I never thought I'd say this but... Sup Forums I need your opinion.
While aiming with a mouse, is it better to only move your wrist (with a "high" sensitivity) or use your forearm (with a "low" sensitivity).
I never thought I'd say this but... Sup Forums I need your opinion.
While aiming with a mouse, is it better to only move your wrist (with a "high" sensitivity) or use your forearm (with a "low" sensitivity).
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Whichever you're more comfortable with.
the real "pros" play with their whole forearm as far as i know.
Forearm, using high sensitivity is a meme for console players. You get 200% more precision using low sensitivity
for FPS, low sens/forearm movement
everything else doesn't matter
desk under your bellybutton = forearm
desk above your belly button = wrist
you're retarded if you use your wrist if playing an fps competitively
to me aiming is like breathing, you do it subconsciously and when you pay attention to it, you don't remember how you were doing it, since you weren't paying attention
I use my wrist, I don't understand how people can use their entire arm to move a mouse, feels awkward to me
Mouse movement changes degrees in some fashion (such as ego shooters) = low sense, arm.
Mouse movement is analog to cursor movement (strategy games etc.) = wrist, sense so that you can go from the left side to the right side without lifting.
Korean BW/SC2/LoL players play with the wrist for example. Almost every pro in any ego shooter plays with low sense.
low sensitivity if you are actually good.
high sensitivity if you are a child who thinks they are good
I use my wrist, but horizontal movements are difficult. Moving my wrist left and right produces the pattern in pic related.
Its like, whatever your comfortable with man.
confirmed fr4gged by a quake god who turned completely around to headshot you on the other side of the map in in .1 seconds
So forearm aiming makes you more accurate?
>I play on 1 sensitivity
get the fuck out of here you scrub.
High sens gets you so many hack accusations
>play chacter with close range instashot like shotgun or sniper
>flick around like mad
>collect tears
Low sense makes you more accurate, so unless you constantly want to lift your hand, you have no choice but to use your arm.
aim with your wrist if you want carpal tunnel
Wrist for holding an area in front of you, forearm for clearing areas and moving around close quarters, with flanking enemies.
It's motsly personal preference but arm aiming is better.
depends on the fps.
sniping = forrearm
close quarters = wrist
>oh, you're a hack if you don't use your forearm!
Why is that?
>Implying quake pros use high sense
You have no clue.
Me too, exactly the same
if you get lucky or show some skill with high sensitivity when shooting at close quarters, your aiming appears to dart around like an aimbot.
>I play in a way I'm not comfortable with because I live among faggots
Most pros use forearm with low sensitivity because it lets them control their fine movements more precisely and they can just move their arm more if they need to make a rapid/large movement.
Personally I've never been good at that though, so I mostly use my wrist.
>he doesnt aim with his foot
I never played a competitive FPS in my life, rarely played single player FPSes, haven't played games at all or touched a PC or a mouse for the last five years. Started playing Overwatch recently and took some guy's advice on low sensitivity and practicing flick shots, and have been doing that for a week now. I have better accuracy than 2/3 of the playerbase and am in the top 5% when it comes to headshots as McCree according to Overbuff. Not that impressive on its own, but I'd say acceptable given the circumstances.
How the hell do you guys move with your forearm if your arm is like clued to your arm chair?
IIRC people that use their forearms are positioned higher so their wrist and elbows arent resting on anything
So you're telling me that they're not setting their wrist on the mousepad?
ive seen some have the palm of their hand resting but yeah all of their arm is resting on the mouse with their hand
You use both with a low sensitivity.
With your forearm you should be able to easily do a 180 and you then adjust your aim midway with micro wrist adjustment
A big mistake of uninformed players are letting their wrist sit on the mousepad/table ( pic related ) from bad habits of playing ASSFAGGOTS
how the FUCK do you aim with your entire forearm
i rely too much on flick aim and cant track for shit so im trying to get better at that + aiming in general but trying to forearm aim just fucks my shit up
is forearm aiming the only way to be more consistent? are there no mlg pros that wrist aim?
Both, wrists are a smaller mechanism and are more precise
arms are a larger mechanism but can cover greater distance
>are there no mlg pros that wrist aim?
I think there are a few, actually.
Personally, I prefer wrist aim as well, because when perfected, it gives you that millisecond advantage
I use a graphics tablet
>some days I aim with easy and score headshots constantly and is the team's mvp usually
>then the next day I can't aim for shit and is all around mediocre
Anyone else have this problem?
I already have it
Could just be memory bias. Or the amount of sleep you got or how stressed you are or anything really
If you use your wrist make sure to stretch your wrist from time to time to percent carpal tunnel
Don't do this, it's mustard gas.
>that really blatant brush coverup
I'm kind of insulted. He didn't even try.
nerve gas
gassed myself 6 times in auschwitz this way
>low sens fag
have fun with your inconsistent shots
Don't know what I expected going in, probably dumb to try, but I'll be damned if that didn't just make my wrist feel significantly better
You'll develop your own style as you play a lot, but the lower the sens the BETTER, always, the question is how low can you go.
If we take Counter Strike as an example, you want to be looking around corners and turning around using your whole arm, while you might want to trace heads and so on using only your wrist, it possible to use just one of those techniques instead of combining them but it's not recommended. In my setup an ingame 180 is about 25 centimeters of mouse movement.
