I wish I made movies instead I would be making so much more money

>I wish I made movies instead I would be making so much more money

Daily reminder he actually said this.

>I would be making so much more money

this faggot really thinks hes some bigshot

That's one smug looking nip

Actually he says that while he wanted to make movies when he was young he now feels that video games is were he belongs.

He's still open to the idea of making a movie though, tons of people approached him about it after leaving Konami.

I know right its hilarious

Even more hilarious are the drones who back him up on this

What are you trying to remind us of?

He said movies would make him more money. He never said that he would enjoy it more, or that making games like movies would make more money.

Can we agree that, while Kojima is a shit writer, he's actually an amazing director for videogame standards?

I wish you were making movies too. Or nothing, whatever gets you out of my vidya.

He can't tell a story in less than 4 hours. A movie probably wouldn't work out.

Speaking as someone that moved out of Hollywood to work on games, if I'm going to pour my heart and soul into a project for 3 years, I'd rather it be a 200 hour long RPG than a movie that is an hour and a half.

Kojima made the right call.

>Implying movies would make him more money
>Implying he wouldn't be some unknown Jap B movie director no one cares about at best

Thought you were talking about David Cage for a sec there OP

If he made movies he'd be Zack Snyder: Nip Edition.

>Can we agree that, while Kojima is a shit writer, he's actually an amazing director for videogame standards?

Yes, he has the eye of an artist and superb taste in music. His mind and ideas are fascinating.

Unfortunately he is a fucking shit writer, just like you said.

I think it was more of a statement like:
>MGS is a wildly successful game series
>If it were a wildly successful film series he'd have more money

>cutscenes the movie
>unfinished sandbox of nothing
the man is slipping

I agree, which means his games are GOAT, since I can't imagine what kind of virgin cares about stories in videogames, even more about the shitty stories MGS games had.

You slowly stop caring when you keep working on the same shit for 30 years.

If each and every one of his "drones" went to see his "movies" without question day 1, would he infact not make a lot of money

I wouldn't count TPP desu those working conditions were hellish

Death Stranding will be the point where I decide whether he's a hack or not.

He wouldn't have those drones if he never did these games. Of course anything he does now will be super successful, but would he be successful as a director starting out? Doubtful.

>he went to video games because he was laughed out of hollywood
>so he makes video games that spend most of their time trying to be movies and failing at being either.

He wasn't laughed out of Hollywood. He grew up in a Japanese village where he only had access to computers so he made a stealth game for the MSX

>his face when Death Stranding gets β€œ8/10 it’s okay – IGN,”

By your logic, then he would actually be successful.

Can't wait for his Syfy original movie.
>Last thread had asslicking fans say he's an 'Artist'
>Blade Runner and Lethel Weapon rip-offs as games
>Last good game was Snake Eater

But he wouldn't have his dicksucking fanbase if he made movies from the start. He'd just be another nobody - not offensive enough to be an Uwe Boll and not pandering enough to be an Anderson.

he is though, atleast in gaming

Metal Gear Solid is a niche series. There are more normies than Kojima fans. Kojima only caters to a very specific audience. If he can't appeal to the general audience then his movies aren't going to make any movie.

That's why he makes a movie user.

The general public wouldn't like his pretentious bullshit anyway. In videogames it works because the main audience is autistic.

*peace walker

ftfy :^)

Peace Walker was a portable time waster, what are you talking about?

>Metal Gear Solid is a niche series.
>at least 5 million copies sold per game
The general audience don't give a fuck about the stories but still got into the series because the games look like cool action movies. If he didn't know how to appeal to normalfags MGS would've died 18 years ago

General audience still has no idea what the Metal Gear Solider series other than it's about some stealth game where you can use a cardboard box. You'd have to talk to 100 guys on campus to find 10 that have played a Metal Gear Solid game.

Well MGS games are basicaly movies anyways with the amount of cutscenes.

And thanks to V, 9 out of those 10 guys would have only played 1 or TPP