Where do you guys go for video game discussions?
I'm not memeing btw this place sucks so much it gets worse and worse so I don't know where to go.
Where do you guys go for video game discussions?
It's all downhill from here buddy
just go back where you came from.
Sup Forums is a best place to discuss videogames, no joke.
I go to a friend's house. I come to Sup Forums to see the internet drama fallout.
I think it went into free fall after mgs 5.
Not saying it was paradise before but still it was ok.
I actually went to /r truegaming or something and they were actually discussing video games its just that I forgot my username for my reddit account.
Come on 20% of all threads are bad memes the rest get derailed with retarded shit.
It's still better than moderated hugboxes
I like Sup Forums because I never got my chance to bully teenagers in school (too busy playing old MMOs).
Now I can just come here, and bully all the 16-18 year olds that post here for being literal retards.
Sup Forums does suck for videogames, though.
NeoGAF is good but you can't take the bait and participate in any SJW or off topic thread
If I'm into pc games and rpgs in general is there a better place for that?
Sup Forums is literally the best videogame board for people who does not play videogames
/vg/ or reddit.
I don't use either because I sincerely enjoy the shitshow that is Sup Forums.
>gets worse and worse
Obviously summerfag. It's been like this for years.
Maybe you are the problem, user. Maybe you're not retarded enough for this place.
Git Gud
You are seriously new if you think this board got worse because of mgsv. It has been shit for ages, mgsv was standard procedure
For writing out lengthy observations and actual discussion I use the other chan. That's really only if I'm absolutely enthralled and mesmerized by something or I'm researching the dev team and I want industry peep chatter.
Sup Forums is stricktly for shitposting, argument and baiting. Unless it's 4 am US time and we're have an Old Internet thread.
I know the leddit meme is prevalent here, but truth be told, certain games have excellent subreddits with good discussion. Typically the medium sized ones, the large subreddits do tend to end up becoming meme and shitpost wonderlands.
The somethingawful games forum has excellent quality video game discussions, but there's a 5 dollar cover charge and you'll get your ass banned for derailing threads with Sup Forums shit. If you get banned, you gotta buy another ticket.
I got some IRL niggas to complain about videogames at, Sup Forums's just for shitting it up
> the other Chan
7? 8? 420? Kraut?
isnt it obvious he came here for MGSV. I wish redditors were publicly lynched like in the old times. When did we become such cucks
I will browse both reddit and Tibetan monk igniting boards as I please.
subreddits, but they're only decent sometimes
if you don't join in right when a game releases then they eventually just be
>hey look at this HILARIOUS video clip that happened
because everyone who wanted to actually talk about the game moved on
>I'm not memeing btw
>Filthy Frank
Im 100% sure you are, because if you actually did want to discus video game you wouldn't make threads like this.
Eeh I like talking about videogames but paying money for it is too much.
>not comfy browsing from your own bed
No I'm not faggot I just didn't have any other pics that fitted.
The IGN forums, they discuss games sometimes.
I just talk to friends but desu Sup Forums is fine for new vidya discussion
just avoid platformfag threads and blatant shitpost threads
But all my friends are on Sup Forums
welcome new friend, i hope you enjoy your stay.
as someone who posts rarely and has been here a decade. this place is just as shitty as its always been and always will be.
you're never leaving anyway so shut the fuck up and go open the 20 off topic threads and shitpost to your hearts content.
So its basically Neogaf or IGN ?
Is he alright?
I always figured "you're here forever" was a joke.
But I've been here 5-6 years now. That's over a quarter of my life spent here.
I will engage in productive commenting and enrich the zeitgeist of this place.
Goddamn, that yellow shirt guy is fast as fuck.
/vg/ and /vr/ just ignore the tripfags, autists and drama queens. So you should be left with at least 4 other people to talk with between the two boards.
Been on this shit site since 05. I can't leave even if I wanted to. I think I miss the days of random chat rooms.