Is WoW great again?

Is WoW great again?

How is the pre patch Sup Forums?

mfw fire mage is god tier again

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw never played wow
>mfw the thousands of dollars saved

I like everything so far except the enhancement shaman rotation. I hate rotations that have to maintain short duration buffs. The whole spec is like juggling 3 or 4 buffs depending on talents.

They say enhancement is one of the most fun specs of the prepatch along with Shadow Priest.

Don't pretend you've invested that money into anything worthwhile

I disagree. Matter of personal preference however. The spec is fine I just hate the rotation.

What about when the legion drops with 110 weapons and shiet?

Every tank class sucks now.

shit's even better because you get Doom Winds, an ability that increases your windfury procs and thus Stormbringer procs by a huge amount

>not putting all of your money into limited edition t-shirts

>not wanting to hot glue mirana while her cat watches

>not wanting to pound your irl waifu like the wind while she's cosplaying as windranger

>Join during end BC/start WotLK
>Quit during Cataclysm
>Come back for Legion
>Literally everything is better and fun again

Remind me again why people hate this game? I guarantee that any argument somebody makes I can counter it with stone cold facts.

B-but ability pruning...


I haven't played WoW in nearly 8 years. I've been considering coming back because I need a good time waster.

Assuming I start from level 1 with no heirlooms and only intend to run each dungeon once for quests, how many hours will it take to hit 100? (not 110) How many zones will I miss out on because the quests would already be too low level for me?

On a related note, I heard from a podcast I listen to that Blizzard plans to tweak the levelling experience so people don't out level entire zones before even entering them. Is that true? What more have they said about it?

>Joined WoW starting its decline

Top kek. Fuck off fag, you have no idea what made the game good.

Here's your cold hard facts:

Because you are one in a million posters who say "ITS GOTTEN BETTER I SWEAR" when cataclysm/MoP/WoD came out.

They say "LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE DONE" and yet nothing has changed.

You can fool people once or twice, but after that it's bullshit.

No matter what people like you said, even if it was endorsed by god himself, would make people want to play.

You are one in a million.

I hate what they did to monks.
Wont be playing Legion.

please don't toy with my heart. is fire mage really that good now? what changed and where can i read about it?

This expansion kills the Warcraft.

For good.

There is zero hype. Nothing looks promising. Lots of content just...taken away because why the fuck not, we can?

general in-game mood = cancerous summertime of old players leaving and little kids telling them to gtfo

SO much fucking Ayyyyy lmaaaaaaaao so little time.

Idk I'm just fishing all day to get the water walking mount

>wearing print tees

blanks are the only way to wear tees, I laugh at nerds who have prints on their tees

>SO much fucking Ayyyyy lmaaaaaaaao so little time.

I want summerfags to leave already.

because all their friends quit and they feel it's the games fault for losing them.


This fuck doesn't even know what it was to have a great game full of exploration and wonder. Back before flying mounts, back before they remodeled the two great continents. Being able to clip through walls to find secret places or scrapped ideas. Being able to try time and time again to scale that mountain. Getting behind IF banks to see the beta IF map.

All of that is gone.

Being able to do storylines that actually meant something other than "HEY TEMPEST KEEP WAS MERELY A SETBACK" and be revived fifty times over like Onyxia.

40 man raids that would last forever but you would be able to feel apart of a community whether you liked it or not.

All of that is gone.

>cancerous summertime of old players leaving and little kids telling them to gtfo
nailed it
>tfw playing with people who were not even born when the game came out

>I want summerfags to leave already.

stopped reading there.

>joined WoW starting its decline
>end of BC

You just say things that please you, despite their inaccuracy I see.


Not like there was anything posted after that line you retard. :^)

>peak subscriber counts was in BC/WotLK
>they no longer release reports because the subscriber count is so low

Numbers = facts

i dont regret getting back into it at all

>you retard. :^)

stopped reading there.

Things that killed WoW:
- flying mounts
- cross-server
- class homogenisation
- LFR and splitting raids into 4 difficulties in general

BC/wotlk was a period of over 4 years dumbass

>stopped reading there

stopped reading there


Because you think you're having fun but you don't.


>mfw playing fire mage with class trinket

Bump for this

The biggest issue was Blizzard's becoming way, WAY overzealous on the idea of "Some players aren't completing the raids. We need to fix that!"


What was your point?

Ability pruning happened in WoD and it was terrible.

Legion doesn't have ability pruning. Most abilities were simply restricted to one specialization, making them more distinct. The class as a whole still has these "removed abilities".

Almost all specializations make a lot more sense now and their gameplay is actually fun for a change.

