No Persona thread?

No Persona thread?

Let's fix that, post some shit

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i want to go get my sausage in to yukiko

I'll fucking, PUNCH YOU IN THE GUT.

>first time playing Persona 3
>all of these social links
Do I prioritize certain ones?
I just want to kick the shit out of shadows.

Nanako thread?

Yukiko was the only girl I banged in my playthrough.

Kenji and Hidetoshi will get you some good personas (Surt and Odin)

>Do I prioritize certain ones?
Yes and no. Persona 4 Golden's hardest mode is the equivalent to normal on the PS2. However, there is a set number of social links at specific times. You can't simply choose to spend everyday with the same exact person.

Nanako should have stayed dead


dude shes like 7

>vita will never be cracked
>people will never extract p4dan models for sfm porn

>post some shit
ok senpai

what I would give for sfm porn of Naoto

The first time I played P4 i maxed Kou's SL cause I thought you were supossed to never basketball training.

>Persona 4 Golden's hardest mode is the equivalent to normal on the PS2.

This isn't true. I'm not sure where you got this information from.

Golden has a customizable difficulty mode that lets you change everything to whatever you want.

like, give me sauce right now


>Never miss*

>vita will never be cracked
really? why not?

not popular enough. i think most of the 3ds cracking started with the chinese who were doing it for profit.

At least P5 models will probably get ripped.

It will happen eventually

Persona 4 Golden has a lot of ways to exploit the battle system.

Golden hands were extremely rare in the PS2 version. Also the fusion system was a complete mystery. Now there is an in-game chart which tells you the exact results along with fusion abilities.

Is the Persona 3ds game harder or easier than the Etrian Odyssey games?

Easier I think.
The battle system is more enjoyable than the persona games.

Definitely easier. It's not a cakewalk, but compared to EO it's simple, especially if you have Naoto in your party for trash.

>Do I prioritize certain ones?
Yes. Technically you can do all of them, but only if you plan out all your free time from the beginning of the game.

There are guides available that will tell you how you can spend your free time in order to max out all S.Links, but for your first playthrough you should just do whichever ones strike your interest the most.






P5 NO ____ _____ NO ___


That doesn't change the fact that the difficulty settings are the same from game to game, user. That, and I would hardly call the fusion changes anything but QoL. You knew exactly what you'd get with the original, but Golden has the extra shit that should've just been there in the first place. Being able to choose abilities is along the same mindset. It should've always been there.

I don't remember anything about the Golden Hand rate being increased but I will say I remember them being more common in Golden, but I wouldn't say it was by much. Golden was a bit "harder" in the sense that at the top floor, there weren't save points anymore, though that was easily ignored if you had a Goho-M.

Golden's easier in the sense that it adds things that remove tedium, except maybe with the Golden Hand thing. The changes that come with the difficulties between the two games are completely unchanged. Hell, if I'm not mistaken, Golden added a harder difficulty.

Golden added elemental weaknesses to bosses didn't it?

Can I emulate P4 with decent quality on PC? Feel like going to romance my waifu Kanji again

p3 and p4 are probably the easiest ps2 games to emulate. remember to get widescreen hacks.

Yep, you can increase the resolution to basically give you antialiasing too. You can even speed up the game if you need to backtrack quickly through the long ass dungeons. The only thing is that 2d sprites such as the UI and character portraits still look pixelated.

I cant wait to spend hours rerolling for the perfect skillset on a persona again.

holy shit I emulated it in the original resolution
time to play it again it seems

Certainly easier to break. Problem is some characters are far and away better than others.

Are persona 3 and 4 good to play gameplay wise or only story and characters are good?

What was the worst Social Link for you?
I thought temperance was just boring as fuck

3 has fantastic story and atmosphere but shit gameplay
4 has fun gameplay but worse story

Yeah I liked the gameplay too. Rock Paper Scissor combat is always satisfying. There's a bit of grinding and dungeons might be a bit too long but it's still fun to play. Fusing and finding personas is really fun, too.

I think the only boss it added a weakness to was Shadow Yukiko, she wasn't weak to Ice before if memory serves. I'm fairly sure she was the only one though.

Which is understandable to me. I never had too much of a problem with her, but she is really strong for that point in the game. I wouldn't have given her a weakness, but I can see why they did.

>half of p5 is a flashback

Both are good with gameplay and story if you like turn based RPGs.
A lot of people argue about which has "better" story, but don't get fooled, they're both great stories that are about totally different things, with completely different themes.
P4 is a twin peaks esque murder mystery.
It gives a great sense of friendship and camaraderie.
P3 is kinda about growing up in a way and is much somber in tone.
Its not as idealogical as P4, and has a lot of themes invloving death, acceptance, and mortality. Its about coming to terms with harsh realities while P4 is kinda about overcoming them through will alone.

