Need a games titles where i can fight giant creatures/robots

Need a games titles where i can fight giant creatures/robots.




that's all ?



Evolve monsters didn't looks so big


Serious Sam

As far as I remember, GW2, God Of War

Lost Planet

Lost Planet, God of War, EDF

Shadow of the Colossus

Dead Space

Monster hunter

Prototype, Darksiders

is that gif from that game Legendary?

christ that game was so shit

this looks pretty cool. Resistance?


Shadow of the Colossus.
Super Mario sunshine.

>MFW you're right

I've played that entire fucking game and don't remember that goddamn boss fight at all.

Serious Sam

God of War 3
Resistance 2
Shadow of the Colossus

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by giant, though. That's building sized in the gif and I don't remember a lot of games with that big a size. They're usually the least interesting bits.

Binary Domain, OP.

It's a pretty underrate third-person shooter.

Shame it didn't have a co-op campaign.

Dragon's Dogma

They might not be big enough for what you want though.

Fuck, I forgot about BD. Good shit.

Yeah, that's why I didn't include it when I gave my suggestions. I think the biggest is the Condemned Gorecyclops, right?