My name is Calypso, and I thank for playing Twisted Metal

My name is Calypso, and I thank for playing Twisted Metal

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wait where is my wish

What is it you wish for?

Keep it vidya

>I wish my dick reaches the ground"
>Calypso starts laughing like a maniac and hurls a bolt of lighting at me
>"Your wish is granted" says him
>I look down and I don't have legs anymore, I desperately scream
>"Thank you for playing Twisted Metal"

Who are you thanking?


I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this.

I wish duke nukem forever had came out good

It's a fourth wall break, ya ding dong.

Duke Nukem Forever is released to raving reviews and is praised by the video game community as being one of the greatest shooter games ever made, but Randy Pitchford decides to fund 10 more Borderlands sequels, each one more progressive and memey than the last, while Duke Nukem rots away in Gearbox's basement

Your post made me cringe metaphorically and philosophically

atleast I phrased it as already happened so you couldn't say it wouldn't be released in my lifetime

"Paint It Black" starts playing.


I wish you could only grant nice wishes with no monkey paw esque drawbacks from now on
>everyone after me in this thread gets what they want with no draw backs

Your wish is granted, but it only affects me and other anons are free to grant your wish with monkey paw draw backs

That Caplyso doesn't thank you, hell, he doesn't even talk.

PS3 = black = TM2 > head on > 1 > small brawl

3 and 4 don't exist.

>PS3 = black = TM2
Wew lad.

The PS3 reboot single handely killed the series, who the fuck wants to play as generic clones instead of the beloved traditional drivers and their cars.

It was a failure, the planned DLCs were promptly canned, Twister (the car only) would have been on the way.

U right

U can't even see the original characters in their cars in the other games

I wish I had a million bucks!

Nah he isn't.

PS3 plays the best by far.

I'm not your genie

Easily. Played like a dream.

Now if they just could have added more character, it would have been perfect. Just another three or four would have sufficed.

That would be TM2.

The gameplay is actually really great though.
>those weapons
>those stages
>that fucking frantic speed demon gameplay
Fucking over the DLC, and the cast was all Sony's idea.

Jaffe wanted a full cast of characters and a stronger focus on single-player and couch co-op but Sony wanted it to be the next big online thing, so all of that was canned. That DLC? Originally planned to be in the game at launch, but Sony wanted to cut costs and corners and we got Twisted Metal PS3

You are granted a million dollars, but you will still be a lonely virgin until you die of old age

The whole thread, tweet David Jaffe for a TM2 digital download of the PC version.

Mods on PS4 for Fallout 4, for free. Gimme gimme.

Well, I was expecting one million male venison, so this a trade up.

I wish that persona 5 would come out soon.



Persona 5 is released in the US first, but it's a Wii-U exclusive and the translation is done by Treehouse

Is Twisted Metal: Black worth getting on the playstation store for PS4?
Or should I just buy a PS2 and get it on there?

To be honest I've been meaning to get a PS2 anyways but I don't know if the game is hard to find.

Who gives a shit? It's not going to bring back the franchise especially with Sony going for the "cinematic" bullshit seen in at least half the games they showed off at this year's E3.

>digital download

Is there an analog download too

Mods can now be installed to Fallout 4 for free, but malware find it's way into your PS4 and corrupts it

The normal version is probably pretty common.

The online version, not so much.

It's like $10-$15

The hardest TM game to find is Head-on which goes for about $20-$35

How bad are we talking?

Yellow Light of Death tier

I demand an end to COD!

Did Jaffe tell you that? Because he is liar and always up to save his own behind.

Twisted Metal Black for one, back when it was released he was proud of it, now he deems it as "too edgy, wouldn't make it again".

>Who gives a shit?
There's plenty of reason to. It's a nice game, and intrigue in that product could reinvigorate interest.

COD's popularity fades, but Halo, Doom, and Destiny expansions take up the mantle for yearly sequels

PS3 TM killed it you really might never get another TM.