Also previously many specializations had crucial abilities that unlocked at level 70+, or even 80+. Now you get pretty much all the key abilities before level 30.

In terms of classes the game is a lot better now, however it's pretty still pretty shit overall.

Holy pally is quite neat with the focus on the sacrifice mechanic. Overall animations looks good. I enjoy it

>Ability pruning
Streamlined the purpose of classes. Means hamfisted casuals (see: 90% of the playerbase) arent complete arse during raids.

Tell me what made it good. I joined and stayed for the glory days. It's better now.

>having friends

That doesnt even make sense though. Are you telling me what I can and cant have fun doing?

I don't understand how so many people were hyped for WoD, which looked like garbage, but no one cares about Legion, which looks somewhat interesting. Is Metzen right? Do people really only care about orcs?

thank you. i shall continue with my human paladin

Nobody really expects anything good from WoW anymore, the last hope died with WoD.

Because you think you're having fun but you obviously arent having fun you fucking idiot!! Fucking asshole why aren't you joining the hivemind with us.

stop this please. you guys are more alike then different. I hate seeing you guys fight like this every thread.
now hug.

>I want my bugs and glitches back
Holy fucking shit dude just stop

>Exploration and emphasis on massive world
Just dont use flying mounts. Or pretend to be retarded and spend hours jumping an impossible to climb mountain.

Nothing has changed since those days other than making it more streamlined and casual friendly. It's entirely possible to mimic the 'glory days' through intentional hinderance. Believe it or not, though, most people nowadays have better things to do than spend hours exploring empty shit. By all means though, do so if you have the time and patience.

>LFR and splitting raids into 4 difficulties in general

This particularly. Also, leveling has become piss easy, it's not even fun anymore.

>LFR and splitting raids into 4 difficulties in general

I'm not as sure that these are as bad as everyone believes them to be.

If there was content that LFR didn't let you play then maybe it wouldn't have gotten on everyones tit, but the idea works for people who have no choice but to play casually.

I agree with everything else you said, more or less.

>Resto Druids are once again the best healers for the 4th expansion in a row.

Wait until they announce the invasion events. There's no actual new content right now and managing the new skills, wardrobe and cleaning out the banks of 15 characters didn't even take two days.

You are agreeing with me, but I feel like this was meant as a rebuttal.

Of all the healers I liked holy paladins the most though. You're a full healer, but can actually do some nice damage. I'm kind of a sucker for those kinds of hybrid playstyles.
Incidentally, the new Disc priest sucks ass.

>I want the game to be watered down mess with no uniqueness between classes

-You, probably.

Talents were destroyed, there were hardly any "bugs and glitches" that made the game terrible to play, and the fact of the matter is that they made a lot of things more acceptabler for casual players (much like yourself) to achieve the greatest feats.

I mean, if you're actually defending that the first few expansions were bad, then you must be a casual shitter.

>Frost DK is trash tier for the 4th expansion in row

Shadow priest is great.
I love the threat that if you fuck up your rotation you die.

Fine, leave LFR for extreme casuals who just want to see the content and get a purple pixel once in awhile. Leave flex-Normal for the people who want to raid with their group of friends.
And ofcourse Hardmode 20 for the tryhards.
But FOUR difficulties?

LFR and normal are almost the same thing, except in normal you can die if your healer fucks up

Heroic would be the new "normal" where mechanics actually matter

Mythic is the hardcore setting

Both frost and unholy are hot shit right now.

is unholy any good? i used to play deathknight

Ability pruning making classes bland
>now casuals aren't shit
First of all if you're playing with casuals in a raid your opinion doesn't matter and you should kill yourself.
then theres
>pvp gear normalized
>world pvp is dead STILL
>questing is boring
>LFR and LFG making the entire friend finding process of a fucking MMORPG gone
>automuting people based on reports
>garrisons still in the game
>lore has gone batshit crazy
>heirlooms making leveling trivial

i have never tanked in the newer expansions
how hard is the new tanking thing now?

my only experience for tanking is the maruader in ff14 and prot warrior when nostralrius and all i did was spam sunder, revenge, and shield block

im looking at blood DK because i have a 100 DK sitting right now


I work alot and I feel I can finally play on weekends again since it's so basic compared to what it used to be. Fury warrior feels pretty fun.

Unholy is. Frost is trash.

Unholy kept pretty much all the utility for pvp and actually has higher single target dps than frost.

Also unholy now has really good AoE, and Howling Blast was nerfed for the 100th time and is now a joke. Granted they have frost a new AoE ability.

It's OP as fuck.

