What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing so far except for the styles like aerial limiting your moveset and adding new ones instead
I can't play LS aerial because it feels like shit and I miss my charging GS sleep monster kill
Other than that
>great new monsters
>felyne mode
>pokke village
>upgrading weapons seperate from turning them into different ones
Elite Three and Given-More-Attention-One
Not TOO much, considering it's just an off-game rather than a mainline.
It really highlights how bad the old maps were, though. As well, they opted too often (although I get why) for nostalgia rather than 3rd generation monsters. I don't personally mind the gathering quests, but there are a goddamn lot of them.
The game where Glavenus is cant go wrong.
Alatreon is back.
Deviants are rad.
And some styles works great.
not enough gen3 monsters
a few too many "kill 20 bullfango/____prey" and gathering trip quests
other than that not much, hunting styles inject some much needed new stuff and customization options into weapon movesets. Aerial hammer is GOAT, I don't even care if it's broken when shit's this fun
I'll tell you but I've got to do some gathering first.
instead of refining existing system they half assed 3 more for each weapon
good for spin off nonsense but I hope MH5 drops them
felyne mode is ok though
so we nerfed this weapon the last game. what now? nerf it again
no new weapon type
adept makes the game piss easy
I don't want to buy this game because I'm afraid "Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate" is going to be a thing.
you are retarded
I think you mean what went right, no Dalamadur, no Gravios, no more guild quests, no lets fight 10,000,000 Zamtrios, brought back lots of cool monsters like Ludroth and Nargacuga, it's one of my favorite monster hunters to date and while no G rank is kind of a bummer the deviants make it alright.
Gathering quests galore.
A little worse than MH4U just because the old maps are pretty shit, but what can you do. Still having tons of fun with it though. Also Narga is best mon
>then mh3U
>then Mh4U
True we never got the originals in this case, but that's because they were afraid it wouldn't sell enough to warrant 2 copies of the same game, but the sales exceeded their expectations.
Not to mention the lack of G rank pushes towards that trend to.
So please explain to me why there is zero chance of this game getting an "ultimate editions"
Why the fuck do people complain about gathering quests when you can just look up key quests and never do them?
They gave us town girls instead of guildmarm.
Because it's an anniversary title
What's the point of even having them in the first place then?
It would look pretty shitty if every rank only had like 4 - 7 quests to do I guess? and maybe some people like gathering quests
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the 'blos/basarios/gracious again. It's sad underwater combat isn't coming back because you fuccbois can't handle proper 3D movement, though.
I might buy that answer but only if its something diffrent like "only monsters from old games are in it" or something, I mean anniversary or no its still a sequel and subject to their same very successful business strategy.
Underwater combat was a mistake and I hope it never comes back.
It was fun and added much needed variety. Nothing compares to fighting lagi underwater using the wiimote for the first time.
>It was fun
The hardest monsters in the game are the Glavenus, Astalos, Gammoth and Mizutsune in the missions where you're supposed to avoid them.
No monster in the game has the same HP or attack that they do in that mission. So I ended up having more fun fighting them at that point than I did all the way up to Amatsu.
not mobile.
>as a gunner
The fuck is the point of Lagiacrus and Royal Ludroth on land?. They're useless monsters on land.
Did you actually want underwater combat back?
It would be nice, but not as the main focus like it was in Tri.
Is this game worth getting if I have MH4U?
I'm either gonna get this or a few older/cheaper games I missed like Tetris DS, Order of Ecclesia, and Mario Galaxy 2.
How would it be nice? It was clunky and sluggy as fuck senpai. I hated that shit.
>Ivory Lagiacrus on land
>unexistant/irrelevant story in village quests
>no HR quests on village
>horrid monster intros
> no G rank while also HR armor not having a different style from LR except for few cases
It sure is a great improvement and a milestone in mh but I feel like they could have delayed it 6-9 months more to implement these things to create such a perfect game.
is this a good monster hunter game to start with?
Then make more monster quests? Jesus christ it's not hard. Removing them entirely is not the way, but you could cut the number in half at the very least.
Also, same as usual. Way too much Gen 1 and 2 shit, not even remotely enough new monsters per game.
