So how are Adventure 3 fags feeling now that they've been utterly blown the fuck out...

So how are Adventure 3 fags feeling now that they've been utterly blown the fuck out? Where's that one Unleashedfag who always bitches out the old games?

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It looks really good, but I'm hopeing that the boss will be classic Dr Robotnik.


Of course it will be, everything else is Classic-themed after all.

I hope so, but we'll find out soon.

That looks pretty good. Colour palette is a bit odd, but finally having Tails & Knuckles back in a fully playable form is long overdue.

Where can I find the music that plays during the section in OP's pic, lads?

Still disappointed that after 20 years, the best answer Sega can give is that they're just going to pretend that the last 20 years never happened.

Thankfully it's not as pastel as it could have been.

Almost quints.

Anyways, it's best to fix a mess than to continue making one.

Still it could be worse, we could have had a sequel to Sonic 06


I feel fine, still want adventure 3 though.

>inb4 06
That was an abomination

Nevermind, found it:

This could honestly be an all new start like for fucking real though. Imagine Sonic Mania does great and they fund Taxman/Stealth/Pagoda Games to make more Sonic. With their accumulated experience they may even be able to make a GOOD 3D SONIC featuring Classic Sonic.

Imagine a GOOD Sonic X-Treme or a fully fleshed out Sonic Robo Blast. I think they could really do it this time.

How can you cucks get excited for a literal rom hack?

You might just wanna remake the first two Adventure games from the ground up before making a third, though. The original ones have aged like milk.

How can you not? Romhacks are fun.

That would be fucking amazing, and yeah they have.

I just want that Sonic 3 remake to finally happen and for the Sonic 1 and 2 remakes to get PC ports.

Romhacks shouldn't be worth $15. Especially when they look and play like shit.

You weren't going to pay for it anyway, so why does it matter to you? Are you so young you don't remember grabbing enormous Doom wad packs? You should at least be old enough to remember Mega Man 9, one of the best games in the Classic Mega Man franchise despite using "ew gross pixel graphics."

Should I play this game on my CRT or LCD?


Here, have it extended:

to add to this i want metal sonic to be in the game too, and this is just wishful thinking but i would like to play as metal sonic too. i hope they don't forget about sonic's strongest foe

Love you, mate

why not both


So until at least spring '17 (or maybe winter) we are going to have hourly threads about how adventurefags are btfo?

Jesus fucking Christ, who pays you? CIA? Interpol? Aliens? Why are so fucking bend on driving this board into fucking garbage by picking literally ANY reason to start war? Consolewars, everything vs. Witcher wars, pirate wars, DMC wars, wars, wars, wars. I refuse to believe there are not some cunning plan to make Sup Forums largest shirpost centre of world.

Sonic has fought gods for fucks sake.

The only thing wrong with the Adventure games is that they're glitchy as hell, which was par for the course at the time they were coming out since 3d was still new. If they can just make an Adventure 3 that's mostly Sonic levels then it would be great.


the adventure games have run their course and they were ok. but we dont need another one cause as we all know by now, sonic just didn't transition to 3-D gameplay very well. for every decent or good 3-D game there are 3 bad ones.

The game is HD, so obviously it would look better on an LCD screen than a CRT.

>The only thing wrong with the Adventure games is that they're glitchy as hell, which was par for the course at the time they were coming out since 3d was still new.
Mario 64 was the game that set the standard and it was far more stable than SA/2. You really have to work at breaking that game, while just using a homing attack at the wrong angle will buttfuck SA/2.

I really hope Metal Sonic is in, is my favourite of all Sonic rivals mostly because besides Knuckles before becoming a friend he is the only non edgy one

I'm talking about old sonic. besides every enemy that rivals sonic these days are overpowered edge lords like shadow and silver

I've played about 200 hours of Adventure 2 and never encountered any major glitch, except a secret path in Pyramid Cave that seems to be completely bugged. Meanwhile I can't even play the first level in SA1 without falling through the floor.

only way to play this game


I wanna put some scanlines on that

Metal's pretty edgy, bro. Red eyes, claw fingers, the whole not talking gig. And then there's Heroes.

He's a fucking robot.
He doesn't have a personality.

>He doesn't have a personality.
yeah robotnik tried that and it got in the way, so he made another slightly better one that wouldn't let sonic's personality get in the way.
now he's a cold calculating murder machine

Who took a shit in your cereal fampai? It's just a bit of poking fun, there's barely any actual Adventurefag saltyness in this thread

t. fag who never played a sonic fangame or taxman's genesis sonic ports

>be adventurefag/cyclenigger
>gets cucked

This. Mega Man 9 is absolutely the best in the classic series, there's something to be said about pushing what worked about the classic games to the limit instead of adding a bunch of half-baked features because that's what you think the franchise needs to move forward

>Sega still releasing nothing besides Sonic in the WEST
>People are excited

>Sonic fans are excited for a Sonic game


but it's sonic 4 as we truly imagined it

I don't follow Sega much so they're probably releasing a bit more but they're also releasing Miku & Yakuza stuff in the West.

How about Phantasy Stat Online? It got released in SEA in ENGLISH. Where's the WEST release?

Sorry dude, I don't know much about that series. Only thing I really ever heard about that game is that a English patch was around for it (well, one of them, I'm assuming the latest one) & people used that to play on Japanese servers easily.

Don't follow sonic games will someone explain this to me? Is Sonic Mania and Project Sonic 2017 the same thing or two different games?

How long until they drop modern sonic all together and just go back to 90s sonic?

