This game will be Hardline 2.0
This game will be Hardline 2.0
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>This game will be Hardline 2.0
i like it
reddit welcome
>defending dice/ea
this site is 18+
oh yes, the nigger bashing, always a delight.
protip: calling someone a redditor doesn't actually camouflage you if you make a reddit-tier post
How is whitey still mad about the God Gene? They're not over it so it's just "nigger nigger nigger" with these kids. God damn
>not cottonfield 1
Try and be more subtle
you should be mad about the slave gene darkie
Yeah, that's real subtle buddy
Man, Social Injustice Warriors are so triggered by this game.
Shut up you cuck redditors, the game will be great you're just upset because the game doesn't pander to your whitey ass anymore, face it you're no longer relevant and the world has taken centre to the TRULY IMPORTANT races.
>Hardline was bad
I enjoyed it. Why did everyone hate it so much?
>This game will be Battlefront 2.0
> WW1
> No french and russian Army
> Nigger on jacket
> during WW1 US soldiers didn't want to fight with nigger, so, US nigger soliders have fight germans soldiers with french army
ok now put a spear attached to his back and chains on his wrists
>white boi is mad
>they losing grip on entertainment industry
face it it's over
i wanna se you tryna embrace diversity
>people get upset that there's niggers in the game
I get it but...
>not getting upset that most players are running around with machine guns
>of the gameplay we see very little actual trench ware fare and more casual paths that sort of function like trenches
>no sense of no man's land
Ww1 had yet to have games because people weren't ready for the slower nature and more FUCKING DEAD AND NO YOU DIDN'T SEE WHO SHOT YOU that was ww1.
Hell even red orchestra 2 hits this pretty well despite being a different world war.
It's going to be garbage because it's battlefield
Focus groups probably wanted machine guns all over the place.
Single shot rifles will likely come with a default scope.
Barbed wire will be at a minimum, or only act as borders for the map. Elsewhere it serves as aesthetic role.
You will be able to jump in and out of biplanes without so much a stall or delay in engine power.
Weapon jams will be non-existent.
Eventual updates will nerf the poison gas, allowing you to run through them with minimal damage
>the pitiful 12% of Africans in USA are getting latinized or bleached with each passing year that the majority of those 12% are now 1/6th "black" (honorable blacks to keep the percentage relevant)
>Chinese are taking over Africa for the resources and slave labor
>the Muslims overflowing and making strides in the world all consider blacks as nothing more than slave labor and jump into an honor killing rage if they ever find out a jigaboo messed with their family members and family genetics
>meanwhile jigaboos have more reason to fear each other than white police officers since the biggest amount of dead jigaboos comes at the hand of other jigaboos
>even the biggest percentage of YouTube warfare between channels with all those DMCA requests and defamation flying, comes from jigaboos waging war against each others on YT
Yeah, "important". Yah.
mad whitey cuck detected
Nah, just a Slav selling you AK's so you can exterminate each other faster.
someone triggered black boi here.
>not Cottonfield 1
Everyone's been fucking over Africa. Now, tell that faggot in the webm about Britain ruling Hong Kong for 150+ years and see if he won't be ready to slap someone.
I don't even care about the niggers in it, the game itself is shit.
I was in the closed alpha, and it was just boring.
It was the same shit as BF4 without all the fancy gimmicks of FLIRs and that shit. You can put on magically made up shitty sights. Your rifle is 100% accurate when spraying. Sniper rifles will kill in 1 shot no matter location, and since the map sizes are RIDICULOUSLY small, most of the time you will be one shotted. At least in Hardcore mode.
Semi. Automatic. Rifles. Hated DMR's in BF4? They're here, and more annoying than ever. What is Recoil? Apparently they don't have that in BF1! I tested it out, I could spray the magazine from at least 20 yards, dead on with each shot with no deviation.
The game is going to be shit. Niggers excluded, which already made it shit. They're just making it a massive pile of shit.
Why would expect bolt action rifles in a console game?
Whats fun about dying in a mass charge to an artillery shell without firing a single shot?
The only thing that I can think of is the cheesy as fuck cops and robbers theme. The game in it self isn't that bad actually
>he's holding the gun sideways
kek that was a nice touch
Everyone's been fucking over the Middle East, yet it produced economically relevant, sovereign, and technologically advanced nations.
Everyone's been fucking over China, yet it decided to get its shit together and is now one of the leading superpowers in the world with cultural and economic impact such that if China ever starts failing it will take USA with it and the rest.
Everyone's been fucking with Slavs, yet they then went and created revolution after revolution fucking everything in their path to such a degree that the influence of their ideological and political creations have left no corner unturned on this planet.
Japan has been fucking nuked, yet see it still standing and having technological importance of quite a significant level in the world. Oh, have i forgotten to add that Japan doesn't have even 1/1000th of resources that an average nigger nation does?
Everyone's been fucking with Sub-Saharan jigaboo Africa, yet jigaboos haven't produced shit, haven't created a single relevant nation, and are still busy genociding each others, fucking babies of rival tribas and eating the hearts of enemies to "devour their spirits to become stronger".
Get the fuck out. Even the Middle East lacks forestation, river banks, seriously lacks WATER, and has half the resources in terms of oil and diamonds that sub-Saharan Africa does, and still manages to be relevant and develop.
Every race on this planet managed to develop and advance under worse conditions than sub-Saharan Africans, yet niggers are the only failing race on this planet.
You are better off being exterminated by the Chinese. At leas the resources will see some proper use in their hands.
>Social Injustice Warriors
nice term you invented there, fatass
Didnt most of the deaths in ww1 come form artillery?
He said already about colonization of China.
Colonization is a chance for primitive culture to learn from superiors.
Hong Kong wants back to Britain btw.
It was a mod for BF4.
Released as a full game, for a full price, with a full priced season pass.
Go figure.
I have it too, I like it, but I can understand why people never bought it.
When did your owner let you use his computer?
Give it back, trash.
Why the fuck the recoil is so shit?
Why the fuck people carry not-WW2 guns in WW1?
Fucking lol
Sorry Sup Forumseddit, but nobody truly cares about what you think, normies eat this shit up.
You have absolutely no say in what happens in this industry, and I thank god every day for that.
Because it's a modern shooter.
Really doubt Sup Forums would be so nitpicky if there weren't niggers since this looks like the same game they've been releasing since BF3.
Except with less stuff and completely missing the point of the setting.
>Why the fuck people carry not-WW2 guns in WW1?
What did he mean by this?
Settings are pointless.
Call of Duty and Battlefield use them to give some ''innovation'' each entry by changing settings.
You are never going to see a modern Triple A shooter being any short of faithful to a setting if it's older than WWI, even less now that people are so used to jetpacks and wallrunning.
>less stuff
>Why the fuck people carry not-WW2 guns in WW1?
What did he mean by this?
> Nvm solved
We will never know.
To all of you faggots shitting about the experimental weapons and those that weren't used in large numbers in BF1: Get the fuck over it.
Every battlefield game since BF2 or BF3 has had tons of weapons that were never issued to the U.S/Chinese/Russian militaries and tons of weapons that were only experimental too
The only real problems with the game aside from inaccuracies in weaponry/equipment which have been present in all BF games is the fact that there are fucking niggers everywhere in the game.