You gonna buy this, anons?

You gonna buy this, anons?

I am

>$60 for what will just be a shit tier port job like the prototype games
Pass I have both games on PS3 anyways

Does it come with the DLC?

I played the first one so much, but it's really not that good, and the second one just sucks.

Didn't the PS3 one have Egoraptor in it?


X-Men Legends was way better desu

Will there be a disc?

Well I want to play 2 on not console hardware. But I ain't paying 60 bones, or even 40 when it "goes on sale" so its a pirate for me.

Well atleast i can pirate them if im ever bored and literally have nothing better to play.

$60 for a decade old rerelease

nope. I'll get Ultimate Alliance 2 when it's $25


Ultimate alliance was just easy pandering shit with QTE boss fights

X men legends 1 and 2 were actually challenging and felt like an rpg. Better story too imo.

>That price.
>For a fucking straight up port job.




>that price
I won't even buy them on sale out of principle, cheeky cunts.


>tfw never played as Venom in the first one

I really just want to play the second game because I've never played it

Loved the first game

So this isn't updating anything at all? No extra guys or even a graphical touch up job? All dlc must come with though right?

Pirating, never paying a penny to these Jews even after a price drop, $20 each should have been the price. Now I'll get them free. Fuck Activision.

I wish kat was still around so I could just pirate it

more like disney not wanting to

APPARENTLY it's made to run for newer consoles and machines and has UI and graphical improvements.

It's not a day one buy for me because I saw what happened with Deadpool and Prototype.

who cares

Spam marvel the marvel ultimate alliance fans have been demanding some sort of port since the dlc was delisted, mvc fans are the most retarded marvel game fans mua had constant support on the official marvel forums and Twitter

More like you are a retard when Disney was complaint about marvels choice to do iOS only games but continuing being ignorant and assume marvel is the good guy here

2 was shit

>I saw what happened with Deadpool and Prototype.
If it's Fun Labs doing the port job like those two it's confirmed to be garbage

2 was alright but definitely a downgrade. Much like how MUA1 was a downgrade from XML2

Isn't it a coop game though? I'm pretty sure there's a part where you need two players in order to save certain characters

>it's the "Disney is the bad guy and Marvel is Jesus incarnate" meme!

getting real tired of this may-may.
