I've been trying to play Mario 64 for the first time and holy fuck is this game terrible

I've been trying to play Mario 64 for the first time and holy fuck is this game terrible
I literally can't imagine this game having any worse camera and controls. Every single surface feels like ice and you have to fight the camera constantly. It's absolutely dreadful.

How can any of you faggots shit on Croc for having tank controls and then go and praise this piece of crap?

And how do I get that shitty star?

Other urls found in this thread:


have you considered that the game isn't shit, but the way your brain works is shit?

if you select the right mission, there's an owl in the tree at the start of the level

you fly it up there and then drop into the cage

it's the most difficult star on that level IMHO

also, Mario 64 was pretty much the first real 3D platformer, you can't blame it too much for having a shitty camera. All 3D games had shitty camera controls during the 5th gen, and most of the 6th gen too

get on the spinny platforms, triple jump and wall-jump off the cage to grab the the side of it.

admittedly the camera isn't that great but the controls are fine. no idea what you're talking about there.

This and the water level bullshit with getting it just right tripped me up. I can't think of many other instances of trouble.

>being this casual

The camera's only bad if you skip the intended routes.

Only speedrunners know how to skip all the intended routes.

Super Mario 64 has these occasional weird elements that are impossible to figure out. There's a reason the 'How were you supposed to figure this out?" has become a meme.

It makes the game great for kids, though. Even today, I know kids who play it.


Here's an easy strategy for casuals like you

you don't have to like super mario 64 or any popular game

Don't play that shit OP, the game is unplayable with those controls and camera but nintendrones will keep denying saying that all early 3D games were this shitty, despite all PS1 games working just fine.

>unplayable with those controls
what fucking Mario 64 were you guys playing? since when does it have shit controls?

did you even play the game?

You made this thread yesterday faggot

>using an emulator

fuck off you criminal faggot

You have to select star 1, go up to the big whomp, climb up on his head and jump to the cage from there. You may have to get him to walk closer to it first

at the time of release you could not find anything more amazing, kys

seriously, kys, bashing on mario 64 is the lamest thing you can do because it should be clear to anyone that what i said above is obvious.

seriously, kys you baiting homo

i will delete this post after five minutes so you can see it but i won't contribute to your awful thread

>Mario 64 was pretty much the first real 3D platformer
No it wasn't.

I'm going to make the obligatory reply about how Quake was better and more iconic.

git gud :o)

yup, 120 stars multiple times. controls were great. leagues better than the Galaxy games.

I didn't

>not using the cannon and being pin-shit accurate

nigga pls

>I'm gonna delete this post in 5 minutes

What exactly is this dumb crap?

so in your game mario didn't slide on every surface, have only 4 directions of movement despite using a stick and move randomly when trying to rotate direction?

thanks I just did it first try



kek, im familiar with this meme, dank af 2bqh

What controller are you using?


It's been a few years since I played it, but that doesn't sound right at all, especially that directions of movement thing.

he would occasionally slide but that's never a problem, it can be easily avoided. Mario 64 had more directions of movement than Mario 3D World does. also never experienced the moving randomly thing.

Anybody have that TAS of Jolly Roger's eight red coins that involves not using the ship and instead wall jumping around the sides of the map? I can't seem to mind it.

>Better than Galaxy

I was with you up until that point.
doesn't matter. People have different opinions

just a normal USB generic brand controller
it's pretty much identical to the PSX controller

>Playing on an emulator
There's your problem, faggot

I got you fAm

3d controls were in babby stages back then, calm down kiddo

mario only slides on ice

mario has 8 directions of movement thanks to the control stick

You can say anything about the camera but Mario's movement and the terrain are borderline perfect.

emulators are always superior to shitty proprietary 30 year old hardware

stop this meme

enjoy your input lag

Thanks man.

terrible thread, kill yourself
terrible reply, kill yourself

don't know what you're talking about
you're probably dumb and played with frame limit and vertical sync or with some shitty plugin or on a shitty pc and now think that's how games emulate
enjoy your 640x480 and filtered audio I guess

>have only 4 directions of movement despite using a stick
Okay, there's baiting and then there's just being incorrect. The only conclusion I can even think to make is that you might be playing the DS remake, which lacked the Analogue controls of the N64 version, and was limited to 8 directions.

Either way, good job getting everyone to reply. Even I've bitten. You son of a bitch.

Huh? Just set aside half an hour and actually bother to learn the game. Is this what millennial means?

>new players
Good lord the end is near

pc emulators arent

That really makes SM64 tricky. I use a 360 controller for emulation and the game is much harder.

I can sympathize because I had trouble with the game and grew up playing it. It was designed for a 64 controller.

