Anyone else hate how underpowered katanas are in video games...

Anyone else hate how underpowered katanas are in video games? Why do game devs always fail to realistically portray the katana in games and make it so wimpy?

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>Muh hardened, brittle ass, low quality steel animu sword!
Shut up weebfag.

commit sudoku

Katanas are weak weapons.

Like with all due respect to Nips, I'd rather take a claymore or broadsword than a single strokey & pokey if I was gonna get medieval on someone's ass

baited, fucking lurk PLEASE

That flimsy "NIPPON STEEL FOLDED 1000 TIMES" is worth almost nothing. I bet OP doesnt even know this wasnt a samurai's main weapon, or what the expression 'went the way of the samurai' means in modern context

>I was pretending to be retarded


You guys are all idiots, the katana was one of the greatest swords ever created. It's cutting ability is seriously underrepresented in vidya.

but he clearly was newfag

Katana did sort of morph into the Samurai's primary weapon depending on the era or at least the weapon they were most culturally associated with. Even in the Meiji restoration everyone was using guns, contrary to how some may imagine or remember it but the katana was ubiquitous with the Samurai as a social class. This actually mirrors Europe too since pikes and lances began to be phased out in favour of firearms but cavalry swords and sabres still saw heavy use right up until the 20th century.

Its time.

>not realising that katanas were able to slice inferior puny American Sherman tanks both length and width wise like butter

They said a trained Imperial Japanese swordsman was worth at least 15 brutish American GIs but then again you probably get all of your historical context from Hollywood propaganda.

what documentary is this?

>something something Lindybeige

Guess I should do alittle more research. Never put much attention to it.

>no ring ring

Because fuck your 10,000 times folded steel

Katanas are weaker than say a broadsword, but are much lighter. They're better used for assassinations rather than combat, which is why many katanas in games offer speed and crit rate boosts.

Also, there are more legends about Western/European style swords then there are about Eastern ones. For every Muramasa or Jade Sword there is, there's like 10 Excaliburs and Zephyr Swords.

>it's so strong muh 10^10000000000 times folded iron. It can slice anything xD

The most important part of the katana is the user. Most games lacks proper styles, apparenty Ni-oh is in the right path, which makes me happy, but my machine is too shit to play cool games.

t. kendo fag

You're not wrong though dude. Katanas were always a side arm for the Samurai. Samurai were a bureaucratic class first and foremost and depending on the era some never even picked up a weapon in their entire life.

This sort of mirrors the European style of Knighthood where Knights were your professional cavalry composed exclusively of aristocracy - sort of practically since anyone who wasn't a noble was subsistence farmer and couldn't afford the stables and weapons needed. Very rarely did kingdoms raise armies composed of their own people, usually they used their knight bolstered with professional mercenaries and dogs of war. National conscription wasn't really a widespread practice until the Napoleonic era because if a farmer ain't farming then him and his family ain't eating. Samurai began their lifespan as a light cavalry archers who used a very light bow.

They've used dozens of weapons depending on the era but generally speaking they favoured spears or pole arms such as the naginata and very light bows.

You do realize the reason Katanas were folded 100000000000 times were because the japs iron sucked ass and they had to or their swords would break like toothpicks, which they still did.


nigga what? most games have them as 1 hit kills, you can't be more overpowered than that

This. This so fucking hard.

This is why I hate "Would a Samurai be able to beat a Knight/Viking/Spartan etc etc" and the answer is always "depends on the fighters". Kek, it's not like a video game where you select the Knight class who has plus 5 defense but minus 5 speed and the Samurai has plus 5 speed/dexterity. The truth is some guys were faster, stronger, or just plain more lucky

It's like asking if an American soldier can beat a Russian soldier - depends on the fucking soldiers retards.


cut out this meme attempt for fucks sake. I was here like 5 hours ago and the samefagging was atrocious. STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

pic related has OP Katanas.

If you think a little about it, we have the same fascination about nip culture that they have about ours. It's fun to imagine how would a clash between both medieval forces be, the problem is when the fedorinnos enter the brainstorm and transform it into a debate.

If we're talking about sword combat, the armor involved is important as well. Broadswords are far more effective in dealing with it than katana.

Good luck fighting full plated guy with curved sword made of shittest iron on this earth

>being this retarded

They are weapons developed by people separated by thousands of miles of geography and used for different circumstances. Katanas are excellent slashing weapons and cut quite well through padded leather that many Japanese soldiers used.

Also this lovely little gem
>better for assassinations

FUCKING KEK, based on what? Your imagination? You know what the best historical weapon for assassins are? Fucking poison. It's what most Spies now and for thousands of years have used.

Let me guess, you think Ninjas were epic assassins medieval green berets/navy seals who stealthily sneaked around slitting people's throats don't you? That's literally pop culture shit, Ninjas were predominantly mercenaries who were notable for scaling castles and starting fires. They weren't medieval spec ops or anything and they didn't use shit like katanas to duel other ninjas

This is a well established meme. This post has been made on this website hundreds of times. If you actually are responding to this seriously, chances are you've been here less than a month.
Fuck off, reddit.

Are you telling me ninjas CAN'T instantly replace themselves with a log and teleport behind you?

The mongols did just that with light cavalry, pikes and composite bows at the Battle of Mohi in Hungary,

Also, plate armour as a development came VERY late into the Knight's lifespan. Most knights throughout history used only chained mail.

It bothers me that the katana is more prominent than every other useful and interesting sword in history.

See this motherfucker? That's the Dacian Falx. It forced Roman soldiers to make field modifications to their armour and it still wasn't enough to keep the Falx from getting through.

Dacia alone makes a significantly more interesting story that the localized affairs of japan and it's neighbors.

