If Nintendo bankrupt next year

will they port their library to other platforms?

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maybe to mobile.

Hopefully now, I want a new glorious age of abandon ware gaming tyvm

Yes, you can finally play Nintendog on Steam :)

>nintendo bankrupt in 2017
literally impossible

Although it will never happen I would totally be down for Nintendo going party.
Playing first party Nintendo games with up to date hardware (for console standards) and NORMAL FUCKING CONTROLLERS would be pretty dope.

>as long as there is 10 million idiots..

is that what you're saying?

How can a company that goes bankrupt do anything with their games?

Your ps4 won't get shit user. With pokemon go as popular as it is, they will shit out as many mobile games as possible.

Nintendo has money to bankrupt 10 years in a row..

>He doesnt know


>SM64 2 with PC visual fidelity

But there are

And? That won't change that if nintendo goes bankrupt, the party that buys the IP's will shit out tons of mobile games. My point still stands.

>Implying any one will buy Nintendo besides sony

I would expect SEGA and Capcom to drop a dime on some of their IPs.

>stocks = profits


>Implying Sony ever could

I want Nintendo bancrupt to see delicious butthurt of nintoddlers

>having money

Why would you want people to not have fun?

I want nintendo to live so nintendoomed will be proven wrong for a third consecutive decade.

>having money

Nintendo has so much money they could go at a loss for 30 years in a row and still not die

you must be new here

If they went bankrupt, there's no company to port games.
Nigga, do you even understand what bankrupt means?

Love this meme xd

There's a discussion point where they could have their IPs and not have any money.

yes they go down in the hardware business and one of their studios (like Retrostudios or 1UP) port the games :-)

If Nintendo files bankruptcy next year, literally everything happens.

Because they won't.


Be more subtle with your begging.

They're likely to have more money than Sony at this point

it's true

>third consecutive decade

Aren't we in the 14th consecutive decade?

And nothing has ever changed since

He's right..

>He thinks just because his company is able to die a slow painful death that its a good thing.

Good to know they are sitting on all that money to sell me underpowered hardware and less IPs

Sup Forums stay in your comfort zone with vidya you fuckers can't into economics.

you kids thinking that because the market share dips down that its the end of the company.

implying this recent surge and depreciation wasn't something completely normal and happens on a regular basis.

No. Nintendo will take their titles to the grave, or to Pachinko, whichever.

moving the goalposts, aren'tcha

Wii: shovelware
Wii U: not even shovelware
NX: Pay to play mobile shit

If nintendo had SO MUCH money as you guys say they wouldn't have to cut jobs or make less games like they are doing since 2007

Capcom is fucking broke, their presence is completely irrelevant outside street fighter. Sega is doing better, but irrelevant outside of Japan.

If nintendo has so much money why do they make less games each year since 2007?
Wouldn't be wise to use 1% of what's in the bank to build a decent line up?

If so why they have failed to do so with the wii u?

Of company existence, nintendoomed didn't pop up until the video game crash of the 80s

they're saving the lineup for the NX you dumbass.

nintendo could stop making games for the rest of eternity and you wouldn't live to see them go bankrupt.

this is just THE FACTS. don't make me pull up analytics to prove it. i can't be bothered getting into an economic dick waving contest with some faggots that don't know the first thing about the stock exchange and how money works.

I never said they didnt have a shitload of money but those statistics are done under the idea they never spend a dime (which will never happen)

>you kids thinking that because the market share dips down that its the end of the company.

How do you know the OP considering the possibly of the NX failing really, really bad?

Oh ok.
Thanks for the info I might save some money to buy a NX and enjoy a better line up than Wii U had.


because even if it was a failure nintendo has already survived a gaming crash, and has survived a bear market dozens and dozens of times.

Nintendo release a overclocked gamecube in 2006
>you spend the next 6 years expecting a HD console with Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Mario, and great 3rd party exclusives

Wii U library
>half a dozen PS3/360 games with DLC $59,99
>1 Mario Game
>0 Zelda
>0 Metroid
>0 Third Party exclusive worthwhile
>0 F-Zero

really intelligent response,

>lel i have no idea what he is talking about so lets just say reddit that'll show him.

don't you see how fucking stupid that makes you sound.

facts are facts, im not even that big of a nintendo fan, i casually enjoy some of their games, but this thread is built on an idea so ludicrous it amazes me how some of you dipshits put your pants on in the morning without getting a hernia

>If Nintendo bankrupt next year

>facts are facts
>Nintendo is only worth because the shareholders have not sold their shares yet
>Once they sell, bye bye
>if they can't sell
>Sega 2.0


>I want Nintendo to go bankrupt so I can play Mario on my PS4!
>Why don't you just buy a WiiU--

Everytime somebody posts this they ignore that it jumped up +90%. It's going to continue to drop either and slowly flatline slightly above what it was or about the same.

nice try, but listen you could make that same argument for any company, and that doesn't mean in your hypothetical world it will ever happen in reality.

god how delusional can you guys be.

>haha let me just use this hypothetical situation where the shareholders sell off their shares because of a failed console or because pokemon go isn't completely owned by nintendo.

jesus christ i didn't think this thread could get any fucking stupider.


If you want to play Nintendo games so much, why don't you just get a WiiU?


I honestly thought the whole dialogue thing was about PS4 cinematic games before I kept reading on.


Stop having a hysterical attack

>I want an international corporation to go under and thousands of people to lose their jobs so I don't have to buy a WiiU

Holy shit, how can anyone be this selfish?

They can find jobs in Microsoft and Sony and work in a good company finally

so in the end the employees will be happier just like me.

can someone send me the pic that shows Shigeru Miyamoto as a rat spreading shit while a nintendo fan boy eating it?

This pic always get deleted by mods I have no idea why.

Does this help?

>Good company
Daily reminder that the Xbone has already finished decaying since it died


Rare Collection > entire Wii U library

The Xbone isn't dead. Most normies wouldn't play on PC. Xbone games being on PC didn't kill it, if that's what you're implying.
>I have no idea why
Because it is a shitpost, and shitposting is against the rules

Well you should wait for the next 2 months to see what happens.

Nintendo is the selfish one

>Could be extremely successful as a software company
>Decide to sell old hardware for a premium price
>It fails
>play the victim

Im sure NX will be weaker than Xbone but $400 instead of $200

So it's against the rules to laugh?

It's funny and you know it.

I'll just leave this here

they wont theyll be bought out by le jew run disney if that happens.