60 bucks for an indie game? Why?

60 bucks for an indie game? Why?

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funded by sony

B-but 60 gorillion planets with slightly different colors

Because the masses will still buy it.

My dad is considering buying a ps4 for this game (he runs loonix as his OS).

I don't understand the appeal.

But it's a top-tier game with endless fun

>all planets only have one climate/biome each
>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
>the "quests" shown off were literally to gather matetials or defend/attack a faction
>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more
>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule - rather, you're more likely to see a planet with tall mountains in red, then one with slightly shorter mountains in blue, then in green with a lake. The more permutations in a procedural structure, the less different they are to one-another
>"combat" appears to only be basic gunplay (one of the easiest things to implement to make what would otherwise just be a simulator into a game, since implementing guns just requires basic raycasting)
>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in

Holy shit we get it, you don't like it.

Im gonna buy it, and enjoy it.

You can do ANYTHING.



>windows only
>no man's sky is a no game
>linux has no no games
>linux has games

Why does indie have to automatically mean low budget and cheap?

Because they can. They build up hype out of thin air and slap a 60dollaroo pricetag. They also fool people into thinking that its "going to be so good" when it has a high pricetag.

maintaining 20+ numale beards is costly

No thanks, I'll spend those on a real game with actual unique content

We'll see

>Why does indie have to automatically mean low budget and cheap?
Because rich niggas usually don't just decide to start making independent vidya?

How many have preordered?

Its amazing how people are falling for this shit, its just going to be copypasted planets with colour palette swaps that will get boring after a couple of hours.

This game has no co-op, literally why would you play a game where the closest you get to another player is his "Kilroy was here" on a planet?

There's nothing saying that indie games can't have full price. There's plenty of AAA titles out there that don't deserve full price either. Though I doubt this will be one that deserves even half of that, much less 60 fucking buckeroonies.

What's important to the customer is the quality of the content, not how much was spent in development.

It's not indie if it gets advertised by huge corporations on stage at E3.

Tell him to buy a 3DS and get pic related, it's the same thing except with better variety and more shit to do.

people are retarded, you didnt figure this out before COD went to space?

nu-males sky

This game is not for you.

>"Kilroy was here" on a planet?
All actions you performed on a planet get resetted once you leave it, so you can't even do that. The only thing that stays is if you discover a creature first and you name it.

Because Valve are Jews and inflate the price. It's like 40 or 45 bucks on GOG.

Thanks, but he is an adult.


You were probably going to pirate it anyways...

Animal Crossing has space dog fights?

Are you implying that No man's sky is a game for adults

>60 bucks for an indie game? Why?
why not?
just because it was not made by 100's of people in a jew company does not mean it is not a viable game!

shit if someone can pay top $$$ for a copy pasta sports game, ass creed or cowadoody why not pay for a unique game created by people with a passion and vision for their game

>only 2 more weeks until universal disappointment across the normie spectrum
honestly cant wait

>60 bucks


Free market

But that's like 1 cent a planet, you poorfag

Sean is cute

More than AC, which was made exclusively for children. I am sorry you didn't realize that after looking at the little figurines on the cover.

>not online
>expect literally somebody not to pirate it

choose one faggots

A computer can only display 16,777,216 unique colors. It is impossible for every planet in No Man's Sky to be unique.



All you have to do is move a single tree on a different position to make a planet "unique".

If the height of some mountain differs from another, it is already considered "unique". So yeah, it is possible.

what kind of autistic subhuman retard do you have to be to like it
look at them fucking digusting feet


This game is not targeted towards you, now fuck off outta here

>60 bucks for the most revolutionary game of our generation
>why so cheap?

fixed your post OP

Animal Crossing is FAR superior to numale's sky. Don't even compare them.

More like cutemale

It's actually funny how much you guys are trying to shit on this game.
I hope it gets universal praise and goty just so you get even more upset.

