This is a 40 year old woman
This is a 40 year old woman
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Isn't Mercy supposed to be 37?
this is a 6 year old woman
*37 year old woman
And this is a 40 year old dick.
Mercy is the best.
>Windows 7
>Nanami is 6 and not 7 years old
They had one job
just wait a few months, user. then it'll be true
Humans are living longer, user.
Haven't you noticed the MILF trend?
Girls are staying hotter, longer.
Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger
Mercy is the hottest OW girl
Fucking ham hocks
Those are the legs that could have killed Speedwagon.
bigger resolution please?
I like MILFs because I hate my own mother.
There, I said it.
I want to suck on Mercy's tits for milk and call her mommy
She has to have a kid to be a MILF, you retard
What do you think the M stands for? Mammal? Mayonnaise?
I like MILFs because my mom died when I was young and I crave motherly attention.
Not even joking. First time I've admitted it.
Mercy is 37 and her aging was halted at ~17 by her angel suit.
It's implied that she has no pulse.
It's used more generally nowadays.
I hate Mercy for being an unrealistic propaganda numale magnet. No woman can ever be as genuinely kindhearted, dedicated to a meaningful cause, empathetic, or useful, she is lies covered in lies and more lies, and anyone who can't see that deserves to be shot.
>No woman can ever be as genuinely kindhearted, dedicated to a meaningful cause, empathetic, or useful,
Medfag here, plenty of girls like that in my University. Some very beautiful ones too. Med school girls best girls. They don't get SJW uppity either.
There are women like these in real world.
It's just that you will never make one yours.
who hurt you man? serious question
By retarded Americans. Don't be a retarded American, user, I will have to kill you if you are a retarded American. For the betterment of mankind as a whole.
Nothing wrong with mommy issues man. Takes a big guy to admit it.
Most doctors tend to have an innate desire to help people. Theres no way they would put up with the bullshit of the healthcare system if they didbt
nigga, spend less time here and maybe go outside
i just saw a girl at the gym with 2 kids and she was this hot. rich people gyms are the best
No, that's a shitty poorly drawn sameface animu weebart that has very little resemblance to the actual character.
And this is just a shitty thread that has nothing to do with video games, just you pathetic permavirgins jerking off.
nah son
holy shit the real world is going to hurt you so bad when you experience it kid
swallow a bullet
If someone pulls that suit off, would she die?
Are you dumb
It's a taunt, she's mocking her dead enemy.
>all the people responding seriously and not getting the joke
I got you man.
No, there's photos of her with no suit. The Ana lore vid had one with her in a tanktop and yoga pants.
Mercy is cute!
>tfw most of my Mercys are nsfw
While I agree that taunt is mocking the enemy, there are other hints. Mei and Mercy have a talk about halting ageing.
Who said I was joking?
All positive depictions of women are foul lies made to propagate the false idea that women are remotely human, they are not.
Disgusting Nu-Males, why don't you shave your disgusting beard of yours and let everyone see that weak womanly chin of yours?
I seen enough to know what the score is
Life, life and women are what hurt me
This picture is the one I was talking about.
Sure, I'll do it right after you do. Promise.
Mercy is pure and single
Pure slut and single minded in her desire for cock.
from what? her work?
Word to the wise, avoid the 'Married to their work" types, at least in romantic settings, you MIGHT be able to make it work as friends but holy crap man you are setting yourself up for a fall if you try wooing one of those.
>Goto play Mercy on KotH.
>Get screamed at and told to play Lucio.
;_;. It wasn't even comp it was quick play.
It would be extremely painful.
that's when you go Hanzo
Keep your cúck fetish away from my OverWatchfu nerd
>draw child porn
>call it a milf
sooo if we post here CP saying she´s probably 18, she´s probably 18 right
i mean like fuck your eyes and check out this number i made up
something tells me shes completely one of those types considering her medical accomplishments of resurrection and possible immortality and eternal youth in a 20ish time span
>It's a taunt, she's mocking her dead enemy.
She's taking her own pulse and not finding it.
She talks with Mei about how neither of them have aged a day.
She's a big girl
That is why I have all communications muted when I play QP.
Ad hominem the post
>fanbase keeps making dumb theories like mercy is an evil mastermind or pharah is a quad amputee
>blizzard has to keep shooting them down
What is it with this game and the amount of shitty headcanon?
That is reality, woman are awful disgusting creatures that do not comprehend the idea of love, or loyalty, or honesty, they are creatures of opportunity that will leave you dead and penniless if they have the chance
It's just a side effect of a game like Overwatch.
It's the Dark Souls Dilema. They made a game with only vague lore spread out over blog posts and one paragraph backgrounds.
Maybe to you.
tumblr is a hell of a drug, and going by the amount of tumblr filenames on this board, we have a drug problem
Hey man don't look at me, I just like fapping to Parah and Mercy lezzing it up even though there's nothing supporting it, I just like it because its hot.
They walk all over you too, you're just do deluded to realize it.
I see
>What do you think the M stands for? Mammal? Mayonnaise?
capital kek
>Med school girls
Yeah those sure arent spoiled princesses from upper class families who would probably murder you if you were in the way of their career.
Its easy to be nice if you have everything handed to you lmao
>Nobody wants me
>Must mean they are Satan incarnate, how can people NOT like me??
I know I am a horrible person, but *I* admit I am, THEY won't even entertain the thought that they are anything but god's gift to man.
>Its easy to be nice if you have everything handed to you lmao
You mad jelly.
It's Blizzards fault. none of this would happen if they just gave you straight facts for the backstories instead of vague recollections of some random internet chucklefuck from a blogpost
Just stating facts
I am living a very comfortable live too, so i cant complain.
But lets be realistic here.
Probably the most unrealistic thing considering that white people age terribly.
Obviously not all women fit the current American stereotype, but a lot of women between 18-40 do.
That stereotype being this kind of girl in the music video:
Nigger, the term was created in America, we can do what we want with it, because it's slang.
Don't be an autistic European, user. I will have to kill you if you're an autistic European. For the betterment of mankind as a whole. :)
>you are perfect no matter what you do
>you are flawless no matter how you act
>it's so great to feel beautiful when you're in your own skin
>like when you lie to a doctor to score ritalin
I think this was written about my sister
i really hope your bitterness is gone some day. women are beautiful creatures man. i think that your experiences have given you a skewed view of them and that's unfortunate because, as kanye once said, one good girl is worth a thousand bitches.
dont close yourself off forever. you never know what you might lose doing that.
As another American I can tell you that we have another term for that, it's called "cougar".
>i really hope your bitterness is gone some day. women are beautiful creatures man
They do look pretty, I won't deny that.
That was a hell of a kek, user. Thank you.
Or maybe consider that they are humans, and being that there are around 3.5 billion females, they range across the entire personality spectrum, and that the personality which you believe them to possess is only found in people with mental disorders.
Who cares if you were hurt or slighted by some women? Suck it up, don't assign their personality traits to everybody who doesn't have a penis, and move on, you piece of shit.
Shit, I forgot about cougar. Sorry man, I just got a little pissed off at the whole "retarded Americans" thing. I see it so much on so many boards, and it gets really annoying.
besides, the worst thing you can do to a woman is not giving them attention
>child porn
>those tits
I don't know what playgrounds you've been lurking by but children don't have bodies like that
post more?