So is there an infographic explaining exactly why FO4 is bad? because I really don't see it

So is there an infographic explaining exactly why FO4 is bad? because I really don't see it

It's bad because it's disappointing as fuck and mod can't save it like Skyrim


Modders have effectively given up on it.

For a Beth game, that's quite damning.

muh new vegas, pretty much

NVfags will never know this comfyness

I play on PS4 so i dont care about mods. Any REAL reason?

Its mostly hated because its not New Vegas HD edition

This is mods right

Bloody hell lad if you enjoy it just enjoy it, who gives a shit what other people think

Sure. This was made before the game came out, and it's spot on.

with this lad right here
I thoroughly enjoyed F4 even having played NV and 3, thought the story was decent but the gameplay is the most fun part for me.

too casual in comparison to the older 2d games

That was a pretty good read.

I feel like the jump from Ion Storm to Eidos could apply here as well.

because both FO4 and FO3 are not faithful to the series, and the rpg elements are almost minimal

That fucking juggernaut post is pretty fucking spot on.

My biggest complaint about games in the past, I guess. 10 years or so is lack of immersion.

Singleplayer or otherwise.

There's no immersion anymore. I used to be able to get into a game, adrenaline pumping tiers of immersion.

Not anymore.

Whither it was an RTS, an MMO, An RPG, TPS or a hybrid of the lot.

I could sink my teeth into the old Isometric Fallout games.

Haven't enjoyed 3 or 4 like that.

shit tons and probably a low framrate

Here's another nice writeup.

You can't really go anywhere or do anything in 3 or 4 before you run into something incredibly stupid.

It tried to be an RPG, and it failed. Instead of being either a decent RPG or a good FPS, it's so much less than either of them. Combat is a little better than Fallout 3, but that's not enough for 7 years of fucking work by the biggest company besides Blizzard

Gameplay itself is a lot of fun, shooting is done well and the skills and everything are fine.

RPG elements are absolute trash/non existent.

Basically they are saying it's not an RPG

This, this right here.

One of the most important things in RPGs is dialogue, and they fucked it up beyond repair. Fucking oblivion has better dialogue than this.

>Only 4 dialogue choices, no more, no less
>Dialogue choices don't actually matter in the end
Bethesda should sit in the corner and think about how this excuse of a game is not actually an """"RPG"""".

Reading this makes me appreciate the ironic tone of OWB so much more. Obsidian took the ancient pre war science lab idea and played with it, because the idea of a 200 year long circlejerk of socially awkward idea guys isn't that great when done unironically. Obsidian took the Think Tank's stupidity and wore it like a badge while Bethesda tried to make the Institute a serious science illuminati while missing the whole point of OWB

There is none because it's a really good game. All you will find here is cherrypicking and hyperbole.

The only main gripe people have are the watered down rpg elements.

Other than that it's still a good game honestly, just not for multiple playthroughs tbqh

Survival mode made the gameplay alot of fun, except for the occasional 'having to do the exact same thing 1000 times'.

>just not for multiple playthroughs tbqh
Kinda this desu. Went through it once. Feel no want to do it again.

i cant think of one thing about it that goes beyond mediocre. even the stuff that are seemingly good like the world design or the weapon crafting are insanely shallow when you actually analyze them.


Unpopular opinion, I actually like FO4 better than the other FO games. There's so much shit to do especially when you play with mods and dlc. I actually like settlement building too, it's a refreshing break between long sessions of mindlessly killing the same few enemies over and over. I still haven't gotten bored of the game because I'm always finding something new to do.

let me tell you as someone who started with New Vegas:
- predefined character
- 70something quests
- lack of dialogue options
- lack of quality weapons (yo where my boomstick at tho)
- shitty optimization
- super casualized power armor
- boring characters
- E3 sugarcoating melts very quickly

for the things Fallout 4 did right you still get the sense that it could've been something more had they taken positive design cues from the previous games
but as it stands, Bethesda very much took advantage of the entire hype surrounding Fallout 4 to make a buttload of money instead. quite a shame, really
only reason I stuck around playing it for as long as I did was because Piper was voiced by pic related

Its not that bad just lacks depth, its designed in a way that a 7yr old as well as an adult can play it. If your the picky type that cares about how well the mechanics work or how well designed a game is then its pretty bad. Game devs realized they no longer need to put effort into making a mechanically sound games, because the avg gamer is dumb as fuck.