Still no fashion hunter options. Why bother designing entire armor sets and skills when no matter whether you're into fashion or min-maxing, half of your development is wasted because of how backwards retarded and contradictory the entire system is?
And even though it's simple, it takes too much time managing the damn cats. I just want to hunt monsters without having to juggle menus after every hunt.
And those monsters introduction cutscenes, pfffft! You can feel the half-assedness of it all.
Village quests are garbage, especially considering the barrier to entry for doing Guild is lower than it's ever been with modest monster HP and the huge readily available community that all but guarantees you can have a 4 player online session going whenever you want. Going back from that to 'kill 20 of x' is kind of painful, especially because they force you to do that for village points and ingredients
Sure! You can't really go wrong with any of them but this has a great mix of old and new monsters and the most active community currently. It hasn't been out in the states too long so it'll probably be easy to find other beginners to team up with
Is this a good intro to Monster Hunter or is 4U better?
this is my first MH game and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. liking the hammer and charge blade the most so far. I'm generally uninterested in any multiplayer--will this change that?
>He is bothered by the Palico system
If you are too lazy to manage the cats don't activate them.
pretty sure 4 didn't come out in the west because they knew people don't like buying 2 versions in the west.
>Aerial Hunting Horn
I can now have the exact song I want to play while hitting the monster without any effort whatsoever.
>Aerial Greatsword
I can now hit level 3 full charges all the fucking time, I don't need to outsmart or reposition myself that much.
Seriously Aerial style é broken and makes the game way too easy.
Nice i've only gotten to tetsucabra too
It sure did for me.
It depends on what your reasons are for not being on board with multiplayer, but I'm the same way and I've been loving the hell out of 4 player hunts. I think the difference here is that single player is still rewarding on its own and the progress is tracked between both single & multi, so the aggravation of feeling like you always need to play in a group is lessened greatly. If you want to just fuck off for a night and play by yourself, you're still able to have fun and make progress, which is a great feeling
Not only it's an anniversary game, but it was also out for long enough for the elevens to have a G version announced already, if there was one in the works, since they usually get yearly releases. But, since nothing got announced, i think it's safe to assume that this year's game will be Stories.
>>upgrading weapons seperate from turning them into different ones
So if I uograde a weapon I get a different variation plus the older model?
Reminder that Aerial is a crutch and goes to shit in high rank.
>>unexistant/irrelevant story in village quests
Why would you even write this? This franchise has never, not even once, focused on its story beyond "HUNT DA MONSTER!!!"
Even when 4U pretended it had a story, it boiled down to the exact same thing. "HUNT DA MONSTER!" world tour.
Please explain how it goes to shit in high rank because I'm completely stomping shit right now.
>Giving a shit about story or monster intros.
>Not wanting to just get into a hunt as fast as possible without some cosmetic shit getting in the way.
IMO the game is better solo than online, especially if you avoid using felyne buddies when hunting.
When the monster is 100% devoted to you, fighting it becomes a proper challenge: knowing exactly when it's safe to heal, when to get small pokes in, when to unleash a huge attack etc. It also feels a lot more personal, like you're both fighting in a duel to the death.
Some monster choices are really fucking questionable, like Khezu and Plesioth.
Also weird that this is the one game without Diablos in it.
I like it though. Many of the changes are good.
I also like that they put little jumping spots into the old maps. The 4U maps were so cramped and were too much about the aerial aspect. Now we get more open areas again but still get to jump.
Generations is not getting an U title.
No G-Rank for Generations
Capcom has plans for MH5 info in 2017.
Shit monsters like Plesioth, Drones, Khezu, and skull squid are in the game
You can level up weapons, and as they increase in level they can branch off to different paths.
It's too easy. Dumbed down to get the bigger audience.When you make a new Flagship monsters make sure people won't be able to kill them in 4 FUCKING MINUTES.
Is there no quick way to get fish?
Gunlance requires too much of an investment to be good on monsters, but the damage output seems to be astronomical if you can actually keep the little niggers off of you for a few moments.
