Die against boss

>Die against boss
>Last checkpoint is right before an unskippable cutscene

Post the taint vagina

What are some games that let me die of infections?

Resident Evil Outbreak


>woman card
that's fake, right? the people who made it can't be that naive..

Does he have a bergina?

just fuck my taint up senpai

Is Chris ever going to commit suicide?

Why can't he just fucking die already, I just want closure

does it count as suicide if you mangle your own taint and get infected?

project zomboid

I want this ride to end

Even in death YA

I guess, everything goes

>he hasn't posted a video in three days

i wanted to get a shillary woman card just for the novelty and history of it, kind of like having an I like Ike button
but shes charging $5 for them so nope
I did buy a MAGA hat for the same reason and it looks bitchin on me
voting for gary johnson


i've been away this past week, what happened?

if he continues to refuse to see a doctor then it won't be long now

unless barb finds out and forces him to go, anyway, but then it seems like she's not long for this world either. he won't last a month when she's gone

He cut his taint in hopes of growing a vagina

Taint infection, and he keeps fucking with it rather than treating it medically.

He has a huge infection in his taint and he thinks its a newly sprouted vagina due to him listening to hypnosis videos.

He cut his balls off to get a vagina trough hypnosis and it got infected after he fingered it

I thought it was from his piercing


I just read up on July's antics.
Hold me, Sup Forums

So how long until her finally dies of this infection, doctors of Sup Forums?

I'm not sure if I'm more glad or more horrified to live in a world where this post is not a joke

No one can really say, but CWC did release this statement "Have belief and faith in what your body can do, and with such binaural beats and frequencies, as well as persistence and patience, what you'd like can happen for you."


Oops your right.

Reminder that CWC is probably getting regular blood come from his boipucci, making him think that he's on his period.

>He cut his balls off
chris would never have the guts to do this. his bent dick and tiny sack is still there.

jesus fucking christ
every time chris chan gets boring, he one-ups himself

Laugh at it because its Chris. Any other context, it might be horrifying.


People say he cut it, but they're dummies memin'.
What happened was that the infection from his piercing that he left untreated continued and turned into a fistula.

>Chris-chan won't survive the decade because of the transgender mental illness epidemic

This is it Sup Forums. We're entering the final saga.

There's literally no way to save him. He's insane and nothing but a harm to himself. It's kind of sad, actually. Literally no one who wanted to help him could have possibly helped.

He's gonna bleed out his ruptured ass until he dies. Hopefully it's quick.

God help the poor paramedics who have to lift that rotting corpse

fuck, I asked for this

He's going to start feeling extreme and sharp pain in his infection and/or gut.
Knowing CWC he's not used to physical pain and he'll freak out.
He's going to do a WebMD search on why his "vagina" hurt and then going to a doctor where they will promptly tell them it's an abscess.
He will get offended and maybe violent as most doctors really insist in helping a patient. He will then be detained and put in a ward until a psychiatrist comes in and determines Chris is a danger to himself and others. Chris will finally be committed to a psych ward.

He had a clit piercing in his taint that became infected and he believes the necrotic wound is a new vagina.

We are witnessing the incoming death of Chris-chan due to massive septic shock.

Fucking God of War Chains of Olympus.

It's NOT an Abscess because there is NO PUSS
STOP with your LIES you damn dirty TROLLS
thank you and have a good day
