Would you refuse to date a chick if she does not play vidya at all?

Would you refuse to date a chick if she does not play vidya at all?

Yea, I only date intelligent women, if she doesn't play games, she's not intelligent enough for me

no, dated a gril gamer once, fuck that shit, bitches are all crazy

no. But I would kick her out if she didnt want me playing videogames

No, but if she was a bitch about my gaming habits and insisted on me not playing I would still date her for a little while because I'm lonely as fuck.

I refuse to date girls who play video games. What a fucking waste of time

Probably. Gaming is my major hobby so if she doesn't partake in it (odd in this day and age) we probably wouldn't be compatible.

I'd rather date a girl who didn't play at all than a girl who played but sucks at it if that makes sense.

It's so infuriating to see girls who play thst miss obvious cues, don't read any of the quest or flavour text, skip cutscenes, ignore objectives, don't explore etc.

>I do play video games user, I play LoL and Pokemon Go XD

This isn't really video games.

But no, not at all. Variety is the spice of life and having someone who would challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone sometimes and bring me into new things would be nice.

No because I'm a loser and barely do anything with my time besides vidya so we would have no connection. Unfortunately there are rarely any girls that actually play vidya so I'll be tfw no gf for a long time.

No? But I probably wouldn't feel compelled to spend time with someone who belittles me for playing games or just isn't curious to give it a fair try.

This. If I like a girl enough to date her I don't care if she doesn't game. However if she has a problem with the fact that I do then it's over. Unless she's like 10/10 way out of my league then I'll try to hold on to her.

Does that goes both ways? Would you watch her stupid tv shows and shop for shoes every week?

>Unless she's like 10/10 way out of my league then I'll try to hold on to her.
Yeah nah. It's never worth it, especially long-term.

This..... sorta

They're high maintenance lad and the worst part is they tend to get fat, they lose their looks after they're married because they've finally "bagged one."

I'd much rather date a chick that doesn't play vidya than one that does.

I only seem to get chicks that play vidya so woe is me I guess.

If she's a 10/10 but you two share no interests and don't like each other's hobbies it's pretty much guaranteed that she will cuck you.

Not really. If she was completely against it and hated it then thats a different story.

As long as she would be able to tolerate me playing it frequently in my spare time.

It probably seems weird, but I think shopping with a girl would be fun. I'd be more than happy to let her model cute clothes for me. Never done it though so idk maybe it sucks.