I really hope this is baiting.
I use stupid high sensitivity and just make very minor movements.
Works for me.
how do you fare in close combat?
Probably slightly worse than someone that plays with low sensitivity if I'm being honest.
It's just what I've been used to for years now and can't change it.
Quake 3 players pls go
Played with high sensitivity for the longest time because I read on the Internet that that's what the pros did. Literally years like that but I felt like I couldn't improve no matter what I did, like I had a limit and was stuck being average. Switched to low sensitivity not too long ago and as soon as I got used to that I improved significantly.
High sensitivity is probably a valid option but only for people who have really good reflexes and quick sight
A great deal of people attribute their problems to sensitivity when the reality is that they just suck at aiming.
>not aiming precisely with god tier reflex
git gud fag
depends on the game
Aiming with your wrist is actually bad as you risk injuring yourself more with it.
this is true
>there are csgo players who use ridiculously low sensitivity like guardian and niko, both have been top 10 at some point
>there are csgo players who use higher than average, like S1mple and f0rest. both have been top 10 at some point
>inb4 csgo is not a valid example
Literally every fps pro uses low sense for a reason. High sensitivity means worse aim. That's a fact.
>I listen to them because they're pros!
I bet you parroting Sup Forums for your vidya taste too, huh?
f0rest has 25.9 centimeters per 360. I'd still consider this as low sense.
It's a legitimate stretch, but don't "knock down fast." Do it slowly and deliberately so you can stop if the feeling turns into pain.
>High sensitivity means worse aim
>That's a fact
>Source: my ass
You're fucking retarded. If it wasn't objectively the best setting, people wouldn't use it when they're playing for money. Oh but I'm sure some random Sup Forumsirgin must know better than these stupid pros, right?
claw grip vs palm grip niggers
>3.6/400 is somehow low sensitivity
let me guess, you consider 1200 dpi 6 sensitivity medium sensitivity? 3+ sensitivity on 400 dpi is considered high sens for a reason, since global elite sensitivity varies between 0.7-3
High sensitivity only means high sensitivity - nothing more. However arm control often equates to more precise control by using a larger range of motion. Since pro players most likely don't have to deal with limits desk space wise, there aren't any reasons for them not to use a larger range of motion.
>pros have best aim, by definition
>pros use low sensitivity
>not being able to put 2 and 2 together
how long did it take you guys to fix your posture?
I don't know what everyone is talking about in this thread.... low sens and whole arm? Are you people fucking nuts?
I give my mouse very high sensitivity and use the lightest possible mouse I can find, thus I aim with my wrist. It's super accurate and I barely use any force at all, because the mouse is super light, it's like as light as a few sheets of paper. As for the whole "but you have to pick up your hand to move a huge distance"...well, it's very rare, but yes, once in a while I do pick up my hand, but again, this doesn't matter because the mouse is incredibly light.
>Your mom can suck dicks like pros
>Your mom has small mouth
>>not being able to put 2 and 2 together
See I can play too
You understood me wrong. F0rest has a high sens compared to other pros, but for the average casual player (like op) this would be considered very low. You wouldn't believe how absurd some people's settings are. Just look at all these shitty Razor ads with 6000dpi or even more.
>terrible posture
>back pain all the time
>go to the gym a few times a week for like 2 months
>posture is still fucked but no back pain anymore
flamie, seized, s1mple and f0rest all use high sensitivity and they are some of the best aimers of all time
>Oh but I'm sure some random Sup Forumsirgin must know better than these stupid pros, right?
the ironing
>Source: my ass
You're literally drawing assumptions at this point.
I haven't played a source game in ages but IIRC my sensitivity was at 3.0 with 1800dpi
How much of a pleb am I?
okay, and if you wanted to learn to suck dick like mom would you ask mom or your mom?
You're a pleb unless you're using your mouse's native DPI
I just use my wrist, using my whole forearm feels really unnatural.
i only move my fingers
my wrist is lying on the pad, i barely ever move it
i never ever move my forearm
I would ask your mom, the way she played with tongue and cum drinking was great last night
7.7 cm/360 is extremely high.
low sens is god tier for aiming but high sens is a lot better for turning around. if you're super low sens turning around could a full swing of the arm or even more, and that's the stuff that gets you killed
>people are still buying "LE EPIC GAMER GEAR" laser mice
>they dont realize laser mice are objectively inferior to optical in every way
>and lasers are usually more expensive and marketed towards stupid faggot rich kids with bloated software and a million "SICK GAMER HOTKEYS"
well i agree, years ago i used to play doom with such a high sensitivity that it took multiple 360's to move from one side of mousepad to another. i play CSGO with 3.1 on 450 and i have my dpi switch on 1200, and have got many successful deagle/awp flicks and close range spraydowns with such high sensitivity. it's not conventional for normal aiming but dpi switches are pretty useful if utilized right
exactly, you would ask the experienced woman not a slut who couldnt make me cum in 2 hours. if someone is wise learn from them
daily reminder that mid sensitivity is where it's at, bros
>bragging about being good at video games
Are you twelve?
>he play for fun
Holy shit dude, no wonder Sup Forums is casual
1800 is the highest setting on my mx518
where do you think you are, pleb
It depends on where you're comfortable with.
don't worry senpai, 1800dpi should be enough for 1:1 accuracy unless you have like a 4K monitor or something