>Japan can't into technology

End this meme NOW.

Other urls found in this thread:


Was that fucking Ultros?

Yes, bottom left of this picture as well.

nice pic

Nice cgi movie too bad the game attached to it sucks.

> can't implement DirectInput
> can't implement a proper encrypted connection in fucking 2016
> can't make an ingame shop
> can't implement GGPO because of english documentation so they make their own shitty shitty one

But yeah, keep thinking Japan is any good with computers

Blame shitcom, the best of japan shows here.

Clearly they did well on SF4 and butchered SF5 as a cash in.

Square have always been the undisputed gods of video game visuals.

>>Japan can't into technology

Said no one ever.

I'd love to know what drugs their environment and creature designers are on, though. For all the flaws FF13 had it looked absolutely gorgeous and there was seriously crazy inspired tech at work.

They really can't. They still use FAX machines.
They're good at robotics, but anything other than that fries their yellow brains.

to be fair ivalice team was always amazing and they really nailed with simpler models, but detailed texture work.

Most businesses around the world still use fax you dolt.

Have you not seen the Western vs Eastern in terms of graphics picture. I never saved it but..

Most of the world is a shithole. Developed countries use email.

Yep artstyle and designs in XIII were killer, so were the graphics, and the music, and the gameplay a bit later.

Sony's first console was genuinely more than two decades behind on computer rendering techniques

Average Japan can't.
Tech Japan can but the amount of skilled techies is low.

I see you have no fucking idea about the medical and psychiatric field.

>cg movie

>Not tech

>Spend years learning how to use white man technology
>only just starting to figure it out despite all the documentation
>they can create whatever they want
>only create stuff about white people
>aside from some visuals, it's all terrible

Friendly reminder that cinematic bullshit originated from Japan

>prerendered cutscenes

Maximum kek.

>Japanese game
>has white people

So we're just gonna ignore the blatant western influence in this trailer?

Name me one hospital that uses FAX is anglo countries.
I've literally never seen a FAX machine in any clinic, pharmacy or hospitals in 19 years.

most japanese games have white people

Most Japanese and Western developers are equally bad with technology.
Slavs are the best with technology. [/spoilers]

>prerendered movies

enjoy your 35gb of movie files 10gb of actual game

Meanwhile on warcraft

Why do people bother making/watching CGI trailers for videogames?

It's actually a full length movie.

Everyone just got BTFO'd and moved on to another topic.

Many studios and series died because Japan couldn't do HD games.

>That low framerate on the octopus monster.

Jesus Christ. 14 whole seconds of CGI movie and they still manage to fuck at least one thing up.

kill me

My question still stands

it has worked for final fantasy games since ps1, play the part of the game that looks like shit, and your reward is a watching a movie that makes you wish the game looked anything remotely like it.

Do you know what TECHNOLOGY is, in the context of vidya, OP?

It's novel stuff that developers really didn't have to add, but took the time to do so. A good example is from Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, in which containers with liquid in them empty when you shoot a hole in them, and not only that, they only empty to the level of the hole. That's completely irrelevant to the actual game, but the fact that it is there is impressive.

Thus, TECHNOLOGY. CGI is not that.

wow a bunch of weeb fightan magic, really impressive

is that Ben Affleck?

Good thing the movie is on its own separate blu-ray, now If i want to watch the movie for glorious CGI I can.
Then go back to the game and play, with out interruption as I get immersed.

Also thats the problem, FFXIII was 19 GB actual game and 31 GB CGI

In this case FFXV is probably 50 gigs plus of data, plus the upcoming dlcs and install size. Episode duscae was literally 5% of 5% and was 8 gigs.

America was doing this shit since the 80s.

Thanks for joining the party 30 years later I guess.

well since white people can longer have white people in their media, someone's gotta do it

right because physical tangible evidence of client and patient work are of no value compared to digital shit that can be corrupted

get the fuck out of here you fuck

>weebs being insufferable
Water is also wet, the night is dark and grass is green, OP is a fag and japanese games a shit

Japan can into technology. Japan can't into a good story.

But Blizzard always do this.

So I guess SE and Blizzard??

Like this?

>client paperwork

I get schedule changes faxed to me at the school I work at in Japan. They just fax things a lot. It's super annoying.

I'm pretty sure the education system gets the worst of it, though. Just last year we got all of our work computers updated to Windows Vista.


Or like this

And this

and that

>5 fps

Nice game

But I don't see TECHNOLOGY in OP's post,just technology. Are you retarded?

>just explodes into some pre-baked parts
I'm glad I got to bring up Crysis (2007) yet again.


Im pretty sure without a 3k-4k $ computer no one here is playing this game smoothly 1080 60fps everything maxed out anytime soon. The agnis philosiphy demo was them saying, we wish we could but tech can't keep up.

All I care about is this being applied to me sticking my dick in Cindy.

horribly executed technology

Almost like this?


No. Play the 13 years old Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It's a common thing nowadays.

Nothing TECHNOLOGY there.

What? You can do that in most tpp games. Including all ACs.

what a slut
I bet you have to wear a condom

Yes exactly.

>He thinks its pre-baked
>didn't play the playroom section with the blocks that had displayed destruction physics that isn't pre-scripted in anyway.

>Shows a degree of creativity
>must be on drugs

I hate this shit

Then how about this muscle tensing detail.

Why is he so spooky?

I heard he may not be comedic in this one, people say alot more scary/deathly

Or even when the behemoth properly levels itself.

Then they apply this to the other 300+ enemies in the game.

>being this autistic

They again put the giant cows into FF?
WTF are they thinking? That fighting legs is entertaining?

>prerendered movie

He's right though.

post more.

Doesn't look very good in that webm, but it's probably old. And that's still better than nothing.

That's nice.

You were wrong and you got called out on it. Stay mad.


>in the future

Come now.

almost as impressive as the ice bucket in mgs

Nippon is the land of Windows XP and fax machines, it's a technological wasteland and they have no gaming PC culture which means they will be decades behind everyone else in tech from basic operating knowledge to general programming.

>decades behind everyone else
yet you never see stuff like this in japanese games

No, they already no the console market makes more money you dimwit, PC market is every devs bitch these days getting the second hand treatment with ports and literally no mention worthy PC exclusives that actually impress technically.

I see plenty of bugs in Jap games user.


show me one

>not recognizing the pirates of the caribbean reference


I don't have any webm's handy, but Dark Souls is fucking chock full of stuff like that.


like what

>my one webm

I can't believe some stupid assfuck would try to argue that jap games don't have bugs.

This youtube.com/watch?v=0_QRaabyKeM is a soft lock, the webm you posted he can keep playing.


Player character falling through level geometry into a bottomless pit. NPC's and other players glitching through walls. Standard stuff really.

I miss ultrosposting.

>one webm
i have more


omg we are dealing with an autistic manchild.

>fuck this game, I'm out of here

Broken hitboxes up the ass for one in DS2, there were gifs and webms of people falling through the ground during backstab animations in 1, 1 also had a glitch involving the binoculars and broken running speeds.