>Red Heat
>Wyvernfire into locked Red
>Blast Dance into a Full-Burst
>Dragon Blast
>Resume stabbing and slamming until monster has experienced like nine different part breaks and lost its spirit
am I missing out if I don't get into the multiplayer? and if I do, should I prepare in any particular way?
i doubt those who are new to the series can do that, ot at least the vast majority.
Is it true they gutted Charge Blade? Friend told me even Guard Points are worthless now.
Gen is a spinoff MH game like portable 3rd, it won't get a G/U version at all.
So you're fine to get it without worrying about another version
This pretty much.
>muh superior Sony era monsters who do nothing but run towards you like a retarded fat child
Nintendo saved monster hunter.
Nothing, this game looks great, but I have school in a month so I wont be able to dump 500 hours on it like mh4u
>Out of the Fry Pan
>Hunt a Deviljho, Tigrex, and a Nargacuga in the arena
This sounds like a pain in the ass.
But that Hayabusa feather tho.
If you're european prepare to be montè.
That guy really captures the deviljho spirit. Even down to when he's mad.
Worse framrate than 4U even with the new 3d off feature.
Less content, more padding.
Too many crutches. 4 carting skill and adept are big offenders. Also you know damn well sharpness+2 is here to stay. WE even with its debuff was already a good skill and they just had to go and revert it meaning weapons with negative affinity mean practically nothing.
The styles are as badly balanced per weapon as the weapons are balanced between themselves.
Even though people say it has less subspecies, that's only true by virtue of them being different ones. Particularly ones that never needed another like BOTH FUCKING RATHS.
>Worse framrate than 4U
ffs, seriously? Even on N3DS?
Unless you have custom firmware for the special hacks, yes. You will notice a difference between the two games.
The FoV is also slightly worse but that's nitpicking
>oh, okay. Why does this say danger on it?
That was a surprise.
>Worse framrate than 4U even with the new 3d off feature.
The framerate is capped at 30, unlike 4U which reached ~45 FPS in sinlgeplayer, but Generations FPS is much more stable. 4U can drop down to 15 FPS in 4 player online hunts, while Generations manages to keep it stable.
Now, I'm going to give capcom some credit here
balancing 14 weapons all with 4 hunter styles is a fucking nightmare, to think they could do much more than make a preferred style for each is pretty crazy
game also has 71 monsters, which is the same quantity as FU, and the padding you mentioned is in form of gathering quests, which as other people have mentioned are entirely skippable and never keys
Don't bullshit here ever again.
You can just turn the camera around in gen in single player and notice the dips.
>Don't bullshit here ever again.
no u
nah man, I'm personally in love with gen but even I can acknowledge the frame dips
Two kind of unrelated points, because I mentioned the weapons are poorly balanced (the norm) but also the styles for the weapons range from why would you use anything else to near worthless for the majority of them. It's not really about parity versus other weapons.
Everyone's complaining about the gathering quest, while understandably not that fun, you're going to need those mats anyways so why not just get it over with?
that's what I'm saying, it'd have been extremely difficult to make 4 viable styles for every weapon, and so making one of the styles optimal and then the other 3 as purely fun choices for people who really strongly want a certain playstyle is as good as it could get
it's just a fucking meme people who don't even play the game picked up
if you argue with them long enough it boils down to "but why are they there?", as if their existence alone triggers some sort of PTSD, despite not having to interact with them
but you cant see that path until leveling up to open it
No it's because people used to love touting it had as many quests as a grank game. It needs to be there so people understand how dumb it is to include as an argument.
only way to prepare is by having good armor, monsters have like 3x the HP and maybe twice the damage.
>All these autists online with overwatch quotes for their hunter arts.
Lots of unlocks are locked behind them like cooking and trader
It would have been hard sure, but it doesn't excuse the fact it's a thing.
but it has the same amount of monsters, with arguably a better selections and new sub species
Which should give you even more of a reason to do them, along with the mats?
The new subs are for monsters that had subs. Worthless additions.
>LS user on a hunt
>all of his shout outs are either cursing like "yeah fck you btch" or reaper quotes like "DIE DIE DIE"
>spams them constantly and has different quotes for all 3 hunter arts which he uses liberally
I mean he played okay but geez that was awful.