If I liked OFF gameplay for example will I like gameplay in those games? Haven't played too much turn based rpgs really.

Has anyone seen P4 The Animation anyway? It's so fucking funny holy shit I can't count the times I was in tears.

Both of them are great, but P4G is comfy as fuck.

I played it over the course of one Summer and I was gutted to finally finish it.

Plus dat soundtrack

>OFF gameplay
Im not familiar honestly but Personas gameplay is pretty much just pokemon for young adults.
All enemies have elemental weaknesses which you're expected to take advantage of.
You have a party that each have their own "pokemon" with their own strengths and weaknesses, but your character has the ability to use whatever "pokemon" he wants, so you just switch em up depending on the situation.


there are way to many great moments to list them all but....
>kanji, yoskue, and narukami spying on rise
>chie and yukiko mention how sketch this looks
>narukami asks yosuke if hes the killer


Pathetically easy if you know never to use magic characters aside from Naoto and P3MC.

Can we give her the Phantom D?

What do you guys think about Kanami?

I've recently played P4 DAN and I found her segments to be far more enjoyable than the rest of the game. Even shed a tear when she finally formed bonds with her fellow idols.

The only acceptable idol.

You guys! Everyone keeps making fun of me because I like me-

I love blackaboos so much.

i have a request to you all

back when I've beatn P4 over 2 years ago, I made a filename for this image. the problem is, I have no fucking idea what I was thinking. I know Hermit one was with fox, but that's it

do you have any idea what my thought pattern could have been?

>tfw you are that guy that pretends his friends are social links in persona
>tfw you carry around a custom made deck of persona cards
>tfw after talking with a friend for awhile and he turns around, you quietly make a breaking glass sound with your mouth and pull out of one of your persona cards and spin it around in the palm of your hand and then quietly hum that ominous yet epic card social link theme
>tfw you see someone else notice what you did from the background and feel a bit embarrassed at first but quickly overcome it realizing that they are just jealous you don't want to make a social link with them
>tfw you nod respectfully toward said person and whisper in your mind "hehe nothing personnel kid, but I don't have calendar time to max out all my social links"

literally me

>Yu asking Kanji:
>"aren't you curious?"
>"about WHAT"
>"Naoto. big melons or not?"
The way they portrayed the protagonist was fucking phenomenal.

also, yosuke and yu watching kanji's midnight channel
>"dude... have you seen it?"
>"yes... want a copy?"
>"yea- no."

The anime was such low tier trash, but Yu and the music was satisfying to see and hear.

>Color palet swap . JPG

Okay I also played pokemon so that makes sense, thanks

>Rise makes an origami swan in front of Yu
>"Wow, you suck"

Yu was a cool guy, what the fuck happened to him?

>Yosuke talks about Rise appearing on Midnight channel "... and those beatiful legs that go on forever"
>Looks at Chie's legs
>"If you don't like them don't look at them"
>Yukiko: "Narukami what do you think about this?"
>"Her legs are fine"


That's not him, collar is not popped

That's probably bad ending Yu where he threw the bastard in and got fucked over

Yosuke to Yu in the nightclub
>"dude! you can't have all the girls!"
>"I can, cause I'm the king."

Ah I remember they put curse on Yu so every thing he wore would have weights in the collar so he wouldn't pop it. It scarred him mentally.

Anime Yu is fantastic for just being a bit of a funny dude.

>jean skirt

No thanks

Who /import/ here?

stupid frogposter
I wish I could read moonrunes

That's scene was fucking golden, him being overly dramatic and all

Do you mean you're not going to turn off internet for 6 months? You're weak dude.

I'll see if I can translate the text with my phone well enough to be playable

probably not

t. raging homo

>cucking myself for 6 months
No thanks.

Is anyone else hyped for the dungeons in P5? I don't give a shit about the social stuff anymore, I just want to explore the Palace.

They took the best personality you could choose in the game. I loved it.

>tfw want to listen to the P5 ost when it cones out in japan but don't want to risk getting spoiled by youtube recommendations

>talking shit about jean skirts

>implying it isnt a premonition of the games bad end
>in order to get the good end you have to discover who the traitor is
It honestly sounds like a better mystery then P4s, I cant wait

>he doesnt know p4d models are ripped but nobodys using them

>when the regular battle theme kicks in during the final boss

downloads . khinsider . com
Come here some weeks after the game comes out. There are a lot of songs from any game you could think of, all in high quality. And there are absolutely no spoilers. Enjoy.