Just got home to see that russians hacked my steam.
Just got home to see that russians hacked my steam
firstly you need to disable all other devices.
You'll be fine, don't worry.
oh my
hey guys did you know that if you post your password in chat steam sensors it? watch: *********
Hello hillary
Dual authentifican motherfucker.
was your password "password1" OP?
lemme try: kawaiiqtgf69
>not using two factor authentication
Get your shit together you juvenile dimwit.
Even if you actually posted your password on here, his is anyone going to link your account to it?
Is this shilling for the app?
not op but I don't have a smartphone so I can't even use it if I wanted
Nah. I actually got home and checked my emails only to see "STEAM" and then Russian runes attached to anything saying STEAM.
Bad luck grandpa
You don't need a smartphone, silly. All you need is your goddamn e-mail. Make sure it's not the same as you use for steam or at least make them use different passwords.
On another note,
>2016 AD
>not having a smartphone
So what's your excuse? I hope it's a legitimate one or I'll post some smug anime girl.
Not him but the only reason I have a smartphone is because that's all my contract provider gives people. But they are clumsy as fuck and useless for me because all I do is call people and that's it so I'd seriously stick to a nice old brick if possible
Now post some of dat dank anime smugness, it gets my dick hard desu
lmao he prefers old phones
not enough smugness
I understand and I see you've got a legitimate reason. It's alright if all you need is to phone and text. I use my smartphone for a lot of things, I find it very useful.
Just got home to see that russians hacked my party
Yes that is the reference, moron.
Hey its me, your brother.
But my brother lives in England because he looks like our dad and his mom hates our dad.
>Have all accounts set to verify by mail when logging from different IP
>Have mail under single authenticator
Pretty simple
fags spotted
Well if that's candy then I'm a sucker!