Why does Sup Forums like DSP?

Why does Sup Forums like DSP?

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DSP is a lazy manchild, but his girlfriend's gameplay is really good. She's great at Civ.


Because it's the most contrarian thing you can say


His game reviews are nice to listen to as background noise

>Sucks at every game he plays
>Not even fighting games which he is supposed to "specialize" in.
>Has zero charisma, self reflection or insight about anything he plays.
>Seems to know even less about most games than random people on the street.
>Is not interesting as a person in the slightest bit.
>Looks like shit, GF is average.

He might be the most pointless Youtuber when it comes to gaming as I cant think of a single thing that differentiates him or makes him a worthwhile watch.

He's so bad that he's good

> Sup Forums thinks this is attractive

Reminder that DSP is actually based and Sup Forums has been brainwashed by Arin and The Zaibatsu into believing he's an idiot.

Stop being a sheep.

His DNF review:

His RE6 review:

His Halo 3: ODST review (part 1 of 3):

His AssCreed Unity review:

His 1886 review:

His Evolve review:

Calling out Bungie (Destiny) (30:00):

His stance on GamerGate (easily one of the most mature and level-headed I've seen yet) (39:16):

Five Nights at Freddy's:

Nintendo being faggots (38:55):

Not afraid to call out YouTube on their ridiculously unfair business practices:

Calling out Anita Sarkeesian for being a Professional Victim:

Dropping Truth Bombs regarding Twitch (27:25 onwards):

His thoughts on shitty video game reviewers (Revelations 2):

Also, as a streamer:

>Does not accept donations.
>No follow/subscriber alerts
>No stream gimmicks
>No facecam
>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
>Literally just the video game
>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS

DSP's M.O.? Video games. The video games come first, and he as a player comes second. More Lets Players should be like this, but only DSP has the integrity to actually follow through.

If after all this you're still a typical anti-DSP Sup Forums mouth-breather... well, sorry, I tried. Guess you can't save them all.

>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS

No rules against that. He was streaming at 4 times the bitrate and got banned for it

when i played fallout shelter the first thing i did was get rid of all the blacks spics and chinks out of my vault and left only the whites to have white babies.

Not to mention they asked him multiple times to change it, and he decided to throw a bitch fit.

He didn't get banned. He thought bitrate mattered more when he left. pandalee deleted his twitch account (for him) when twitch didnt accommodate him.

>expecting Sup Forums to have any standards let alone female contact

underrated post

See that's exactly why I like him. He's a reprehensible human being, and through his videos, you get a window into his life.

Hey, Phillip!

White-Lowtiergod is a low IQ drone

say it with me boys





Redpill me on DSP.

Is it true that he acts dumb and affects a persona to get views?

No one is that retarded on purpose

>Is it true that he acts dumb and affects a persona to get views?

yes which is apparent from the quality of his reviews

his best background noise content is obviously DSP tries it though

Would that make him more or less pathetic?

no, it's not.

at one point in time he was good at certain fighting games and he does give the most unbiased reviews. I don't watch his other videos but if you see his reviews you'll know if a game is for you even if its not for him

you put a monkey in a cage
let him play video games
welcome to the greatest show on earth

Sounds great!

Except he's fucking terrible at EVERY game he plays, and tries to pass himself off as "the common gamer."

>pass himself off as "the common gamer."

have you ever played a battlefield game and looked at what the majority of other people on your team are doing?

i want more vacation vlogs

Because he doesnt put up an act like 99% of all youtubers to pander to 10 year olds. he is literally just himself and he feels like a random dude you met somewhere and hang out with. Yes, he is shit at games, but it heavily depends on the genre. His streams with storyheavy games are fucking great and thats where he shines. Also his reviews are by far one of the best and most unbiased on the net. His Vlogs in general show that he is actually pretty smart and he is like another person in his gameplay videos. No idea if he is really just acting or games flip some kind of a switch on him.

>streamer acts and plays 100% like Sup Forums
>Sup Forums hates him

Doesnt suprise me to be honest family.

Ultradavid mentioned that DSP is merely a persona, he knew him during his ST FGC days and said he was actually very good at the game.

I don't understand why he uses a camera to point at his TV/Monitor instead of a capture card.

That is precisely why i watch DSP. Hes a fucking living trainwreck every day.

Because when he started his gameplays around 2008 it was just for fun (unlike now) and he started before it was cool and everyone and his mom had a """lets play""" channel. I think he just went with it for so long because it just worked. I wish he would do videos like that again. It was pretty comfy to watch him play like this for some reason.

