Just a reminder that Rainbow Six Siege is now anime

Just a reminder that Rainbow Six Siege is now anime.


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>posting this shit instead of the new operators

kill yourself weebshit


this isn't video games.

>Caveira is the defensive Operator of the two. As such, she possesses the “Silent Step” skill that enables her to sneak up on enemies to immobilize and then interrogate them to reveal their teammates’ location. Her arsenal includes an M12 and SPAS-15 for primary weapons, a PRB92 as a secondary, and Nitro Cell C4 and Barbed Wire for gadgets.

>As the attacker, Capitão carries a tactical crossbow that can fire asphyxiating bolts that burn oxygen within a certain radius, as well as micro smoke grenades that can mask positions and team movements. Capitão also has an M-249 and PARA-308 for primary weapon options, a PRB92 for secondary, and frag and stun grenades rounding her available arsenal.

And we're getting the option to surrender, a new map, and a new grip? I can't wait. Also fuck you OP, why wouldn't you post the news first dumbass?

heh, nice

>page not found
good job dipshit

they took it down, faggot


that's better you stupid bitch
this interrogation shit sounds retarded, what the fuck ubi

i remember thinking Buck's gadget being a underbarrel shotgun is lame

but these 2 are just plain shit, especially the defender

Unless they're finally adding a single player campaign, I don't care about anything they put out.

I don't know how you guys keep playing this. I stopped being interested mere days in.

>I don't know how you guys keep playing this

by being able to beat actual people too and not just retarded AI

Why are you here then? Why would you read all of that just to come in here and cry about no campaign? Who the fuck adds a campaign months after release? They have no reason to, plenty of people are enjoying mp, and no one is asking for a sp mode.

>skill that enables her to sneak up on enemies to immobilize and then interrogate them

9/10 times I attempt this the enemy WILL turn around for no apparent reason and gun me down.

Well, one person is.

>2 females

Better be qt

One of the new operators has a crossbow(attacker).

>we're defending
>twitch is outside on drone
>i get a decent flank position
>she's behind a car outside
>ADS creep
>she gets off cam
Had to shoot her dead, even though I wanted the knife kill so bad.

I learned my lesson long ago though, if you're going to try and knife someone, keep your gun ready incase their turn around just before you can get there.

>put out a 6 hour campaign
>everyone finishes it
>its now the exact same game as before

Siege maps are too one dimensional. Everyone spawns around a single objective with multiple entry points and break in. I like Vegas 1 and 2 maps more.

Well you got me there

Best console button for knifing?

I feel really gimped when I have to knife because sometimes clicking the aiming stick makes me aim in a different direction than where I needed to be for the knife to connect


the destruction changes a lot, for example, only Ash can go to the room below the objective and blow up the floor. If you get a cam inside the room you can blow up the floor below an enemy and get him completely exposed while he is confused because of the explosion and how rare it is to have incoming fire from below (outside of a trap door).

And Vegas had some serious camping issues because of the choke points and cover system

>only Ash can go to the room below the objective and blow up the floor.

or anyone with a shotgun

>Siege maps are too one dimensional

ignore him, he is retarded

Isn't that crouch/prone button tho?

The BRs get the m249. Come on now. The booty better be worth it then.

It is

I kinda want a rainbow six anime now

Both are the same. What they needed was more random placement and randomization of the enviroment. Vets are pretty damn sure where anything is within a few seconds. Hell most of the time my teams wouldnt set up barricades at all and just go old fashion counter strike skirmishing.

am I supposed to crouch and knife at the same time?

I don't know how the fuck they think people being able to pull that off since you rarely catch anyone alone off guard

>All these new female operators
>Japanese Operators come
>none of them female

why live

we already got chink eyed frost

I'd imagine you would just sit in a room near the objective and wait for someone to walk buy, and sneak behind them. It seems more effective against teams without mics. (85% of players in my experience)

Japanese females are too appealing to western men.

>Siege maps are too one dimensional.
You really said that

best girl
>those shitters who said she was ruined because muh c4
i still wreck shit with her

>Implying the Japanese operators aren't going to be both female

I feel the same way about Thermite.

Fav op from the start, still my fav op.

If anything, having breach charges, and thermite charges makes me a more strategic player than having grenades to lob that give away my position.

shame that the game is garbage

I disagree

Why do you people call things garbage and never elaborate?

>finally start learning the maps
>severely increase k/d ratio

>immobilize and then interrogate them

>"Guys Caveira has me, I'm on the stairs near B"
>*team lights up Caveira
>*revives downed teammate

wow what a great champ

My guess is, the interrogate will be very fast, and no something MGS-like.

Are women even allowed in BOPE?
BOPE literally goes against everything SJW-soft stands for. Didn't know police death squads were progressive.

Yeah I'm guessing you cuff them and throw them on the ground and something like markers appear over the rest of the team for a bit, or something similar to that effect.

Skull Rain is a dumb name

stfu pissbaby, death squads are fine as long as the only kill men

Switch crouching to your right stick so you will have your thumb on the crouch button at all times for them sik 420 dropshots

what if I want to crouch while ADS?

>Meanwhile she has the positioning of your teammates coming for her
>Teammates get lit up by her C4 and shotgun

I doubt you have to keep them alive for long. Just enough to get the markers out and finish em off. If its anything like in MGO then you can kill them just as soon as the interrogation is done. What I'm concerned about is whether or not the enemy positions will be worth going out and interrogating someone for. How long do the markers last? Will they move with the enemy for a set period of time? Or will they just disappear after 5 seconds?