Literal game for babies
Pruning abilities for consoles
Braindead game, top DPS rotations can be performed while blindfolded
Justify paying a monthly subscription fee for nothing but the privilege of logging on to your already existing character in a game you paid for and then paying for the expansion on top of that separately

Ret animations look good; everything else relating to the spec is rancid dogshit.

Enh is drastically different than before. Now it's literally keeping 3 20s buffs up while mashing out stormstrike and boulderfist

>nostalgia-fags building the image of a perfect, pure Vanilla WoW in their minds
>ignoring that they were much younger, with fewer problems/responsibilities in their lifes and more time to waste
>ignoring the massive balancing issues, broken class mechanics, grindy gear progression, lack of content
>ignoring that many of the people they knew back then simply quit, while they failed to connect to new players, making them feel like "the community is gone"
>"back in my day..."

If Blizzard thought for even a moment that Classic servers might pay off, do you think they wouldn't be working on them already?
The majority of people playing on Vanilla private servers do so because it's free.
The massive amount of work required to fix classic WoW and make it run with the current infrastructure would pretty much cost the >90% who don't care about it an entire expansion.

I purchased a new account and have been leveling it all weekend.

My monk is now 16 after about 3 hours of /played.

Loving it so far, but I'm still getting used to the new talent system.

I rolled alliance on illidan and people are telling me the server is ~90% horde. Is there any truth to this? If so, should I transfer out? What would this disparity prevent me from doing?

I made a warlock and it was horrible.

The druid is also retarded, cat form from 1 without any abilities for the regular druid, bear form at 10 with only autohits? who was the mastermind behind that decision.

>What would this disparity prevent me from doing?
maybe world pvp

Yeah, Illidan is pretty much 100% horde.


You just need to have the initiative and the oversight to manage pulls. Know where patrols are and know how to push your buttons.

Tanking means taking responsibility and dictating the tempo of the group. Nothing hamstrings a dungeon run more than a stupid tank, so most casuals only play dps.

You just have to be able to do your damage rotation/priority, keep up a few buffs etc. Over time you learn to anticipate damage and use your skills accordingly.

I'm thinking of buying it to play for a month or two. Early on the expansions are always fun.

How are Warriors doing right now? Because that's my only lvl 100 char and I can't be arsed to level another.

Really? I think ret is more fun now than ever. It's basically just using the same few skills, but fuck. It's better than the old days of SEAL JUDGE SEAL STRIKE JUDGE SEAL and it sure beats the days of Inquisition management basically made you a glorified combat rogue.

You're essentially a dps with a couple of damage reduction mechanics. 90% of tanking consist of knowing what the enemies do. The base knowledge required is high, but after that it's piss easy.

It's time for WoW 2

I'd play that shit, I mean they couldn't fuck it up from a clean slate, right?

Surely they've learned from mistakes and know what works, right?

I find prot awkward to use and boring to play, but they're currently pretty strong.
Arms plays like shit and fury is mostly 'okay'.

I pity the child that has not dropped this game yet.
You have serious attachment issue.

You get a free lvl 100 boost after buying legion.

Never going to happen. They'd be competing with themselves.
What we have right now is essentially WoW 2.0, or even 3.0 etc.

The game has massively changed since Vanilla and anything they'd make today would be a reflection of current WoW design paradigms.
Look at all the recent MMOs who tried to copy WoW.

Warrior always was and always will be the most OP class when geared.

its investment issues
not really attachment issues at this point

people who got butthurt about nost/vanilla are the ones who have the attachment issues

>go into thread for a game you don't like
>say how much you don't like it and how stupid everyone is who doesn't hate it as much as you do
>hit update, desperately hoping someone will respond and temporarily alleviate the boredom in your life
Here (you) go, buddy.

Did you not PvP at all in WoD? Are you going to seriously pretend that frost wasn't OP as fuck? Walking Dead steamrolled everything through 2k.

Well, there was a time my old guild tried to collectively switch to other games (GW2, Wildstar, ToRtanic), but it never worked.

How are Druids in the pre patch? Is Feral and Balance really that shit?

At least I talk about the game
Your post is a waste on my eyes

well, good luck trying to catch up to an arcane mage, or a mage even

>tfw playing Brewmaster Monk
I think im staying alive well. But damn, i have no idea if im doing good or not

so its mostly knowledge on the dungeon or raid then

i can handle the responsibility and the pressure
but learning and studying about the dungeon feels like a chore

Legion will give you a free 100 boost and Demon Hunter starts at level 98 :)

Everything is balanced towards having your artifact weapon. We won't really see what the spec synergy or performance will show until we have the weapon talents. Have you played the beta at all?

Legit question, not being condescending. Sad that I have to say that

God tier for progression
Pretty shit for farm
In terms of raids that is