>pc emulators arent

If you have problems with mario 64 you should try mega man legends lmao.

Have you considered it's because you're playing on a POORLY CODED NINTENDO 64 EMULATOR?

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Mario? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Metal Cap Mario. I'm not talking about Metal Cap Mario at QPU De Facto Speed. Hell, I'm not even talking about Metal Cap Mario having gone through a spinning heart QPU De Facto Speed. I’m also not talking about Mario with both Metal and Vanish caps, having gone through a spinning heart QPU De Facto Speed, followed by a double jump onto a misalignment in a PU to do vertical speed conservation while holding a fake bob-omb via hands-free teleport. I'm definitely NOT talking about Mario with all three caps, having gone through a spinning heart with QPU De Facto Speed acquired from a Pedro Spot, followed by a double jump onto a misalignment in a PU to do vertical speed conservation (while holding a fake bob-omb via hands-free teleport), conserving a preset HOLP via pause-buffering hitstun. I'm talking about 120 Power Stars Mario with all three caps, having gone through a spinning heart with QPU De Facto Speed acquired from a Pedro Spot, having done PU movement to raise scuttlebugs, followed by a double jump onto a misalignment in a PU to do vertical speed conservation (while holding a fake bob-omb via hands-free teleport), conserving a preset HOLP via pause-buffering hitstun, 99 coins so that he could get a coin for a star dance clip on-demand, having been on fire for 276 days, and with the A button held down before the fight begins.


Mugen is a better emu for SM64

really they aren't

Let me guess. You're a fan of Egoraptor.

You mean Mupen?
And no it's shit.

"kys"? Seriously?
I think you're the one who should kys. Seriously.
Seriously, kys.

When the owl flies you up he slowly starts to drag and low altitude the longer you hold on. Simply hold onto him for a very long time until he has dropped to an altitude low enough that you can get a sure-fire drop into the cage without taking any risks. It takes a little longer, but basically guarantees success.


Yes, I don't know how I wrote that. Either way I had way better experience with Mupen than P64 for this game.

Fucking underage, gtfo.

How do I get low, low input lag on my emulators

I just gotta knooooouuoooow

you know what, let's not do this. I shouldn't have made that post. I really don't want to be responsible for the next shitty ironic Sup Forums slang.

I just really hate it, it doesn't even make any sense. Yourself is one word, so what's the S?

I gave up on mupen the instant I saw that it's a console based program with no GUI and my controller is not supported unless I go into the config files and keybind everything manually
No clue why would anyone use a text-based program in 2016

was definitely the first good one

I've never seen someone try so hard to show that he's being ironic that it stooped below Adam Sandler standards.

Congratulations faggot. You stared into the abyss so hard that you legitimately got to know what dumb feels like.


>he only moves in 4 directions with a stick!

Confirmed for baiting troll, go home everyone.

What impossible elements?

Super Mario 64's camera is a bitch.

Past that, though, you're a massive casual.


Things impossible to figure out by yourself like the cage star unless you're an ADHD kid running around in the level aimlessly jumping on every tree

>literally the only tree in the entire level

Not to mention thats not even the only way to get that star

>every piece of the scenery must have a purpose

>The star's name is "Wake up the owl"

nice bait faggot

>babby hates a game which requires him to think

This thread again

It was in the version I grew up with the German version

this guy is an idiot but seriously play the game again and then compare it to any other 3D Mario. Mario either turns like a truck making a wide turn or he just instantly does a 180 without any animation. There's a very fine line of consistency and it's very easy to die on narrow bridges and shit simply because Mario will turn too wide even though he just turned perfectly 2 seconds ago

>mario game
>requires thinking
we're not talking about dwarf fortress here user, mario is as casual as it gets

And yet OP is too retarded to figure out a game made for kids.

Now I'm just sad.


This pasta always makes me giggle

sorry user but I didn't grow up with a poortendo and as such I have no nostalgia glasses on
the game is just shit

It would be worse if had simplistic physics Jak & Daxter style.

>the first of its kind from which everything else took the concepts and expanded and refined them is "bad" looking at it from a modern day perspective

Wow, no shit, Sherlock. You can also say that about cars, alcohol, and medical practices. But you have to eb angry about it and whine about how much trouble you have playing an old game from a company you never liked anyway, which shows that you only made this thread to troll with.

I beat this game when I was 7 OP. I'm pretty sure I was like 8 stars short of all of them. The game isn't bad man, you just suck.

thanks for agreeing


>calling samefag
>getting it wrong
What a shameful display user

Was the owl censored into a robot?

shut up samefag

>being able to complete a game makes it not bad
Biggest strawman i've read all week.

spyro > mario