Gamer Fuel thread?

Gamer Fuel thread?

Fuel up in the Gamer Fuel thread by posting pictures of your favorite Gamer Fuel.

Pic related, a cheeseburger I made an hour ago.

holy fuck that is a good looking burger, what type of bun is that? and how did you get the cheese so gooey?

why would you wait an hour to eat a cheeseburger? your bun is gonna be soggy af

Nothing like some good old stargazer pie

Your burger lookd good user. What did you put in it ?


>havent eaten all day
>flatmate has friends over
>can't go into the kitchen to make food because the lounge is next to it and people will probably come in and try talk/criticize what i'm eating/etc
>dont know when theyre going to leave

FUCK im so hungry

>Eurocucks will get triggered by this

80/20 is king.

90/10 fags can't appreciate a good juicy meat patty

Somebody post Gordon Ramsay and the pizza already.


There's a place pretty close to me that does the most delicious Hawaiian food. Got this the other day, house specialty.


fuck yes

go eat

if anyone tries to stop you, eat them

We have sponges in Europe as well though


Just whipped this up a few minutes ago, OP. Now I'm ready to enjoy some ranked splatoon.

Lol get an own apartment faggot

hurry up and post all the jack food so this thread can die already.

nothing triggering there

tell us how it tastes

muh nigga
sleeping is for the weak


>frozen food

>Ruining a perfectly good Pebble dog with pleb tier fruity.

Cocoa or bust, fag.



I know pizza roll are a meme, but fuck em I actually think they are pretty good

Nothing like some good old canned chicken.

I'm not even gonna lie, I think I'd scarf that down.

Can't wait to chow down!

>a whole glass
Jesus christ you fucking glutton

What do you guys fuel exactly? The fat going to your heart while you sit all day just moving your fingers?

I like to drink a nice, fresh glass of 'go 'za before gaming

That looks horrid

>Not logs

Fuck off you broke bitch.

Pizza pockets are bottom of the barrel garbage.


Do you guys live in a war zone you're forced to eat stuff like this? I hope you surive guys.

XD let's make fun of poor children


That actually looks kinda okay

Good ol' coffee with a little bit of milk added.
Such a comfy gamer fuel.

>making ants on a log
god tier snack

>glasses water
No thanks

Im an american, whats the green stuff?

The more water you drink the less food you can eat

It's like a weird version of anorexia. Water is how I avoid cravings, if my piss isn't clear I'm not trying hard enough.

Greatest fuel

I'm an american too, what the fuck
It's celery

I thought this was real at first.

Its crazy how good fake foods look nowadays. Sometimes they even look better than the real thing

This, but I drink black

Just came back from the kitchen and ready for some comfy gaming with my favorite classic American snack growing up. If your mom never made this for you then you have no childhood.

Are you talking about coffee or dick?

I don't want to have a childhood if it means eating Hydra's own children.


when i moved out of the uk to the us, this is the thing i miss the most. that and wotsis. american snacks don't compare.



I guess I'm the polar opposite of you then, because I can't stand black coffee or black men.

>Eating food

fucking fat fucks

desu I'd buy this in a heartbeat if I saw it in my grocer.

why don't they sell those in my backwater euro shithole


>piece of chocolate and a little crappy toy

shit is overrated

Xanax and Wild Turkey.

I nice tall buttered glass of coca-cola.

this is amazing


Best part is, it'll stay hot for thousands of years!

I thought you were meming me, I don't really mind them as long as they aren't full blown niggers.

>that filename

Oh Boy! Looks like it would melt in my mouth!

I can't stand it

Their hair, their lips, their noses, their anything. So ugly.

Not to mention muh dick bbc memeing