THIS. Why's it so uncommon for devs to recognize the power of a weapon folded a gorillion times?

>They weren't medieval spec ops or anything and they didn't use shit like katanas to duel other ninjas
Kek. I like your explanation.

OP, this is you.

Russian, always.

Katanas will always be underpowered in d20.


That's not really what I was implying. I'm just speaking in terms of katanas in video games, primary RPGs. And in nearly every game that offers katanas as a weapon, they're almost always associated with speed and critical hit rates.

The best example I can think of right now are the Myrmidons/Swordmasters of Fire Emblem. Rugter from 6, Lyn from 7, Karel from 6 and 7, Shanan, Arya, and all her children from 4, just to name a few. Even with an Iron Sword, they can hold their own against stronger enemies. But give them a Killing Edge or a Wo Dao and they become critical hit machines.

>Warsword Conquest finally added Nippon
>I can finally join my Japanese brothers and fight Chaos and Skaven with a Japanese Katana folded 10 Trillion times

>Not enchanted
>Not King Arthur's own glorious Excalibur
>Not even a gun

>Anyone else hate how underpowered katanas are in video games?


Basically it's a status symbol they can whip out to scare and/or slash the plebs

Although it is still a long and sharp piece of steel. A sword, no matter what kind, is a very good weapon to use against ppl with no armor.

>Anyone else hate how underpowered katanas are in video games?


>that shitass game


That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

Rapier > Katana

the katana is only a giant razor blade

This. More games need rapiers. Fuck your homosexual longsword and your Nip Suicide Multitool, I just want a proper Rapier in my vidyer.

[citation needed]

both are shit against full plates


I like you.

The rapier is the weapon of aristocrats. Only true men duel with such a refined and elegant sword.

what games can I use naginata in?


Only in our animus unfortunately.

Ninjas and the real life Assassins have the most bullshit mythology around them to the point where there is little to no semblance to the real historical groups.

Ninjas were typically fire starters who scaled castles and started fires inside because Japanese castle interiors were made of wood and stone. First and foremost they were mercenaries for hire. It's true, some were spies and engaged in espionage but so did literally everyone else in the entire world. We know this beyond a doubt because they left behind military manuals just like fucking literally everyone else in the entire world did for their soldiers like the bansenshukai for example.

Fuck, the Assassins are even worse, and no their namesake isn't because they smoked fucking hash. Their name referred to their spiritual leader Hassan-i Sabbāh. They were a bunch of secretive Nizari Ismailisms, which is like a sect of Shia Islam that lived in mountain fortress. They were religious fanatics and contrary to popular belief they did not target Frankish Crusaders in any meaningful number
(though they did kill a few), in fact they were primarily concerned with killing Sunnis which they were surprisingly pretty effective at doing. They usually just had one of their followers trail some dude they wanted killed, stab in the back with a dagger in a public place in daylight hours and then wait to be captured so they could tell their captors who did it. Or they poisoned them

They have more in common with Al Qaeda or ISIS than as like covert spies. Their mythology got so bad that whenever someone important died, crusader or Sunni, people would instantly attribute it to fucking assassins and that's how we end up with ridiculous ahistorical shit like assassin's creed where they scale towers, slit peoples throats, and escape without a trace.

>when you banzai the baka gaijins just right

What kind of moron willingly use a sword against plate armor anyway?

I think most ppl don't realize that a broadsword's actually lighter than a katana

This desu
Axes > Swords > Club



In what game are Katanas weak?

Fuck that noise.

Give me a game where kenjutsu / samurai are accurately portrayed.

The only game I can think of is the Kengo series.

War hammers and two handed axes> assault rifles

Griffit had a saber though


griffith a fag, Serpico best


fat dudes on tiny horses trying to drive by with bows?

That's like one game and even then Virgil uses a Katana

>implying I know the difference between a can opener and a axe

Tales of Phantasis

Do you want to train bro? ;p

Mount & Blade and TF2

In what game can I triple wield katanas?

>Demoknight katana

Not anymore, they nerfed that shit. It doesn't instantly fill up your health bar after a kill. I miss it too, cause it was so fucking easy to use with the tide turner. I got like 6 back to back kills with that shit on Harvest combined with the booties and tide turner.

I quit TF2 like a year ago though so maybe they buffed it

Pirate Warriors 1-3

This sounds retarded. You are retarded. Go away and come back with some research


dumb frogposter

>one of the most classic baits on Sup Forums
>tards still fall for it

I want summer to end.

*teleports behind you*
*unseathed katana*
"Nothing personal, kid"
*ends you*
*vanish to my misery but needed life*


not pc, bro. it's "autist" now.

A Katana can cut a tank in half, don't buy into this claymore meme by westcucks.

Fuck farming this item, holy shit

Took almost as long as Ash Prime


Americans indisputably have better training and equipment than literally every Russian counterpart of their respective branches. Russia is a fucking meme tier country at best, they aren't 1960's USSR anymore when they actually did pose a technological edge over the Americans. I can't think of a single advantage Russians have over the American military.

Generally speaking knights carried maces or warhammers to deal with armored opponents so that's a moot point swords are pretty shit at dealing with armor to begin with.

>fighting people wearing full plate


>being retarded and not knowing history

Mongols literally fought a contingent of Knights Templar sent by the Pope to bolster the Hungarian forces. They were all killed to the very last man.


plate armor wasn't a thing back then...

>Anyone else hate how underpowered katanas are in video games?
what do you want from them? kitanas are slashing weapons designed to cut.

>single katana and fold it up to a million times
stopped reading

Oh shit you beat me, I wanted to post it too xD

yes it was. 1231 is approaching the end of the use of plate armor in fact