- dumbed down dialogue system
- no memorable characters worth mentioning
- no memorable quests worth mentioning
- the only two cities or so are boring after a few hours, causing you to rely on the settlement system too much
- RPG elements stripped down, basically a FPS with vague dialogue and "perks"
- skill system completely removed, just perks and different ranks of the perks
- overall atmosphere is cool but gets bland very fast
- same old raider loot on everybody
- same old clothing on everybody
- same old mutants do the same old shit
- voiced protagonists takes away the feeling of playing a unique character you create, pigeon holds you into playing same old boston ex soldier dad looking for faggy son
- you literally are a helpful charasmatic guy/girl no matter how hard you try to be a neutral/evil character
- Karma system completely removed
- consequences in this game are babied down. you really cant fuck anything up in this game, in NV you could completely ruin everything for everybody and felt the cold emptiness from seeing the world turn on you because you turned on them

thats all I can think of atm, the game does some things right but it wasnt for me

>the only two cities or so are boring after a few hours, causing you to rely on the settlement system too much
There are two?
Diamond shanty town, and what's the other one?

>Karma system completely removed
Can't complain about that one. 3 completely messed up the karma system. Rather than being roughly a meter to see how good/bad your overall actions are, they built the whole game about the morality of your actions. It's like the reputation system of NV, except that it's entirely built on morality, which makes no fucking sense.



Glad they removed that shitty system. I wish they would have used the reputation system though.

>Mysteriously well armed and supplied infinite army of unexplained mercenaries that don't work for anybody and always shoot on sight hunt you down forever for giving water to bums

Talon Company is a joke. Its the easiest example that Beth has no fucking clue what they are doing and that their writing is garbage.

And then FO4 has Talon Company 2.0, the Gunners. Another mysterious factions of strangely well armed and supplied mercenaries that don't actually work for anybody, shoot on sight, and cannot be wiped out because they are infinite.

>the troll has a dick

No (Yes)
Sarcastic Yes

Is every dialogue option

Why was "war never changes" repeated so many times in the intro if the game wasn't really about that at all?
Why does a story about artificial intelligence belong in the Fallout universe?
Why are there so many pipe weapons when they are never good enough to use except in dire situations when you have no ammo for anything else?
Why were advanced companion commands removed?
Why were ammo types removed?
Why was reputation removed?
Why were skills removed?
Why can the main character build massive water purifiers and complicated structures right off the bat?
Why can the female main character, a lawyer, pilot power armor?
Why can't I join or start a raider group?
Why can't I join or hire the Gunners?
Why aren't there any prostitutes?
How does Diamond City defend itself with baseball bats and pipe weapons?

Also not sure how to phrase this in the form of the question but the dialogue is so bad they may as well have just scripted it instead of giving options.

Yeah that always bothered me about the Talons. They are well armed and rich enough to found their own State.

And it was hard to buy the whole "Evil Mercenaries" thing. Who the fuck in the entire capital wasteland has enough caps to pay them?

yea I never liked talon co or the gunners, the legion was goofy in appearence but atleast had pros and cons to them, a set of ideals that you can believe legionaires would of been brainwashed into believing (think Sup Forums if they actually werent losers and knew how to fight)

Only came here to post this

I'm being completely honest when I sat I actually do not believe that you enjoy it, but I smelting care. For me it's just the worst game in modern history. I think every single element us a 0/10. And I mean that, while heartedly I believe no element - writing, graphics, physics, gameplay, sound, no element has any redeemable features.

having tenpenny and maybe a small group of rich men funding them could of made more sense, bethesda could of played on this with a questline about uncovering the rich mens dirty business dealings to profit off of the slave trade in paradise falls and medical/food supplies to megaton/rivet city. Since most people dont trust their government this could of been believable.