Literally 90% of the games and media he is associated with are hot garbage. Even boom sonic is just modern sonic with a scarf.

They're 2 separate games.

Sonic Mania is a classic-like game like the originals, it'll most likely be good due to Christian Whitehead working on it with his Retro Engine which is practically dead-on with the originals physics.

Project Sonic 2017 is a new game we don't know much about, all we know is it seems to have a darker tone, Classic Sonic is in it, it's not a sequel & is something new.

Jumped into this late.
So how will Mania do what Sonic 4 didn't?


one is a properly done throwback done by a fandev who got picked up to handle amazing ports of the original sonic games
the other is something for generations fans handled by the same development that handled Colors and Gens (probably Sonic Team's A/B-teams)

Cool thanks for the info. I might play Mania. Not too sure about the 3d one.

2 different games.
Mania has it's own zones and bonus zones which are remakes of the games from 1, 2, 3&K and CD.

Project Sonic 2017 is more than likley a Generations 2 of some sort. We really don't know.

>So how will Mania do what Sonic 4 didn't?
Well, it's already done what Sonic 4 didn't by having accurate physics and genuinely inspired new levels (S4Ep1 was ALL rehashes, and S4Ep2 effectively just took tropes and squished them together, like combining Oil Ocean with a desert level etc). Also the music already sounds more authentic than S4's did. Christian Whitehead has also claimed that the game is longer than Generations, so we're not likely to have a shortage of zones and challenging Special Stages. Oh yeah, and it has playable Tails and Knuckles.

At this point in time, Sonic Mania has already topped Sonic 4 in every regard. Unless they drop some serious bombshell news - like there being 3 classic rehash zones for every 1 new zone, or something dire like that - it's damn near impossible for them to not beat Sonic 4 in every regard

>Sonicucks are so desperate they're excited for a game boy advance game

Then again these are the same furfags that pretended Freedom Planet was good

>Game Boy Advance game
you don't really know anything about games, do you

>& is something new.
Nope. It's one of those things the japanese do where they go "it's not a sequel, it's completely new but it's also continuing the story and uses the same gameplay style"

fuck that latency laden piece of shit
I got it for free and that's still too expensive

>Adventure 3
you mean the fans of a game that's never been hinted at in a series that has NO happy fans over the age of 15?
>utterly blown the fuck out
why do you have to phrase it like that, it's like you want to start something, and i am giving you the benefit of the doubt and thinking this isn't a total bait thread?
>old games
pick one, two very different flavors.

It's a fan game with good production values, it's not the first and god willing it won't be the last. only difference is sega is marketing it.

>we get a GOAT as fuck classic sonic game
>and a fun as fuck boost game with an overly edgy and retarded plot like the dreamcast days

Literally the best of both worlds

While that probably is the case based on Classic Sonic being in it & the team working on it we don't really know yet.


don't forget the entirely lack of momentum
>going as fast as the game can get
>tap jump
>dead stop

>Mega Man 9 is absolutely the best in the classic series
Eh. It's definitely up there, though. Great game.

>Sonic fangames

Top quality stuff there m80


>the sonic megamix games
>sonic robo blast 2
>etc etc

so that's the only sonic fangame/romedit you've played?


>The Taxman is a longtime Sonic scener and creator of the famous Retro Sonic fangame, which exhibits a very accurate representation of the classic Sonic engine on the x86 platform. He also created a page documenting the Sonic CD 510 Beta.

>He is now working on Retro Sonic Nexus with Sir Euan, a merger of three previous fan games, Sonic XG, Retro Sonic and Sonic Nexus.

>In July 2009, he contacted Sega with plans to re-release Sonic CD for the iPhone. This lead to The Taxman being brought on board to create a new version of said game alongside Sega. Instead of being a port of the original ROM, it was re-created, true to the original game from scratch using his Retro Engine. This allowed for an array of personal control and adjustments for the game, provide a full 60fps frame-rate, and provide an aspect ratio to match the Apple device.
do you hate being wrong?


>I keep tabs on the sonic fangame community

Why won't Nintendo do shit like this? Just grab someone who's willing and able to make a superior product on demand and instead of sending C&D letters put that person to work on a following retro title.

They could easily solve the Metroid problem.

Generations 2 made up for it.


Because metroid is shit. There's no saving it.

Here's your (you)


>post fact
>resorts to "a-autism"
stay BTFO

>stop posting things i don't like!

I'd pay $15 for Rockman 4 MI.

he's right though

>streets of rage remastered just finished as sega cracks down
>"accidental" leaks of full version get out

go play it if you haven't. 10/10

>Just grab someone who's willing and able to make a superior product on demand and instead of sending C&D letters put that person to work on a following retro title.

maybe that happened in another timeline ;_;

post a damn quality sonic flash, fgt

that's groovy as fuck.

Wavedash Games is going to bring everything you wanted from Melee, Balanced Brawl, and Project M with their new fighting game project.

after that, Nintendo can pick them up to help on a Smash game (via gameplay).

>Used to do pretty high quality zone art for Sonic fangames
>Pretty decent programmer too
>Knew Taxman and a few of the contributors of Freedom Planet well
>Dropped out of the Sonic community because I wanted to use my skills for more than just fangames
>5-6 years later, Freedom Planet is a legitimate indie getting a sequel, and the talented fangame developers have been snapped up by SEGA
>I'm still working a day job and trying to dev in spare time
I took the wrong path. Shoulda sucked up to those guys whilst I had the chance

nigger it will NOT have Sami.

smash never will now.

Post yfw the Christian Whitehead logo appeared on the Sonic Mania trailer.