grim Dawn has controller support.

cool, thanks

If the games I played
Grim Dawn > TQ > PoE > Diablo 1 > Victor Vran

This nigga never played Diablo 2?

MU Online my nigga


>Diablo 1
Great. The setting is amazing and random encounters are great

>Diablo 2
Also great. Atmosphere got toned down but the amount of class options is amazing. Roleplaying is fun and you're not likely to find another game with characters this distinct

>Diablo 3
It's just shit.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it really wasn't very interesting

>Van Helsing
It was free on Xbox and it's pretty comfy. Don't know how it gets mid game or farther though

Don't like it. Something just turns me off. Seems like it'll be overtly complicated towards end game verging on sperglord territory

>Grim Dawn
Kinda like PoE but not as spergy. Didn't get very far and not much time to put into it but I enjoy it

I really fucking liked Titan Quest.
Shame THQ went under.
Difficulty mods were fantastic (x20 mobs and so on)
I wish I could have so much fun again

>Every thread.
Oh shit I remember this korean shit. I never got higher than level 15 or something but all those higher level characters looked sweet as fuck.

Grim Dawn is waiting for you user. It's made by the same devs.

Champions of Norrath is my favorite because memories with my big brother

>No motherfucking SPACE HACK

I can never get used to this kind of game having 3D graphics, I just don't think it looks good at all. Same as RTS's.
Is there any in this genre apart from the Diablos that have really nice sprite-based graphics?

I honestly tried to get into Torchlight 2 for several hours but the game play and visuals made me want to vomit. What a shit game.

diablo 2 > diablo 1 = titan quest > torchlight 2

Nox nigga, its fucking fabulous.
Also Throne of Darkness


>diablo 1 is fine

i love this meme
i also love walking around dungeons and having to left click every attack

diablo 1 belzebub overhaul mod is definitely worth your time

I can't put my finger on it but I enjoyed Torchlight 1 much more than 2.

Still finished story in both though.

Never heard of it

Why is Torchlight 2 so underrated? It's pretty fun

It's alright, However Diablo 2 is better.

>Diablo 1
Was slightly too young to play at release. Came back and finished it as an adult. Fucking amazing, when my Warrior hit the second tier of gear and walked around town with the helmet under his arm, I was amazed. That shit never happens in games anymore.
>Diablo 2
Released when I was the right age, loved it. Hit 80 or so on a Frenzy Barb. Never had the capacity to play it that long since.
Digged it, Magedude with the chain lightning or whatever skill was pretty fun.
>Torchlight 2
Finished the story once, found it pretty forgettable.
>Titan Quest
Need to give this another try, gave up before the 20 minute mark because of run speed.
>Van Helsing
Haven't played.
>Path of Exile
Muh desync
Played once, no memories beyond that.

No I got on the ARPG train very late. I might try it but I really didn't like Diablo 1.

Victor vran is a lot better than I expected

I've played Diablo 1 and 2, Torchlight, Path of Exile, Divine Divinity, Sacred 1 and 2, Grim Dawn and Titan Quest.
I loved Titan Quest if only for the unused setting in the genre and you kind of feel like travelling through the world/underworld as you start in Greece, go to Byzanz then Egypt then via the Silk Road to China and then the Olymp.
Diablo 2 and Sacred were pretty big when I was growing up and Diablo was one of the first games I've ever played.
I was never good at any of them as I wasn't really allowed to use our PC for that long (imagine playing through D2 in 30min intervalls)
I got an early beta key for PoE when it came out and played it extensively. I didn't feel like restarting it when it was fully released but I did about 6 months later only to find that the diminishing returns was way harsher than in other games. Currently I'm playing Grim Dawn and find it very good but the story is just forgettable, even moreso than the story of Torchlight.

To me:
PoE > D1 > D3 > D2

Not my fav kind of games, but I played PoE and Diablo a lot.

It's just good. Been playing it for over 2000 hours or so, still having fun every new league.
It was my first PC game, I still play it occasionally. Probably spent over 200 h on this game even though it's kinda short. What makes it good is the atmosphere (along with the nostalgia goggles)
Decent game (with or without auction house). Played it for over 1500h, mostly before they removed the AH. After that it got boring pretty quickly imo.
It was good, but played less than 100 hours. I don't know why, but it felt very monotonous to me, even more than D1.

Played it recently for the first time. Every single Computer ARPG is better.

>diablo 2
played a lot, nice game overall but mechanics wise modern games spoiled me a lot i guess
>diablo 3
not bad but not good either, dropping a legendary means nothing now, sense of progress is completely ruined
>path of exile
a tad bit slow and i dont really like the skill mechanics
>grim dawn
recently grabbed the game absolutely love the leveling system, my only concern is drops, rares all seem to be the same from bosses etc. but i only played the game on normal veteran now didnt try the other difficulties mainly because as soon as i hit lvl 45 i start over and try another build. very nice concepts and mechanics.

true, but i just wish more carpgs had couch coop. for some reason diablo 3 on console has couch coop but they fucking took it out for pc release.

what are some good couch coop arpgs for pc?

>Diablo 1
Great game, oozing with atmosphere. Gameplay gets a little tedious after a while, but still feels satisfying. Never really figured how to play Mage.
>Diablo 2
Upgraded gameplay, atmosphere not as great as 1. LoD expansion made everything better.
It was ok. Not really my cup of tea
I have mixed feelings. If you follow a thoroughly tested build, it's really satisfying once you get going. Early game still a bit dull. Some builds are retardadly weak early-mid, but insane late game. This is my problem with the game, if you wanna try something on your own, you won't be sure if your build sucks dick until mid/late game, and if it does, everything you worked for up to that point feels like a waste of time. Really enjoy every other part of the game though. The atmosphere is pretty meh, some of the acts feels like a chore, but it's still a great game.

grim dawn = diablo 3(now) > path of exile > diablo 2 > titan quest = torchlight 2 > diablo 1 > torchlight 1 > sacred 2 > fate = van helsing > diablo 3(launch)

the ps2 champions games should be between diablo 2 and titan quest, forgot to add them in

could also put the shitty heroes of ruin 3ds game around the fate area

What's the general consensus on Sacred?
I loved the first Sacred back in the days. It had a big open world with alot to explore and a charming atmosphere.
The story kinda lacked, but who cares about stories when you can level and loot.

how good is titan quest?
some user recommended it weeks ago. does it have co-op mode? I want some LAN party this week.

it's mediocre, I wouldn't bother
it only liked cause it was released at time of real hunger for aRPG and there was NOTHING ELSE on the market.
So people ate it up happily. Nowadays there is enough of newer aRPG games to not waste your time on titan's quest.

id imagine a fan of diablo would, dont you feel smart

>Seems like it'll be overtly complicated towards end game verging on sperglord territory
I agree with you, I couldn't get into it at all.

Ive been playing nothing but grim dawn recently. What I really love about it is how many builds can be viable for late game.

>Don't like it. Something just turns me off. Seems like it'll be overtly complicated towards end game verging on sperglord territory

It's as complicated as a random dice roll, that is, not complicated at all. It's just an endless rerolling of numbers for simple AoE attacks.

Sacred 2 master race

Basically what said, I bought it either in a humble bundle or a steam sale way back when and only got around to playing it after having played stuff like Torchlight and at a time when I didn't feel like replaying Diablo 2 again and when I had no other games, but Titan Quest is so bland and mediocre that I remember nothing at all from it

Isn't that p2w ?

sacred was perfect
>huge static map
>nice classes
>huge variety of stats
>a lot of secrets and eastereggs
>many optional bosses
>each class had it's story