Are you manchildren actually offended that they picked a black character as a protagonist? After the ocean of white characters how can you not handle 1 black protagonist?
Are you manchildren actually offended that they picked a black character as a protagonist...
No, it'd be great if he was in a video game that was actually good.
I hate niggers.
t. Spic
I couldnt care less what they do with the watchdogs franchise.
Nobody wants a sequel anyways
I really don't give a damn.
All I care about is how much ubisoft is going to downgrade like the first one.
I'm more concerned over the fact that they are running around with clothes that say Dedsec on them.
the offensive part isnt the niggers, its the LOL HACK THE PLANET WE PUNKS WITH WIFI bullshit
I'm actually more offended that this is what they think of young people and hacking.
It's like Mr. Robot combined with some out of touch old corporate bullshit.
I think the problem is that people who play Ubishill games are 13-25 some white males, and they can't make a huge connection to a character that they can't relate to well.
I don't play Ubisoft games, so I don't care. Watch dogs is shit anyway.
nope. is cool.
actually hyped for this game. i liked the first one, this one should be even better.
>this is what redditors think a hacker looks like
I'm sure the gameplay is going to be just as inspired.
>t. Spic
Did you think your opinion has any value? Get some self-awareness
>i dont play these games
>i know they are nothing but garbage
Assassins Creed is great again and Watch_Dogs had its moments
Yes. I can safely say that I've never encountered an african american in my 8 years as an actual hacker. Once I met a black guy in his early 20s who wanted to be a hacker and knew some basic shit but that's about it. Not trying to be racist or anything, it's just how the world works.
>my 8 years as an actual hacker
>actual hacker
I don't know how mentally damaged you have to be to not be able to relate to someone simply because they have a different skin color.
I was never a white CIA agent or an Asian cyborg either.
I'm offended because he looks like a hipster bitch who googled "HOW TO BE A L33T HAXOR" and dressed accordingly.
No way OP!
I am in every way HYPED to execute the biggest hack of the history with my buddies at DEDSEC,
Can't wait for this epic sick game bros! Let's fight racism, sexism and toxic masculinity together! #FuckWhitePeople #BlackLivesMatter
No. I still wouldn't buy it if it had a white protagonist.
The nigger just means I'm doubly sure not to buy it.
Yeah man. I've made millions and have also been raided by the fbi before. I've also helped them. I'm whitehat now.
I'm not even mad. I just like seeing the Sup Forums tears.
One of my closest friends wanted to get a ps4 and play watchdogs 1.
There's nothing offensive about him being black.
There's nothing really offensive about the game.
But Watchdogs sucks, Watchdogs 2 doesn't look better. Of course people are going to shit on it by attacking anything they can. Like the fact that the main character is black.
The reality is, no one actually cares except people who were gonna buy the game anyway.
Lucky guy
It's not that I can't relate to people who are different to me. It's just that I can't relate to niggers.
For the history!
Yes, you are mentally damaged. Human beings can even relate to animals, just in case that's the point you want to make.
im offended people care so much about anything
I can relate to animals. Just not niggers.
Niggers are the thing that I specifically can't relate to.
Watch_Dogs was terrible, why did they make a sequel
>Why, after a line of inoffensive characters, did they choose to make an offensive one?
If your audience is (borderline?) racist why would a smart company trying to sell them a black protagonist?
Society will not change with more progressive games, games only reflect society's progressiveness.
>forced meme
There is a different wavelength in the nigger mindset.
Not all black people, not all people of color. Niggers. People who seem to be born with the very goal of holding back humanity's progress with every once of their being. People so selfish and closed minded, that they would very willingly kill their own children to make their life a bit easier. Who regale stupidity and ignorance as part of their culture. No common sense, no complex thought. Just fight, run, fuck, and kill.
If you can legitimately relate to that, you are the one who is mentally damaged.
You are misreading the situation
Everyone is upset because they are making a sequel that looks worse than the first game.
Enjoy working to perform LE GR34T35T H4CK IN H1570RY!!!1ONE
im white
im not allowed to relate to a nigger
>nu male is a "forced meme"
yeah it is, by all the coddled emasculated faggots that have infested the west
hopefully there'll be a numale genocide when trump gets in
Because they have "learned from their mistakes"™.