Looting without having to open a menu is objectively better

This isn't even the worst part, because they could've bother explaining the Talon background if they actually bothered writing terminal entries. The worst part is that both the Talon and Regulators' motives are beyond ridiculous.

Talon mercs are supposedly contracted to make sure the place stays lawless. Aw dude, there's that wanderer who helps people, let's kill him to show that the place should be full of baddies!

Same for regulators, they're trying to ensure that the wasteland is run by peacenlove hipsters, in a wasteland where fascists and techno-fetichists fight over for its control, like it's going to help these people. It's better than the Talon's motives, but not really full of sense.

The whole hit squad shit was ridiculous, and so was this karma system. A city shouldn't give a fuck if you did bad shit before. And the karma system is beyond broken. You nuked Megaton, contaminated the water supply and nuked the Brotherhood? Just feed the church with shekels and you're the new jesus. Bethesda clearly doesn't understand the purpose of the karma system.

Where are the rich men getting their money? Aside from the merchants the settlements seems to be roughing it own their own financially.

Dang i loved Fo3 back then. But know that i gave it several thinking sessions i find hard to go back to it.

By the way I've never played any Fallout but I have the base game of New Vegas in Steam it's necessary to get the DLC to enjoy more the game or the base game is fine?

Also, the memes about Todd are fucking hilarious

>tfw you bought Fallout 4 at launch for full price

At least I didn't fall for the Season Pass trick.

Fuck you Todd.

I fucking hate you. I fucking hate that face of yours which you have managed to keep straight during the whole Bethesda E3 2015 conference as you kept spouting your lies one after another.

Fuck you.

What've you got against Todd? I think he's a pretty cool guy, personally.

I also recommend purchasing the FALLOUT™ 4 season pass at the low price of $59.99 for access to hundreds of hours worth of extra content and fun.

Holy fuck, the rare occasion I post on my phone it just makes zero sense. How do people do it day in, day out?

Base game is fine. Though i think you can still get the GOTY edition for the same price.

Fancy any particular?

so uh where did the institute get their fev

and where did they get their gorilla dna for gorilla synths

That's a big Todd folder.

they could of started off as established caravan businesses that traded around Nova, Sova, and MD and settled in DC where they helped build up the foundations of Megaton and rivet city, back when they were shitty little settlements and were in dire need of reliable suppliers for food/water and consistent medical supplies. They jumped from well off to wealthy and rich once they started delving into the slave trades from paradise falls and trading slaves/supplies with The Pitt. Eulogy Jones could be in charge of Paradise Fall's operation but he reported to one of the wealthy men (call them the wise men or Four Horsemen or something mysterious)

this is all brainstorming but you can see how the 10 minutes I spent brainstorming gave the Talon Co a real purpose in DC and added an even more evil element to Tenpenny other than just ghoul discrimination, maybe he was screwed over by the other rich guys and wanted to blow up megaton to deal a critical blow to their income?

Relatively, compared to yours.

They used the plot hole device.

You know, the one the Enclave use to get past the Vault 87 door.

>so uh where did the institute get their fev

Betheda's asshole where they keep the rest of their ideas. The excuse in F3 for there being super mutants was some EXTRA hidden vault despite the virus having been developed by West Tek, a rival company. How the fuck it ended up in a Vault Tec vault is beyond me.

They didn't think it through, they just added them because they were iconic for the fallout franchise. Same with the eastern BotS.

You're a small guy

Add this one to your collection.

I got the base game from Nuuvem for a little more than 1 dollar I think, sadly the GOTY edition was not as disccounted as the base game, still if I find it cheap I plan to get the GOTY edition at some point probably

Mods for PS4 when?

