Yakuza 6

New trailer + release date in 8 hours.


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yum I can't wait for shenmue 3

Who's that girl?

Some chinese porn star

Wanna be amigo

wohohoho who the fuck is she

What's her name damn it

Just crop her out of the image and google search it, dumbo.

Google image search is garbage, though.

have you even tried

Best I got was Liu Yaxi, but she doesn't look like her, nor is she a pornstar.


worked this time



so give us a name gotdamnnit

To be fair there must be 1 million Liu Yaxi's out there.

when will the dumb fucks at SEGA wake up and release all the series on steam?

dumb faggots.

I clearly did not do enough sidequests in Yakuza 4 because I do not remember a russian roulette mini game.

They hate money

>shenmue 3

Enjoy donating and watching your hopes never get made into a game.

MAN I want to fuck Haruka

we know kiryu

Doesn't she fuck Baba in 6

Yakuza JAV when?

Starring Ai Uehara as Haruka.

Shit I still haven't played 5

cause there are not pcucks

He was too busy sucking Saejima's cock

You're not missing much storywise desu

It was shit desu.

Ch. 1 - Kiryu mopes and his story is working at a taxi cab companies and missions that revolve around driving said taxi
Ch. 2 - Saejima goes on vacation to a snowy village and your missions are all a shittily programmed Cabela's Nippon Safari
Ch. 3 - The worst fucking rhythm game I have ever played for an entire chapter as you follow Haruka's extremely uninteresting and unimportant journey to become an idol
Ch. 3 End - Like one mission as Akiyama
Ch. 4 - New Baseball Character probably has the only interesting part of the game as you try to find out who set him up and ruined his life but it feels pretty slow at points
Final Chapter - This guy is the villain. No wait it was a ruse the guy behind him is actually the real villain. No that was also a ruse the guy behind him from earlier in the game who meant nothing, barely had a role and you have no stake in fighting is the REAL villain.

I can't wait for 0 because all this bullshit fluff will be cut we just get the two best characters in the series in their Yakuza heyday.

Pic related
>what it felt like playing Yakuza 5


Will it be on PC?

Gameplay was solid, but the story was terrible, after Chapter 1 it just goes down hill.

Surely there must be some cool sidequests and the gameplay is fun right?

>i dont think im pretty

you are right you freak

The gameplay is better than any game before it, and yes the side stuff is as fun as always. Its just the story was terrible.

Gameplay is the best in the series and there's tons of fun shit to do

story was really shit though so anons will vent

How do I get into the series? I heard 3 is a good starting point

>Starting a series at 3

she's retired senpai.

You'll be pretty lost if you don't at least look up the story on a wiki or something.

You heard wrong.
The only starting points are 1 or 4.
Preferably 1 for obvious reasons.
It's all an overarching continuous storyline with the same protagonist.
It's just that in 4 the protagonist takes a backseat role and 3 new protagonists are introduced, that trend carries over to 5.
As such 1 and 4 are the only good starting points.
Either start at 1 and work your way up, or start at 4 and go into 5 from there.

Try the beginning?

>How do I get into this series of numbered titles
Every time

Kiwami is the best point.

Yeah because you cant play GTA V without playing GTA 1 - 4 before, right?

The problem is they keep adding more and more characters and it's diluting the gameplay.

Remember in 1-3 how you went from very basic and struggling in group fights to the finale where they sent an entire army but you had progressed so much that you were just a fucking machine comboing and heat action-ing your way through dozens of men?

There was a real sense of progress. In the last two games it feels like you barely spend any time with a character before you're moved onto the next one and you don't see them again until the end of the game. You completely lose that sense of progression and attachment to the characters. It doesn't feel rewarding anymore.

The varied playstyles are nice but it's a double edged sword.

Guys this yellow fever is driving me crazy i can't take it anymore im going to explode. I can't even look at western women any more.

1 & 2 are still the high point in the series. You're a fag if you skip them. At that point you don't care about the story so just play the newest one if all you want is gameplay.