Ubisoft is shit at creating large scale new IPs in the last decade, that is why they need to suck any and all blood out of the existing ones, especially now that they are on the brink of being swallowed by Vivendi.
Well, first, it's actually ironic that they decided to make black protagonist in a game about outlaws, that supports stereotype that blacks are more likely to commit crime.
Second, Battlefield 1, Madia 3.
>biggest hack of the history
>all those bad lulsec analogies in the first one
>'why do you hate black people?'
i'm not going to play your shitty sequel and the muh diversity shit you're pushing isn't helping.
i can handle a black protagonist,
>2016 thinking Sup Forums is one person
don't lump us together as one person.
Yeah, only that's not the definition of nigger you sperg.
Why are you racebaiting on Sup Forums?
Everyone knows that niggers are subhuman here
You'd have better luck on reddit
I'm offended Watch Dogs is shit.
Read Target Demographic, Marketing, Customer Satisfaction page 194-198
See me after class
I hope you realize OP is just a mareter that's spinning the "you hate it because racism" narrative to distract form the shit game, just like the new ghostbusters was "OH YOU HATE IT YOU HATE WEMEN"
I don't really give a shit about the definition. Plenty of black people have properly assimilated into society. They're not mostly niggers anymore.
But niggers should have always remained slaves.
They're just pandering to the average American, if anything they'd be more offended if it was a white character.
If I attempt to relate to niggs or cholos, fellow white people will call me out for being insensitive.
So yeah we're pretty much not allowed to relate to them, even if they're okay with it.
>hiding behind race
ubisoft confirmed racists
same goes for the Mafia 3 devs
wow u r so tough and manly wow
not a faggot at all
I just dont know why they bothered to make it a modern world game, fuck me just set it in the shadowrun universe and make the main character a decker, 5E cyberdecks are fucking tablets and the matrix is almost entirely wireless.
I wonder who's behind this post
I'm black and I'm offended that they did it solely for those diversity points. I don't like my race being treated like a token character. I'm all for black people in games but do it where it fits the narrative not to appease those disgusting liberals
At least he's not dyeing his hair pink and pretend that feminazis are totally ok
He's still a faggot for falling for the polarizing politics meme but he's better than those socially conditioned numales
>race is just skin color gaiz!
That aside, I honestly don't give half a shit about the game or anything ubisoft makes.
I thought Watch Dogs had potential but was a bit shit generally because it's potential was hidden under so much ordinary shit
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea of controlling the environment whilst driving and shooting with your phone was pretty innovative and fun a lot of the time. However, there was so much of the usual AAA cutscene faggotry, QTEs (including final boss fight), and glitches, that it kind of ruined from what could have been great
They're garbage because they're milking their game series to death and rehash it all the time, release them with bugs. Also Uplay is a huge turn off for me. The only Ubi games I ever played was Beyond Good & Evil and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, because they don't require Uplay. Watched Watch Dogs gameplay videos and it looks mediocre, it makes me not to play it.
You're not black, faggot.
Dumbass Uncle Tom
Not even him but just because you're not a retard who can only see in black and white doesn't mean you're a fence sitter
So because I don't wallow in self pity and demand free hand outs I'm an uncle tom?
Watch Dogs made a great stalking simulator. My friend got it and when I went over to check it out we spent too much time just following people we decided that we hated until murdering them and switching to a new target.
Everything else sucked.
Ass greed and watchdoge are both basically they're the same game, literally Ubisoft: the game
the males who actually dye their hair and behave like that are such an incredibly insignificantly small minority
therefor by mentioning them you are holding the bar very low to give you the feeling of "I'M MANLY AND TOUGH AND THEY RUIN OU' SOCIETY"
Ok, that doesn't even make sense.
>Playing western garbage
You have to be 18 to post here
Real talk: black characters in video games are not as fun to play as other races of characters. The fun of video games is rooted in fantasy and no one outside of the black community fantasizes about being an afrocentric hero.
This is the reason there are so few black protagonists. Not because of racism, but because their aesthetic is not appealing. Fun and progressivism do not go hand in hand.