>implying you don't want to suck that toe
What are you, a faggot?

there is more than just one variable


The first thing I am going to do is create an intergalactic pirate fleet that starve's trade routes in the planet's sector, completely destabilizing their economy. Once I do this and recruit my own army of pirates I will force the galaxy to surrender to me and eventually make them all slaves and genetically modify them with the crafting system into orcs from 40k to be used as fodder for wars. Then I will scour the galaxy with my armada searching for people to fight and once I see their ship I will force them to surrender and drop them off on a remote planet and steal their ship from them. Once that is done I will send a detachment of orks to hunt the player as he cannot escape and do this continually to anyone I find.

I will also use the chemical compounds in the game to disrupt atmospheres on rival planet's causing natural disasters that completely wipe out entire populations.


nope, will be total deja vu (might even be less since these numales probably poured all their money into their shitty gayme and can't pay off reviewers)

it already has gotten universal praise from everyone before they even played it you shithead. That's why its selling. This is literally destiny all over again


Are these posts from Reddit or something?

Holy fuck can you actually do that in this game? Seriously guys tell me that sounds fucking sick as fuck!

> trying to shit on this game.
The game does it for them.

I have no feelings either way. The facts are the game is not anything like what it said it would be years ago. What it is, is a planet visiting sim. Which people going into it will be blindsided by, since the game acted and state it was more.

You can do ANYTHING

>This is literally destiny all over again

A dead memegame that just barely made its budget back?

OK, nobody on Sup Forums makes posts like this.
Where did you come from?

How would you know? Did you get an advance copy?


How's the game ? I've yet to find a space game as good as freelancer.

Stop trying to reverse-shill you fucking faggot, it's not going to work.

His voice is actually very relaxing to listen too.

It's actually funny how much you guys are trying to defend this game. You have no arguments so always you go for the usual "It's going to be goty you losers" "this game isn't for you" " doesn't matter, it's comfy""people who played it to advertise it say that it's good".



>play it for 2hrs
>its shit
>get refund

how hard is that? Are you fucks so poor you can't wait for a refund?

You can also lose yourself in his eyes.

Marketed, not funded


All of those are legitimate arguments though. Keep crying that this will be GOTY and you will be LEFT OUT for not playing it.


Here's a legitimate argument: the most advertised feature of the game is terrain generation. This should be enough for a sensible person to understand how little actual gameplay the game has.

Doesn't matter, it's comfy.

And it will take its place among comfy games. Abandoned and forgotten.

>even Starbound is better after 4 years

It will have offline mode, and be released on GoG as drm free. Pirate it on day 1.

>present shallow gameplay with no promise of anything, "just explore the galaxy and yeah, explore the galaxy"
>basically spore galaxy generator
>people are hyped because it was at E3
>$60 because they know people will buy it anyway
>a week after release no on will care anymore

>i-i don't like it so you're not allowed to like it either
fucking insecure shitlord babbies
if you don't want to play it, fuck off
this game isn't for you
it's an exploration game where you build your own narrative
fucking caw of doody players couldn't imagine shit

I'm all for No Man's Sky but try not to use words like this. You're only proving their point.




>console space sim designed for a console controller
I'm still laughing my ass off.
20 years past the TIE Fighter game which set up the standard for the space sim genre,
13 years since Egosoft started establishing a Mount&Blade-like mechanic upon that.
9 years since Angels Fall First Planetstorm developed the Battelfront 2/Space Sim planetary and space warfare cross into a monolithic whole of perfection.
10 years since that russian game that crossed space sim and FPS with inter-planetary shit.
And well over 20 years since the implementation of the "infinite universe" idea.

No Man's Sky is the mobile game equivalent of the space sim genre.
A substandard game that only has one thing going for it: pretty graphics.
That's all the console can afford since the console controllers can't make for a proper space sim anymore, pretty graphics, and that's it.

>>i-i don't like it so you're not allowed to like it either
Nice strawman.

You can like shit, but you have to admit that you like shit.

Do you expect the average normie to know anything about the shit you just posted?
They don't care and neither to the devs.

Is it indie though?

It was mostly developed as an indie game until Sony picked it up.

Are they even allowed to publish it yet? I thought they weren't able to publish it since they used stolen, patented technology to build their engine.

that accusation wasn't true
he posted a reply on twitter

>Abandoned and forgotten.
like your dick


Saying "no we didn't steal it" isn't actually proof of anything.