Speak with x

>speak with x
>speak with x
>speak with x
>speak with x
>speak with x
>speak with x
>speak with x
>search 5 hidden boxes

really fucking interesting leveling in this game,

Don't play it then genius

>Why is there a lot of dialogue in a series known for long stories
>Why is the combat so slow for a series known for turn based combat
>Why isn't every MMO a 1:1 WoW clone?

>Why is the combat so slow for a series known for turn based combat

maybe because the devs are incompetent fucks?



I want wowfags to leave.

Isn't your next shitty expansion that's going to be abandoned by Bliz within a couple months out or whatever?

Meh, here's my actual disappointments with the game back when ARR was fresh.
>you can play any class on one char? so much for sense of identity
>hmm can't party up in free trial guess i'll pay
>oh i have to disband my party cause the quests are all solo anyway?
>why are there loading screens when i can clearly see the upper floor of the city from the lower floor?
>can't swim across this small river... let me jump then, oh can't, invisible wall
>what do they mean just queue up for the dungeon? wait you mean I don't have to talk to any other players and I can just be matched with a bunch of random mutes?
>sweet got myself some gear drops for my healer and a few extra for other classes, don't plan to level a rogue for a while so I'll trade this gear to some of my friends to help them out- what, untradeable?

>>Why is there a lot of dialogue in a series known for long stories
FFXIV, the Planescape of MMORPG.

There's other examples of this loading stuff. If you used out of bounds, you can see that outer la noscea has the entirety of upper la noscea's map inside of it (the collision is there too), but the npcs/buildings/extra objects/players are not loaded, it's just the enviornment. Same with idyllshire/hinterlands.

there is nothing to abandon, there is no content to begin with

Welcome to a game developed for the PS3.

>you can play any class on one char? so much for sense of identity
First time I hear someone complaining about this.
>oh i have to disband my party cause the quests are all solo anyway?
Yes, quests are mostly solo. You only really have to team up in instances and maybe FATES.
>why are there loading screens when i can clearly see the upper floor of the city from the lower floor?
PS3 limitations.
>can't swim across this small river... let me jump then, oh can't, invisible wall
PS3 limitations, gameplay limitations and design "choice".
>what do they mean just queue up for the dungeon? wait you mean I don't have to talk to any other players and I can just be matched with a bunch of random mutes?
You can make a group beforehand and enter the instances. If your group is missing someone, then you'll have to wait until dutyfinder finds someone, just like you'd queue solo.
Also you can enter with whatever class/job you want as a premade full group. You can even shut off the sync (that's a "new" feature).
>sweet got myself some gear drops for my healer and a few extra for other classes, don't plan to level a rogue for a while so I'll trade this gear to some of my friends to help them out- what, untradeable?
Grey gear usually can be traded or sold if it didn't bond to you yet (by wearing it and doing the minimum of one skill against an enemy), if not told otherwise since there are a few exceptions. Colord gear is mostly untradeable. There are a lot of exceptions though, but usually that is crafted gear. Dungeon gear is personal, aka can't be traded.

It's really not that much of an issue. You get a lot of leveling gear until 50 and can buy what you're missing fo cheap, or craft it.

Could it be that the game has to run on toasters and loading the entire environment is possible, but loading all the individual characters is not within the memory budget, so they load as much as they can to speed up moving between parts of the city?

this is the best mmo out and one of my favourite games of all time. grabbing some bros and doing duties is some of the most fun I've had playing video games

Exactly, but not just toasters. It's even worse than that:


Vanilla XIV used to have his PvE zones connected to their respective city, without loading screens. ARR had to not only redesign all PvE zones since vanilla had only shitty copypaste locations, but also not make them too big for consoles. That's why PvE zones in ARR (and Heavensward to some extent) feel cramped.

City layout hasn't changed that much, which is why we ended up with inconsistent market atherytes: One direct next to Gridania market, three for Limsa including the city atheryte (and a shitload of idlers and marketfags dragging performance down) and one next to a loading zone leading to Ul'dah's market.

The funniest thing is that the PS3 can barely run anything from Heavensward properly.

I really hope they cut support for 4.0.

S rank hunt in west coerthas must be hell for PS3.

Vanilla would load the overworld while you crossed that huge long bridge between it and the city.

literally burn yourself

>I really hope they cut support for 4.0.
As in not releasing thexpansion for PS3, but small content in patches and telling PS3 users ingame to fucking switch to PC or PS4 already.

Still connected and no loading screen.

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. They actually promised this in Heavensward announcement, that it will be the last expansion for the PS3, let's see if they go through with it.

They didn't promise shit, they'll only drop PS3 once the playerbase drops it and seen as there's probably millions in Japland still playing on that piece of shit it's going to be at least until 5.0 before the platform is dropped.

When is the next patch?

PotD was really underwhelming

Woah, kind of like real life...

September/October should get the next major patch. Though we will have a new anniversary event in august.

Do you plan to continue to support the PS3 version even after the PS4 version is released?
Y: At this moment, we've already begun work on the expansion pack, and I can tell you that at the very least the PS3 version will be supported up to that point.
Does that mean there's a possibility that PS3 users will no longer be able to continue playing beyond that expansion?
Y: It may be a possibility in the future.

Oh, you're right, but it seems like they're not against the idea of dropping PS3 support.

deep dungeon is boring as fuck

When's 3.4? I should be resubbing for that. I miss the game but can't stand the lack of shit to do after clearing Midas.

>everyone begs for raid finder

>no one uses it


Raid Finder is being widely used in JP servers.
Blame western players for being dicks, as usual.

Okay guys, I'm used to hand-holding in MMOs (like Tera and BnS).

How am I supposed to know where to go and get quests?

I feel like when I make a character I spend an hour walking around the staring town just wondering where the fuck I need to go.

I know I'm a shitter but is there something I'm missing?

What is a class that I will have fun leveling up? The Glad is to boring.

anime avatar weaboo loser is completely clueless about simple viceogame, how suprising

now fuck off


It's not in the roulette page, no one knows it exist.


Look for the bigass flaming O

Everything feels like a snail in comparison.

Rogue/NIN is the best class, don't listen to the monks.
Monk quests are fucking awful and monk isn't fun at all at 60.

I wouldn't mind getting into FFXIV but
>finding a decent English guild on Tonberry
Send help

>fun levelling


fun at max level is a different story

>tfw never got to experience FFXI in it's prime
>have to play this shit instead
