>it's been over 15 years since Misty was last mentioned in Pokemon
>That's more than a decade
Good thing the worst girl has been completely ignored and forgotten.
>it's been over 15 years since Misty was last mentioned in Pokemon
>That's more than a decade
Good thing the worst girl has been completely ignored and forgotten.
i thought she eventually came back as an older version gym leader?
also misty and mai are best girls you shit taste mongoloid.
Her sisters are better
She had a cameo in Best Wishes when Ash was explaining Charizard's backstory.
Anime Iris is actual worst girl.
>A lesbian
>Lazy as fuck sisters
I want to clean her feet with my tongue
nice to see reddit here.
Misty was always my favorite, pity no one likes her.
She is the best girl
everyone knows misty dumbass
>worst girl
she's the best
even her flatness is a plus
Ya know, I think the only one worse than Misty is Iris.
Maybe short-haired whoever the fuck his female companion is right now too.
Everyone knows that Hilda is the best Pokegirl.
ha, wow. this place is infested
>even her flatness is a plus
I'm starting to think the best overall girls are flat or have this same trait.
Which is a goddamn shame, because I go nuts for boobs.
1) The Pokemon anime isn't the games
2) Misty has appeared in the Pokemon anime in the Hoenn and BW2 arcs a few times. Was even mentioned by name just before Ash departs for Kalos.
3) Misty's last appearance in the games was in 2012.
Misty may have been put on a bus, they didn't throw her under one.
>Boobs and spats = Mai
>Hotpants and suspenders = Misty
really the only 2 choices.
>worst girl
>not loving redheads
Fuckin hell.
Fuck off op.
Was Hilda ever in the anime?
I never thought Reddit of all places would tell lies.
>hair color keeps everything else from being shit
tumblr logic
No. Rosa wasn't either, technically. She appeared in a promotional video for BW2 which is more like a glorified game commercial.
>Not listing Dawn as a choice
>not even considering Dawn
and here she is in the episode that remastered a bunch of flashback scenes.
So the "entire decade" narrative is dildos.
jesus christ that head size
What's wrong with it, user?
Is Serena gonna win the Ashbowl?
Dawn sucks.
False she was in satoshi's lizardon flash back during black and white
The english version reused Iris' voice actor for her proving once and for all that the memory of all his female cohorts just kind of blurr together
Remember the time when TPCi wanted us all to forget Misty ever existed?
Yeah, I don't either.
I think the actual reason for that is that they wanted to show that time had passed and that Ash had aged, so they changed his proportions for those flashbacks. I think his current design is meant to be more of a 14-15 year old than a 10 year old, like how the game protagonists started getting older.
You're right, here's a better one.
This shit taste is legendary
>"You're such a little kid!"
Delia is best pokemom.
Top of head to chin
Shoulder to top of jacket pocket
The ratio doesn't match
I know for a fact she was mentioned in a DP episode. Ash uses her lure and explains who she was to Dawn.
>lists May as Mai
>doesn't list Misty as Kasumi
user, you're completely missing the point. Look how fucked up his hands are.
Standard fare for a "remaster" though these days. Remasters take what was once good and piss all over it with a half-assed attempt.
May's Jpn name is Haruka, though.
Mai is Marley.
>Brocks eyes are exactly the same in the remaster
>Ash in the Pokemon League final
>he finally wins
>marry serena 10 years after
>Sun&Moon protagonist is their daughter travelling to another region with Ash's Pikachu
Pretty sure she shows up for a contest too.
>they skipped misty
I'm still mad
inspired by her german name Maike
fucking worst girl
>he finally wins
Probably considering the final Kalos League episode is titled "Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Match!!"
>marry serena
Definitely not. Serena gets a bad end. She achieved nothing on her journey and didn't win the Ashbowl.
no ones posted misty cosplay yet?
So who will actually win the Ashbowl?
We wuz Dragons and shit
Are you a fucking faggot? How can a girl in a skirt not send your dick into the 4th dimension?
Misty, since she's from Kanto and isn't a French slut begging for cock.
Poor Iris, I cant fap to her without thinking of the naime and get turned off. At least there is more delicious brown in the pokemon world.
>tfw no proper anime adaptation of the games with new trainers
>just Ash being 10 years old forever
You wouldnt know about other continents if nobody told you.
Very true.
Although, short hair Serena is really growing on me.
I never get these posts. How would you even know that was there unless you were browsing reddit yourself?
XY is pretty good and Ash actually remembers old Pokemon and type effectiveness in it
>kalos leauge victory
I-i-it's over
XY is average at best and the visuals turn me off, youre deluding yourself.
Nobody can win the Ashbowl.
Good, the pokegirls are too good for him, except Iris he can keep her.
Pikachu and Latias
He'll win this league and then some time after, maybe a theatrical movie even, he'll go on one last reality threatening adventure and sacrifice himself to fix it. Permanently this time. Probably support from all of his traveling companions across the seasons.
Nobody can win the ashbowl.
You seem to have misspelled Dawn there bro. No worries tho
>Misty was dropped
>Brock stayed until the start of Unova with his "oh look a girl oh no I'm being cockblocked" shtick
>15 years
pretty sure the last time misty was in a pokemon game was black and white 2, you fucking retard.
They skipped everything.
Bill, the Rocket attack on Mt. Moon, the SS Anne, Celadon Game Corner, the Silph Co Raid, the Fighting gym, the Safari Zone, Seafoam Islands, the Power Plant, Pokemon Mansion, Victory Road, fucking everything.
Speaking of Brock, what ever happened between him and Professor Ivy?
5 episodes wouldnt cover them well.
It was just a mega evolution ad. Can't expect them to make a movie for just that.
He got out of there when he finally realised she was married.
>thread makes me curious about this Origins series
>Find it on Hulu
>Red and his rival, Blue
>Professor Oak's VA is completely wrong
>VAs sound like they're in a non-professional studio, echos out the ass
>intro is super-lazy
>Red's VA is Eren from Attack on Titan
>cringeworthy hearing them audibly called Red and Blue, the decision to name them Ash and Gary now makes much more sense.
No, but fucking ANY of that would be better than an extremely poorly paced Lavender Town episode or that HORRIBLY shitty Giovanni encounter.
Also older pokegirls>younger pokegirls
Then maybe they should have spent some of those episodes on something rather than fucking nothing. I wanted to see mutant Bill.
>>Professor Oak's VA is completely wrong
How can you get a VA wrong when they original character was text only?
best hair color
>tfw full art Juniper is a £20 card
Wrong versus the original series. Oak's VA from there was a pretty cool guy and it sounded about right.
She appeared in PWT in BW2, and it was in 2012
Dont complain at me, get a job at GameFreak.
It was a shit VA.
The original anime voice actor was pretty bad too, but not THAT bad.
>>Professor Oak's VA is completely wrong
That's subjective.
Zagnit's original contract was for the initial Pokemon anime. Origins and the BW2 trailer used different voice actors than their respective TV series counterparts.
Honestly, the Eng one is better for 2 reasons: 1: It's less dark and brutal in an otherwise colorful series and 2: It's less fucking annoying hearing that annoying-ass noise.
>literally no good doujins
5 minutes in MS Paint user
Juniper is best Pokemon Scientist.
I want the next scientist to be a qt old woman.
Too bad, you get forgettable niggerman instead.
There's one exception to that rule, though.
I meant after him. He seems cool, and I'm only now just realizing his hat has red, blue, green, and yellow.