Game about robbing banks

>Game about robbing banks
>you rob 1 bank and work for the government

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

worst gta ever.

rockstar, apparently

>Game is about the mafia
>You play as a nigger

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

>Using the N-word outside Sup Forums

enjoy your ban kiddo

But user you also get to do yoga, go to the therapist, and get cuckolded.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

suck a nigger dick, nigger

If it is about robbing banks, why is the game called Grand Theft Auto and not Bank Robbery?

/storm/niggers pls go.

jokes on you but racism is still a crime

>Revenge Story
>Is set up as a documentary
>Comfy New Orleans
>Comfy time period

future goty

Kill yourself my newfriend


Hi new friend, I see you're interested in the nigger free model of Sup Forums, step right this way.


Being racist has never been a crime.

Not in America lol. At most you can be sued by a private party. Unless it's a cuck state like California or New York, but nobody worth knowing lives there.

>Comfy new orleans

You've obviously never been to NOLA. It's a filthy, crime ridden town that's overflowing with straight from Haiti niggers.

By far one of the most boring games I've ever played.

The number of plotholes, as well as the anti climatic ending psised me off to no end. I ended up uninstalling right after the credits started

>who the fuck was that gangbanger fucking with Frank?
>why were all three antagonists killed one right after the other?
>What happened with Medrazo
>Why didn't wars get worse with the private army?
>The fuck was the point of the psychiatrist?
>Why weren't there any side missions with ambulances, fire trucks, ice cream and retarded shit like the other GTAs?
>Why couldn't I change my default car into cars I can upgrade and build?
>Why was the multi-car garage system not in the SP game?
>What was the point of buying businesses if there's nothing to do with the money?


I'm talking comfy in the sense of how it looks

Shut up fucking nigger. Seriously kill yourself shitskin

Mods plz??

>also get to do yoga, go to the therapist, and get cuckolded.
11/10 would get cucked again

> Why can't you just kill Madrazo the first time you meet him, his guys have baseball bats and you have like ten guns
GTA should take cues from RPGs and give players more choices and in a more natural way. Like Fallout: New Vegas. Game handles players' radial freedom, which they will want to exert.

Mods won't do anything tyrone

Sure is 15 year old in here.

Lol you guys are pathetic keyboard warriors that only have the balls to say something like this on Sup Forums.

You are too afraid to use this in real life. Or even on facebook or reddit wherever you use your real name.

Such boys lol..

>Why was the multi-car garage system not in the SP game?
mother fuckers, they have added all these new cars and custom stuff to GTAO but not the SP game

lmao you nigger

Or niggers should just get genocided

Nah you're just a pathetic untermensch

kek fuck you nigger shitskin.

Rockstar royally dropped the ball on the heist mechanic.

Holy fucking fuck

> car physics suck ass
There is a nice mod that fixes it, but it's a mod.

fuck of nigger no one wants to be a tripfag namefag nigger shitskin

quality thread

> the turd colored fella with the micropenis is now buttblasted

Seeing the word nigger this many times is doing something weird to my head. Quite surreal.

bitch i dont go out or use those site so fuck off

Not really too many niggers in this thread

Shall I guys let you in on a little secret?

I'm not even black! Ha! I use the N-word all the time myself too (duh i'm on Sup Forums). I succesfully made 70% of all posts in this very thread about the N-word hahahahaa and you guys just fell for it!

This has all been part of my plan ever since the first post I made in this thread and I knew this was gonna happen all along.

Ha ha! I got you guys good.

Semantic satiation

this is more offensive than the actual word

this post I made here, FAKE SCREENSHOT! Lmao it's not even real. Do you really think I would file an FBI report for something so silly?

> I just pretend to be retarded

Just go back to your Mineycrafto pls.

here i'll prove it. I got more screenshots like that but these have funny tabs too so it's easy to bait newfags

See? They're hilarious!

>buy property
>no whacky business related missions unlocked
>property just starts to generate money for you
>realize that you just invested shitloads of money into something that does nothing other than produce a few thousand bucks per week

>game about crime
>use a menu
>get banned

I'm just upset how scripted the heists were. Should of been possible to fuck up the missions completely if you did not plan well.

its all going as planned

It's meant to say the government are the biggest criminals. You weren't mature enough to get that.

>those tabs

what are you? a faggot? jesus christ this is the cringiest shit i've ever seen on this forum and thats an archievement

fucking autismo nigger

I don't know who's trolling who.

is Sup Forums really filled with people that now hate the user of Nigger?

>doing that first heist
>do it the stealth way because I'm covert and shit
>gas the place
>smash the glass and escape with all that fat cash
>talking to my younger brother later on, ask him how he did it
>he walked in with guns, smashed the glass and escaped with all the fat cash
Let me down


I think I may or may not have some form of autism, so what?

I think they arrived when the sjw shit went down, then they got chased away from reddit and tumblr, and now they try to whiteknight here.

>getting baited this easily
it's just shitposters running in circles at each other for a laugh
the fact that you had to ask that question means you need to lurk more

i keep seeing this posts all over the place in this board and i have to say that at this point i have no clue if this is a satire or real...
can someone enlight me about what the f*** is going on here?

Making "you do work for cartoonishly corrupt government officials" the centerpiece of the entire game was kinda shit, yeah.

Almost as bad as the Floyd subplot that grinds the game to a halt.


welcome newfriend, don't forget to get yourself a Sup Forums pass to stop those pesky capchas.
we also congregate on reddit too, best to go there

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>i keep seeing this posts all over the place in this board and i have to say that at this point i have no clue if this is a satire or real...
>can someone enlight me about what the f*** is going on here?
idk man im just entertaining myself

so what, did a thread recently cause a lot of butthurt and now everyones jumping on the hate bandwagon for lazy trolling? Because this has to be the fourth or fifth thread in a couple days trashing on gta 5

>yfw you make more money by doing it the loud way

jokes on you i made both those posts

im the best troll ever

Remember when GTAV wasn't on pc?

this was a thread about video games...

yeah and people still trashed it then


I quite enjoyed robbing that bank in GTAV though, wearing that insane suit of armor and battling off tanks was incredible

>don't have the foresight to invest all of your money into the stock market before doing certain side-missions
>don't have enough money to invest in property at the end of the game as a result

This thread went to shit fast.

>Sup Forums was the place Sup Forums could never raid because we were worse than them
>Sup Forums is now a place where people say stuff like "n-word" and "f***"
>it's now normal to like Skyrim over Witcher
>Life is Strange is an accepted type of game

wtf happened to this place, it used to be funny

spotted the edgemaster

that's the kind of shit i'm talking about, you faggots are soft and cry "EDGY!!!" at everything

yes I remember the >never ever meme

Fuck you nigger

Sorry, didn't see the scare quotes

>there'll never be a GTA set in Boston about an Irish/American gangster making his way up through heist missions

Like fish in a barrel

come back to /ausnz/ ya dumb cunt