It's not like it's difficult to emulate a PS2 game these days.

Yakuza plays NOTHING like GTA and is not structured like GTA in the slightest.
It's a fucking overarching storyline with the same protagonist.

>implying the first 4 GTA's have anything to do with GTA5's story

She doesn't even do porn.

She just poses in sexy photos.

I love the characters the series introduced, but yeah the novelty of 4 wore off pretty quickly. That's why I'm hoping 6 is literally a successor to 1-3 where you go back to just Kiryu. Maybe I wouldn't mind alternating with Haruka for minigames but that's it.

Licensing rights duh, actors have the power to stop ports and Sega Japan hates Gaijins

Has anyone here played Yakuza 0?
Is there an official release date for it in the US yet?

Yeah, but you implied that you have to play every numbered series ever from the first game on to play the later ones. Also the guy that was asking where to start obviously didn't know if Yakuza has an overarching plot.

Fucking idiot.

Ever since Ishin they've been going back to 1 character with the exception of 0 where you've got 2 but the game is still structured like 1 character in that its completely linear and the story intertwines.

I never had that issue when playing them and especially after playing Ishin as that game was the breather after 4 and 5 with you having to juggle between multiple characters and 0 was a fantastic balance that took the best of the previous games and went even further.

Though the gear system has its own issue.

I have and they said back when it was announced it was going to be 2016 but changed it a month or two after to 2017. Now its early 2017.

I'm not the person who mentioned GTA but you should get cancer and die for jumping to conclusions like this.
Die you piece of shit.

Same day as Persona 5 for burgers just so Sega can end the series for the West

>He gets that mad because I'm right

Top kek



Emulate 1 and 2.


You guys think shit is going to get real in 6 because Kitano is in it? I mean Yakuza has its dramatic moments but usually it gets to the point where it's over the top and ridiculous >rubber bullets. But most of the movies Kitano's done are fucking brutal. I don't see him blending well with a story that can be as silly as Yakuza's without it going dark.

>Yakuza 1/2
Even 3 I wouldn't call silly outside of orphanage antics.
It's 4 where shit really goes the cooky way.

Playing Yakuza 4 4ight now
When do I see loli

1-2 were overtly dramatic
3 had literal bull wrestling

chapter 3 senpai

never ever my friend, never ever

Please. The main story is always a little dark and dramatic compared to everything that happens on the sidelines.

The side-story stuff is usually ONLY where Yakuza gets particularly silly.

2 had Kiryu punching fucking tigers in the face.

2 and 0 are the darkest tonely with 1 and Kiwami just a few notches below. 3 and 4 went really over the top at times with not just scenarios but just about everything.

5 was looking to go closer to 1 and 2 but dropped the ball. Kenzan, of the End/Dead Souls and Ishin stayed consistent for the most part from start to end.

English version confirmed or not? That is all I care

I remember seeing the first trailers for 5 and thought this was when the series was going to get edgy


No but we're getting 0 so that's already a good sign

No, 0 hasn't even come out yet and Kiwami would obviously be the next release as it would be the safest as its basically a companion game with 0 and less riskier endeavor as most of the work is already done.

If 6 is ever announced, expect to wait another 1 after 0 or possibly even 2 for just an announcement.

1 year*

This still got Haruka idol game? I actually enjoy that in 5

We don't know if 6 will have it, most likely not as Haruka essentially quit being an idol at the end of 5 so everything can go back to the status quo.

We'll probably find out in about 6 more hours.

Welp return to not caring. I don't want to hype for a disappointments that I will never get to play it anyway.


When they give you options to choose for the loans in Yakuza 4 does it matter which one you choose?

looks nothing like her

thanks consoles

>you will never touch a girl this perfect

Not really

This made me remember I played the first one more than 10 years ago, and the fourth four years ago. Still didn't have the time to play the fifth. Damn it.

So this..... is the power.....

It won't fucking come out here, so why do I care?

>I've been watching this girl mature from a cute loli to a beautiful woman in real time for the last 10 years