Thoughts on PewDiePie?
Thoughts on PewDiePie?
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He's not as shitty as before. He's self aware now. Also is moving away from gaminh which is surprising
Literally who?
He seems better than his old self on screaming constantly and making rape jokes.
Cancer in literally every sense.
He's less unbearable but is trying too hard to appeal to the filthy frank and h3h3 audience
too good to know what's going on around him
Not as shilled here as DSP.
He never bothered me because I'm not retarded enough to get mad at people doing things I don't like. People who hate him are the same types who flip their shit about actors being paid a lot or lusted after for no reason aside jealousy, or those who (if they exist) yell and scream about Ronald McDonald existing. He's a guy who took advantage of a hole in entertainment nobody had filled, did a great job filling it, and now has enough money not to keep bothering but still enjoying making videos that he has freedom with now.
I don't watch his shit, but being mad at him or disliking him on a personal level is stupid especially nowadays.
He has the power to control normies. On some level I respect him.
Supposedly he gave a surge to Bayonetta 2's sales.
he used to come to Sup Forums and stream here so at least I know who are newfags trying to fit in
I think he's fine. I really don't watch youtubers but this black duded named poiised used to make me fucking cry laughing but he sold out like a generic sub-whore you know the kind who say freak instead of fuck and supplement swears so they can get more delicious 10 year old subs.
I think it's disgusting and you're being disingenuous but when you're fucking sweet sweet nordic pussy and making millions for howling like a idiot then I cannot blast you.
He's annoying shrieking cunt
Was never a personal fan. But I never jumped on the PewDiePie hatred memetrain that followed.
Like Scott Cawthon or Notch, he pandered to 12-year-olds to make his money but isn't actually a bad guy. I don't exactly respect him, but I find it hard to dislike him.
He seems to be taking his channel in a much different direction.
Out of his 30 most recent videos, only 7 are actual "let's play" videos.
He's moving towards the h3h3, leafy crowd but he's not as bad tbqh.
best youtuber desu
Anyone else is a fan of PewDiePie?
He's one of the top 3 Let's Play artists
i dont watch tv anymore so it´s fun that all these youtubers deliver entertainment weekly. i should check out the videos more often
Watching his recent videos now, you can clearly see that he has more of a h3h3/Filthy Frank influence now
Apparently he stopped the yelling and shitty let's plays so I guess he's doing better
He was honestly better when he was a screaming cunt than he is as a stuck-up asshole now.
all of these people need to die
None. He's a reaction guy that just happens to focus more in games.
Same way as JonTron, they aren't gaming personalities, theya re entertainers that just use games as a platform for their jokes.
Same way as Gallagher isn't a agriculture expert or personality, despite his whole gimmick with watermelons.
Never really cared about him but I know he gets a lot of hate for being a children's entertainer which is a bit weird.
That Irish faggot is the worst of the 3
He did this so I don't know.
Jesus H Christ, why is his voice so annoying?
Literally google?
>"Look at me, I'm superior to you because im ignorant of some E-celeb"
None of you will ever have a gf this hot
About 400% less scrotum-shrivelingly annoying than Stampycat and his posse of dimwitted manchildren
only faggots watch him, same as filthyfrank
Why do people freak out so much over Boku no Pico? It's just a yaoi, shota OVA.
Looks pretty average. Maybe try going outside.
He is a child entertainer...granted for idiot children. But he knows how to keep a retards attention and he makes a good living at it sounds like.
Pretty above average compared to other girls I've seen.
>fucking sweet sweet nordic pussy
Marzia is italian.
I think it's funny how many faggots on the internet hate him for making a living doing something he loves
Biggest faggot ever
Sure a few will. I have.
Besides, she is only with him for his money. Are you stupid? Look at her purse. Guess who bought that for her?
>s-she d-dosn't even look g-good
>p-pointy elbows
yeah all that dark skin really gave it away..
Felix pls
I expected nothing less from the bitter and jealous basement dwellers on here.
She's not hotter than him though. Finding a gf as attractive as yourself isn't that impressive.
Jealous? Nope, never even think of the guy until shit like this gets posted. He is what he is and does what he does. Facts are facts.
But he's actually such a nice, genuine guy though I don't watch his gaming videos but his personality is really caring and down to earth.
>Let's Play artists
Less cancerous than leafy and filthy frank
best stream
You don't need to justify yourself to me user, my post wasn't directed at you and only you.
PewDiePie and Markiplier are nice guys, but their stupid pandering and clickbait make their videos hard to watch.
Used to be pure cancer but with good taste in vidya.
Now he's less cancerous but still cringey. Still has good taste in vidya.
Don't hate him don't like him
Why is everyone and their grandmother doing videos with h3h3 lately?
The pioneer of a new industry, and I respect him for picking up the fad and turning it into the most subscribed channel on the site.
I would never watch his stuff, but I'm a bit jealous
>being a fucking retard on videos is an art
garbage, panders to the lowest dumbest demographic
I don't watch his videos; I don't think he's the antichrist.
Didn't Something Awful launch a big campaign to stop him that just came across as juvenile internet dick measuring?
heard about this guy numerous times but haven't actually bothered to research him
what does he do? let's plays? drama?
>using this meme argument
At least when he realized he was now shepherd of the normie herd, he stopped acting like a retard.
The moral of the story is retards draw a crowd. Nothing new.
He's a 20 yr old who does rant type videos where he basically just makes fun of whoever he feels like with clickbait titles
>Sup Forums can't manage a 7
Maybe not most but a large portion could could.
Like the guy
Style doesn't appeal to me
He just makes videos on youtube complaining about people he doesn't like while being equally as unlikable.
Not a bad guy, didn't and don't like the style of his videos. He seems to be making a turn around since it was clear how self aware he is a while back though.
Congrats you took his bait u dumb fuck
Can we word filter "kys" to "I'm a faggot" or something? It's getting really tiring seeing little child faggots like coming in here spouting off their epic leafy meme.
B-b-b-but I like Dunkey...
>tfw dsp has a hotter gf than you ever will
>even Pewdiepie is friends with h3h3 now
How the hell did h3h3 go from being a nobody to being friends with all the top Youtubers so fast?
I like Alpha Omega Sin
End your life
why does jackscepticeye look like an obnoxious cunt
Thoughts on Leafy?
He's a moralfag kike with a messiah complex.
not as good as joost
He used to be a cunt, but now he's a pretty swell guy.
He's alright. Honest Swedish fella largely untainted by American cancerous culture.
Seems a nice guy
Don't like what he's done to YouTube
Don't like his fans
This year so far for h3h3 has been practically been a crusade against how shitty Youtube and some of its users are and trying to improve it. Its not surprising they've made friends affected by the same garbage systems YouTube has in place.
You're pretty much proving his point
lmao idiot
>slithers out of the garbage
>whispers like an effeminate child molester
>"hey guys"
He's a cool guy that discovered that pandering to children is the best way to earn money on youtube.
Can't really blame the guy, I would probably do the same if I were in his boots.
Markiplier just pisses me off though with his stupid ass facial expressions that he thinks are funny
Id suck his dick
A blight on humanity worse than cancer, aids and Africans combined
Literally every single "youtuber" is a faggot. Upload videos if you want but don't make it a personality or blog about about.
>hating on dunkey
She's like a 6. Too much makeup and a fake tan doesn't cover up bad facial features. Id hate to see the girls you've dated.
Funhaus is good though
>mfw i used to know him before he became famous
can't believe he actually made it, this retard used to spam his videos on a forum i used to post in...
no not reddit fuck off