I like Fallout 4. I find it more fun to play than Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Can someone please reply to my post?

that is a real reason
bethesda games are mediocre at best without mods

Was West Tek established as a rival of Vault-Tec? I assumed that Vault 87 got what happened to Vault 22, Vault-Tec connections with the government turned one of their facilities into a research facility. It doesn't make much sense, but it's still better than the Institute FEV.

As an alien from a far-away planet i can safely say that Todd Howard's game is an intergalactic masterpiece, i hope you pre-ordered

post the dark elf/CHIM/red eyes Todd please
I'll trade you for this rare Todd

Vault 87/Little Lamplight is just pure narrative suicide

The whole thing just makes no goddamn sense and doesn't even attempt to make any sense

>dark elf
Did you mean this one?

Hahahaha, user please upload those images somewhere (maybe mega) I just got a few, the ones from Todd asking for money are probably my favorites

Yep that idea is indeed better by a mile. It connects all the populated places in the game, instead of them feeling like separate entities. You can work for, against or replace all the rich peeps. Then papa Neeson would actually have a reason to be proud/disappointed in the character.

Fuck! Bethesda should really give a second thought about how the "cool" ideas they have would fit into the game, instead of putting everything in there all at the same time.

>red eyes
no I don't mean that one. Has a mark on his head, gray skin
you know very well what I'm talking about


Boy I wouldn't do that, that's how I ended up here. In a 4 by 4 cell serving time, piracy's a crime, dontcha know?

I've realised the error of my way by pirating Fallout 4™ and the Season Pass, because I was too cheap to spend the low, low price of $59.99.

Don't make my mistake, fellow video game enthusiasts. First thing I'm doing when I'm released is buying The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim™ REMASTERED!

Lamplight doesn't make any fucking sense, but Vault 87 and Vault 22 aren't that different. Why would a vault end up in a Sierra Madre-tier Big MT research project? Apparently MT and Vault-Tec had no connection whatsoever, so I assume it's Enclave stuff, which is why it wouldn't surprise me that the same thing happened to 87.

It's just boring. Most beth games at least have cool random dungeons with incentives for you to explore them. FO4 barely has any, and its a shame because the graphics are blazin. Radial quests are also fucking stupid.


I am playing FO3 with Tale of 2 Wastelands.I am enjoying this much more than I enjoyed FO4.

It is surprisingly decent. The New Vegas mechanics make it so you can actually have character builds. None of the quests effect the affect the larger world, but they all seem to have multiple solutions. I apparently skipped a few steps to the main quest by doing a side quest that led me to my father instead.

The world is so fucking stupid though. Holy shit.
>big town
>arefu (5 asshole in a bridge with no supplies is not a fucking settlement)
What the fuck is wrong with Todd Howard?

Fine trade, lad. Don't forget to order your copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

>cool random dungeons with incentives for you to explore them
That reminds me, why the hell did they pick the Skyrim system with linear dungeons with a loot chest at the end? Exploring interiors in 3 and NV was generally worth it, 4 was a boring shitfest where you just enter dungeons for the loot chest with pipe weapons.

And ffs the vaults, completely ruined them. Want to establish the vault's fate by exploring the abandoned rooms and discovering notes/computer entries? Nah m8, have a terminal which explains it all at the entrance.

>a child only community
>have been that way for 200 years

You can't say no to a pretty lady

Vault 87 was built for testing FEV five years before FEV even existed, on the opposite coast nonetheless. I think it was built two years before the pan virion immunity project was even started, which was the precursor program to FEV.

Not to mention that logs in Vault 87 specifically mention pressure from Mariposa to conduct human experiments in Vault 87. Human testing of FEV didn't occur on the west coast in Mariposa until the same year of the Great War after West Tek moved their FEV team to Mariposa, and the testing outfit at Mariposa was all West Tek and had absolutely nothing to do with Vault Tec.

Vault 22 is at least reasonably close to Big MT. Vault 87 is across the entire continent comparatively to where FEV was developed.

Its mostly just autism

But why did the scientists pick a vault for their dirty testing when Vault-Tec had 0 involvement in the mountain itself? The geographical argument is correct, but Vault-Tec had 0 involvement with both West Tek and MT. And wasn't 87 built for something different before they dropped the project and fitted the vault with equipment for FEV testing?