>most unbiased reviews
His reviews are all his opinions. DSP loves AAA storygames the most so in that genre theres already bias. His Uncharted 4 is a good example of this. He doesn't see the hallow gameplay of this game and loves the movieness of it. He also makes retarded comparisons to games on the current market and has admitted to it.

I thought he switched to a capture card a while ago?

I call bullshit. DSP is too consistent playing games and other for it to be a act. Hes just a retard who claims its a act because hes atleast slightly aware of what it means to be ashamed.

People claiming its a act need to listen to what he did to his friends and what they've said about it in bulk.

This. Also his Furi/first DaS "reviews" were shit he just passive aggressively insulted the games because hes shit and couldn't finish them.

He is using capture now.

Another typical KWO drone that knows NOTHING about Phil and his content.

Expect that even KWO drones should know that DSP uses capture card now, hell it's even visible in the DSP's current playthroughs.

DSP does something stupid
>lol he is soo bad haha look at this guy and his shit

DSP plays perfectly normal through a game, people nitpick the tiniest shit that could happen to everyone
>haha, he is soo bad, this guy sucks so much xDDD

DSP does something good
>NO, he is shit, here, look at this 50 minute video about him, EVERYTHING HE DOES IS SHIT REEEEEEE

What the fuck is wrong with his autistic haters? Its like they die if they had to admit not everything he does is bad. Yes, he can be an asshole at times, he still is an asshole sometimes to this day, but some of his content is genuinely enjoyable and fun to watch. I really enjoyed his Until Dawn streams as well as his Persona streams. His Vlogs are pretty good as well. I really dont get why the fuck people are so fucking obsessed with him and try to ruin his life. If they really want to hurt him they should just fucking ignore him. I probably never had heard of DSP if it werent for all those tihydp videos, I watched one of them and after that stick to his official channel. They literally advertised DSP and now he has a new somewhat regular viewer. Wouldnt suprise me if he got other fans of him this way.

Wasn't this the game where he just ended up looking the ending on YT because he couldn't beat the final boss

>five nights at fuccboi's

Do we even have mods anymore?

Friendly reminder that no matter how shitty your life may be, you will never be as sad as these irrelevant nobodies.

DSP's hater community are usually his ex-fanboys riffing/joking about DSP because they like to criticize/joke about him. They cant do the normal thing and just ignore him or move on. I'm not sticking up for DSP either. I used to be a fan but I just stopped watching him because he changed from when I used to like watching him.

>I probably never had heard of DSP if it werent for all those tihydp videos, I watched one of them and after that stick to his official channel. They literally advertised DSP and now he has a new somewhat regular viewer.


at least DSP isn't Chris Chan. At least DSP has some common sense as to not cut yourself open and pass it off as a vagina

who? i'm not meming, i have no idea who these people are

for some messed up reason i really wanna see this guys cock..

post yfw SOK / KWO lost and now DSP has arisen out the ashes with KOGaming

He's pretty good at fighting games but that doesn't mean he's good at all other games.

His incompetence is funny and his complete inability to grasp simple concepts or see the simplest solutions to problems in games is entertaining.

DSP is the greatest youtuber of all time


A bunch of talentless literally whos. They have a weekly, hours-long podcast dedicated to Phil and spend their days watching and reacting to his KHANTENT. If you see a "this is you how you don't play" 5+ hours video in 2016, chances are it's from one of these sad fucks.

he's not as bad as all the other e-celebs that Sup Forums likes


he has the most shit tier humor, and i cant stand his laugh.



few days ago was thread about him. Remembered that he existed and checked his patreon and surprise surprise - his income has halved in almost a year. From ~1600 per moth to ~800 per month. I bet at least his new channel is a hit and he gets all his ad money from there

>DSP does something good.
No hes either terrible or slightly below average. I haven't seen a single game DSP has played through he looked "good" at.

Two of the saddest fucks in the whole group are Fred and Freddy.
The other one is "I'm gonna buy new copy of Overwatch so I could pwn some noobz and stroke my ego" and the other one is turbo-autist.

Yup KO gaming has literally saved him.

>implying this AFRICAN WARRIOR isn't more entertaining

he's honestly kinda boring. he just gets mad a lot, goes on rants, sometimes goes quiet, and then shuts off his stream

I'm surprised no one is talking about this

If it was you'd think he'd change it up considering he's lost alot of views