Why no more dlc?
Why no more dlc?
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Because you didn't grant us eyes.
Because it's over.
One is good. Next should be Bloodborne 2.
chromatic aberration, shitty game in general, too short, padded with muh dungeons, etc
fuck bloodborne and fuck you for liking it. retard
Nope. They are done with those types of games. Miyazaki said so.
Why do opinions make you so mad.
Fine by me. I'm sure they not done with Grim+sword games.
>Meme souls gets 2 sequels with dlc
>Basedborne gets small 1 dlc
I thought they just said they were done with SOULS games
That doesn't mean bloodborne
get some balls. the game is literal shit. grow up. stop playing these garbage IFRAMES ""hack and slash" titles. stop praising these retards for giving you a half baked, half finished title.
Bloodbornes dlc was better than all of ds2's tho
Whether FROM is happy with it or not, Sony is definitely developing a sequel to Bloodborne.
The DLC was also mainly staffed from SCEJA btw
That's totally untrue. The Crown's Trilogy was fucking magical.
Because pic related.
DeS > DaS2 > DaS1 > BB > DaS3
Bloodborne is a souls like game. Don't kid yourself it isn't that unique.
>"what you want fa͏m"
>"Just chromatic abberate my shit up"
>"say no more"
Why do these people like these casual filter games?
Does it get your dick hard to prove to yourself you are good for something in your life?
Go play CS:GO Dota or LoL for real difficulty and rewards you fucks.
>The DLC was also mainly staffed from SCEJA btw
I've seen this posted here multiple times with no source
IT's like playing 3 games at once
I just think it's fun
If you're going to make fake images like this at least post the correct publisher name
Sony Computer Entertainment doesn't exist anymore
Keep telling yourself that to justify getting a ps4 for one game
I borrowed ps4 from my friend to play BB and when I finished the DLC all I could think was "is that it"? fishing village felt really rushed, but I admit research hall was probably one the best areas in soulsborne series
DKS > BB=DKS 2 > DKS 3 > DeS
We just had a thread where everyone was agreeing its not even fun, wth? Combat is extremely basic. Once you play through the game once and see all surprise future playthroughs ain't shit.
Totally not comparable games but whatever senpai
>Go play CS:GO Dota or LoL for real difficulty and rewards you fucks.
Oh and when i mean surprises i mean the cheap deaths they throw at you to artificially increase playtime.
Btw don't even throw the "casual" or "git good" meme, i already platinumed the game cause it was one of the easier plats to get.
>We just had a thread where everyone was agreeing its not even fun
Are you ready for your mothers basement you cuckbeard?
Holy shit you are fucking mad
Calm down son
Wow user your so cool teach me the ways of impressing people on an anonymous image board.
please be bait.
Yeah no thanks I actually enjoy my life and would like to leave the basement every now and again
fake or not that's really cool
no one on Sup Forums would admit to liking those games, it was clearly bait
>projection has been maximised
IDK user these people who play the game i mention get pussy and big houses IDK
Yes those people represent the majority of the player base of csgo in fact its a well known fact that if you buy csgo you become an overnight millionaire
>Bloodborne gets the best and most fun weapons
>Gets the best story and lore
>Best gameplay
>Would have best PvP if not for the retarded matchmaking and gems that two-shot everyone
>people still salty because it's exclusive
It's so fucking good. Too bad Miyazaki had to keep the shitty Souls games alive with that fucking DaS3 shit.
>You will never see a single souls player gain a living off that franchise.
You know its more than just those two youtube links at least a few hundred live off league of legends to my knowledge, which is my point.
This got out of hand i admit, but I will never understand what is so "great" about souls, only ever good for passing the time and being forgettable at best. Yet it's all i see in Sup Forums 24/7
This is fake, but that is one sick logo.
Bloodborne 2 when ;-;
what is wrong with you
>>Would have best PvP if not for the retarded matchmaking and gems that two-shot everyone
Agree with everything, i still wonder how they could have fucked up the pvp so much
Isn't tmartn going to prison for some gambling sight?
I really liked the idea of the micolash boss fight, A fight against a "normal" guy that uses illusions and dirty tricks to keep up with you. Problem was that they just half assed it and did not go full smoke & mirrors
not prison, he def explioted the CS GO gambling thing and took advantage of children. He created the site, said it wasnt his, made it seem like anyone could win money with he prescriped video, then everyone does it and he gets income
H3h3 exposed him and tmartin looks like a jackass, but hes set for life regardless.
no he isn't shut the fuck up with this goddamn youtube eceleb drama bullshit. fuck off.