I know that Bethesda writing doesn't make any fucking sense, but you can probably make it legit if you speculate shit about it.

>been that way for years
>somehow have survived living next to a super mutant factory
It's actually kind of impressive how the game managed to get dumber the longer the plot went on.

I legit thought Piper was voiced and inspired by young Sandra Bullock. Hence why she was my #1 companion, with dogmeat sprinkled in occasionally. Everyone else is extremely uninteresting.

new vegas was good without mods tho
thank you obsidian

>For 200 fucking years the super mutants never discovered the magical village of asshole children, despite them being literally in the same cave system
>Even though Murder Pass directly leads to Little Lamplight they mutants never bothered exploring that far to find them

What the fuck Bethesda

>Why was "war never changes" repeated so many times in the intro if the game wasn't really about that at all?
So you wouldn't forget
>Why does a story about artificial intelligence belong in the Fallout universe?
Because it is now a post-post-post-apocalyptic setting, and we are dealing with the emergence of technology even more advanced than pre-war.
>Why are there so many pipe weapons when they are never good enough to use except in dire situations when you have no ammo for anything else?
Because they are home made by people and pipes are easy to find.
>Why were advanced companion commands removed?
To focus on the quality companion stories.
>Why were ammo types removed?
So they could focus on the high quality weapon customization system
>Why was reputation removed?
So they could focus on the high quality 3 faction war.
>Why were skills removed?
So they could focus on the well developed talent system
>Why can the main character build massive water purifiers and complicated structures right off the bat?
He went to college
>Why can the female main character, a lawyer, pilot power armor?
Her husband taught her during their free time
>Why can't I join or start a raider group?
So you can focus on the high quality narrative
>Why can't I join or hire the Gunners?
They already work for someone and aren't currently hiring.
>Why aren't there any prostitutes?
People have morals in a post-post-post apocalyptic world.
>How does Diamond City defend itself with baseball bats and pipe weapons?
By Closing the doors

I'm baffled by how anyone can enjoy it. Every single thing about it is done wrong.

90% of all locations are gunner/super mutant/raider/ghoul camps

hello toddler

>FO3 has "genius scientist" wasting a goddamn GECK, which is now a powerful matter manipulation device, on purifying water that shouldn't even be radioactive
>FO4 has a freshly unfrozen lawyer who can whip up unlimited amounts of water purifiers out of scrap metal
>FO4 also has a complete nobody wastelander who can build a fucking teleportation relay with scrap metal

None of that is even as fucking retarded as the ghoul kid in the fucking refrigerator in 4.
Like seriously, even if you accept that ghouls can live for 200 years without water, food or anything else, it still makes no fucking sense. It's like a three minute walk away from their parents home. Are you seriously telling me that they never searched for him in 200 years? That the fucking kid shouted for somebody to let him out for 200 years? That no one ever got close enough to the fucking fridge in 200 years?

You can't write that and not notice the fucking problem with that whole setup. Which makes me think that they seriously just don't care about anything making sense.

>Hey, maybe we should seriously rewrite this quest, it make no sense whatsoever.
>Oh who cares, nobody plays this game for its world or writing anyway.

>super mutant ally ventures through several highly irradiated rooms to retrieve a mcguffin for you
>won't walk a couple feet into a highly irradiated chamber and push a few buttons later because reasons
Thanks, Todd.

It's all about catering to the masses. That simple. Better to make something the majority can play than try to strike out and make a niche product.

Certainly, some companies can get away with this, for a while, but it seems that as the popularity of a developer grows, so too does the cancellation of their titles. Currently there are so few companies that can not only develop these autistic tier titles, let alone see those titles succeed.

Paradox is certainly one of those companies, but even they seem to be dumbing some of their titles down. EU4 was surprisingly bad compared to previous games/titles. Haven't played Stellaris is yet though and I've heard good stuff there.