Which should I get first, Devil Survivor 1 or 2?

Which should I get first, Devil Survivor 1 or 2?



1. 2 is bad. Well maybe not bad per se but it's boring as hell and lacks everything that made 1 good.

If you have a 3DS get Overclocked, which is 1 with some balance changes and some bonus content.

Avoid 2 at all costs. It's fucking horrendous.

Get Overclocked, then if you want a more of the same with worse plot you can buy 2

1 has the better story
2 has better gameplay
Although it's not extremely different per se, 2 just has more satisfying gameplay.

Demon lord or bust

The 3DS version of 1
Then maybe the 3ds version 2

Play 1, its a good game
If you liked 1 you can also play 2 because it is also a good game

1 is better. Make sure to get the Overclocked version though. It has a lot of added content as well as improved balance (ie it makes physical characters not shit) which puts it on-par with 2 gameplay wise.

2 is worse than 1, but it's not terrible by any means. It's definitely worth playing if you really liked 1. Again, get the fully updated version (Record Breaker) for the most complete experience.

1 it is. Thanks m8s


The only acceptable team

never heard of this game, artstyle looks like trash. does the gameplay make up for it?

Don't mind me, just posting best girl.

Not if you're playing Overclocked with voices on or without an undub.

>artstyle looks like trash

Don't you dare to insult Master Yasuda's work

>that dub


JUST so you know, DeSu1 and 2 both have 3DS 'upgrades, so you might wanna get the 3DS versions instead (Devil Survivor Overclocked and Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker)

that said, I don't remember if you can turn off the character voices on both games (though the only one I couldn't stand was Midori's)

they're both good games, but I dislike le invincible boss for le sake of le plot, instead of just making them really strong and if you lose it's fine, that way they could branch out if you defeated the ones you're not supposed to defeat, it'd be cooler in my opinion

also, posting Gravity Defying Tits.

>Using dubs for Atlus games ever

OP, as soon as you can fuse Thor go after some monsters with outstanding STR that can be fused into Thor, and then do it. That motherfucker lasted me for like 80% of the game.

I've played it long before 3DS was hacked.
It doesn't count as dub if you mute it, right, right?

>1 agility
He's good early when he can actually deal that damage. Then he turns into a low payoff gamble.


I thought 2 had a better gameplay but 1 has a better story

that's what I coul find on google, I'm sorry

Tell that to the monsters he 1 shotted in late game (I think mine had like 24 str)

I gave up on 1 after I got to the boss fight on day 5 or 6 where Goatee just repeatedly bashed his head against the boss until he got himself killed. All the goddamn escort bullshit in the first game with the retarded AI makes it a maddeningly frustrating chore to play through.

can't you just let him die?

No, it's a game over, like in most escort missions when the retarded AI get themselves killed.

Break Record
