>you were unironically hyped for this game
Zero Escape
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I was? I've never even heard of it
You should play more games.
Damn i really wanna spoil you to death
Nah, I knew it couldn't possibly live up to the hype once they started saying it would be playable by newcomers.
Being overhyped for a game is a sure fire way to be disappointed, so it's best to go into anything cautiously. I think I actually enjoyed ZTD more because I wasn't expecting too much, and it turned out being pretty good. Pretty bad ending but I'm not going to write off the entire game because of that.
Now I'm unironically hyped for the PC rereleased of 999 and VLR
never played vlr cause modern handhelds are fucking retarded
i think that helped me enjoy the game more, i feel like its disappointing as a last entry. coming from only 999 its still pretty enjoyable.
besides the best parts of these games are generally the entire middle sections of the game with all the mystery, meanwhile i feel like the endings are always complete asspulls, despite being mindfucks.
the character designs of ZTD are easily the best though
Nope. I was only hyped for it to be ironic. Sucks for you though.
Dumb phoneposter
>you're not in the timeline where ztd doesn't suck
>people were hyped for ZTD after playing the disaster that was VLR
It's your own fault.
Why dont they just move to a timeline where the snail wasn't there for whatever reason.
>lol he was never called Q :^)
>except for all of the promotional material and the art book
Uchi is a fucking hack.
VLR was better than 999 though.
But I guess you must be a shitty nostalgiafag.
I liked it
999 > ZTD ironically > ZTD unironically > VLR
>lol why would you think the kid was Q?
It's not like it was plastered all over trailers.
Easiest platinum trophy I ever earned.
your reply
To be fair, all of the promotional material for VLR showed young Sigma, not as he actually appeared in game.
But young Sigma appears literally 10 seconds into the game.
It's your fault for thinking he was still young after waking up.
I still want my money back.
>unironically liking ZTD more than VLR
999 > ZTD ironically > VLR >>>>>>> ZTD unironically
What about the OVA? It shows young Sigma talking with everyone.
I'm glad I pirated