This is a Japanese gnome.

I couldn't take the transition quest into heavensward seriously because of these little twerps. Fuck Ul'dah and those microjews.

It was cathartic to watch Rauban kill one of the little fuckers though.

This is a western human


Gas the lalas, race war meow.

Fucking hate how they keep making important npcs lalas, also almost every lala player I've come across is a self righteous shitter that always plays a tank or healer that obviously wishes they were a dps class instead

So how many potatos are there in Ala Mhigo?

I haven't met a single Lala player that wasn't insufferable

What is it about this fight that makes people lose control of their bowels so fucking hard?

The last few days I haven't even been able to get past the sword mechanic because retards stand in the middle of the fucking stage instead of running to their mark.

It's not even a difficult fight, god damn.

It's always easy to tell when a person is just playing a class to avoid being shit on.
Shit players who don't raid will play DPS because it's very lenient to fuck ups. Shit players who do raid play tank/healer because fucking up as a DPS is absolutely noticeable and a lot more difficult to play adequately in a raid scenario.

I alternate between tank and dps but don't raid because I'm not a high enough level or geared up yet, what does that say about me

What's your item level of each class?

People got carried through Bismarck EX and expected Ravana EX to be the same faceroll.

Then you got those retards who get carried through Ravana EX and can't even make it past the first phase in Thordan EX.

I have a piece of shit laptop that can run 14 but not too well. like 30fps in dungeons, maybe.
whats a job that isn't super intensive but can be effective nonetheless? I was considering SMN, cause dots, but melee would be cool too.
obviously no tank/healers cause I can't be in a valuable position with such a hunk of shit to work with.

I don't raid because I'm a social autist desu.

>Thordan EX

I'm not even going to bother with it, honestly.

It's not worth the stress considering what the DF is like.

Its so obvious that they're based on hobbits that its kind of embarrassing you think its a gnome.

133 nin 119 drk, I'm still a ways off from the big boy content I know, fighting ravana is the next thing in need to do in the msq

>what does that say about me
It just says you're new.

Absolutely true. Far too many people are content with letting 1-2 people carry Weeping City groups who do 800+ dps more than anyone else or expert roulettes where one person does more damage than the other three combined - even as a Tank in some horror story groups.

The Novice Hall was a good first step but it needs to be expanded at level 60 and SE needs to have the balls to make clearing Stone Sky Sea a requirement for Duty Finder.

As a SMN player I can safely say that SMN is the easiest dps role to play if you can get past the initial opener. MCH is in a similar situation but I'd argue that so long as you have a DWT+Tridisaster+5 ruin3s during DWT once every minute as well as keeping up your DoTs you're bound to do at least 1200+ dps.

Also consider WHM because the pressure for you to dps isn't as high as the other two healers and your heals are largely reactionary rather than proactive.

You could play Scholar fine since about a third of your healing is delegated to an AI partner.

>aligning battle litany, dodging puddles, and soft dps-checks in A7S/A8S
>more challenging than mitigation rotation and dpsing as tanks
>more challenging than not overhealing, but dps before/after tank busters

Unless caster are what you're referring to the most challenging role in savage progression (only progressed as WAR/DRG/MNK/BRD throughout 2.0-3.2), I don't see how any holy trinity outweighs the other; they're all equally challenging.

Sch, the fairy does all the healing for you
Or mnk I guess, you should be doing over 1k dps just by doing your basic combo, that's without hitting your positionals and other stuff

Thordan was never meant to be DF'd, dunno why the devs added it to DF. No amount of echo or welfare gear can triumph over mechanics.

thanks for the input, friends. will give these a go later on, see what I like and what works best

I want to /pet a lalafell

I feel you have a bad healer or tank in a fight you let them learn.
If you have a bad DPS in a fight you replace them.

Bad players avoid playing DPS in raid situations because a bad DPS will always be a nuisance to a team.

Still wanna fuck it.

All the races in XIV look like shit compared to XI. What went wrong?

You're a furry.


Too many things to count.

I want to fuck a lalafell.
I want to quit this shit game.

>tfw only logging in for the weekly 5-7 clear and few hours wiping on 8

This is a Japanese gold spammer

>tfw static implodes soon cause we're holding back much better players

Lalafells and the music are the only worthwhile things about this game.

>tfw i'm the only one who gets good perf rankings on fflogs in the static

i'm the mt

You can only do one of those things, user.



I love my tomboy Lala.

>gold saucer
>lords of verminion
>palace of the dead

>Not killing Au Ra
Remember to do your part and purge all dragons!

Palace of the Dead is actually fun, though.

Isn't it just fate grinding for minions

seems lame

t. knife ear scum

And weapons....

And a stupid little car mount
Whens that monster hunter cross over

Hello Estinien

I'm in the exact same camp, only I play at a constant 20fps, and I play SCH
Not because "the fairy does all the work"
I do endgame raiding, which the shitty fairy hardly helps with besides Fey Wind
Really, once you get used to the frame rate, you can pull off any class that isn't super fast. Although, I can play a pretty mean NIN as well. Really, you just gotta git gud

>they should copy wow and introduce pokemon-like pet battles with minions
>they should copy gw2 and introduce legendary-like weapon crafting that is not replaced by ilv inflation
>copy wow and gw2 and introduce more voice acting during active gameplay instead of just in cutscenes.
>more fucking raid bosses. you already make accesibble to shiters anyway. no reason not to add moe.
>retune old dungeon for chalenge modes

>What Diadem could have been

>tfw only Komasan and Komajiro's weapons look any good
>Blizzaria's weapon is literally the Evilstick toy

>deep dungeon
>pomander of lust
>turns you into a succubus
muh dick

I want to impregnate this lala

So even you can agree that the Aquapolis is good.

I play as a Lala, but I think I'm rather laid back.

>airships are just glorified retainers
I don't know why I expected them to do anything more with them

What exactly is an insufferable Lala? Are you talking about the ones that try to look like midgets or special snowflakes instead of shotas?

That's a halfling.

Gold Saucer, Aquapolis, and Palace of the Dead are all good.

I only did Diadem once but I thought it was fun, this is long after everyone had stopped doing it though.

I also thought Lords of Verminion was pretty fun but would have preferred it to be faster and with more map variety.

I think the reason people stop doing things is because like most cancerous modern MMO players, they wont do anything unless there's some sort of loot reward attached to it that they can e-peen brag with in towns and cities.

You know how I know you're a lala player
You're being a shit asking what insufferable means which is insufferable annoying behavior

>I think the reason people stop doing things is because like most cancerous modern MMO players, they wont do anything unless there's some sort of loot reward attached to it that they can e-peen brag with in towns and cities.
This is why Gold Saucer and Diadem died when they were launched whereas PotD is still going.

I'm only 20/25
Its pretty fucked up that I have to worry about palace dying before I get at least one weapon, especially since you have to actually go to quarrymill when most people want to just sit somewhere

Well Diadem had BiS loot when it first came out until they nerfed the droprate. Now the gear is worthless.

Figured it'd be a reskinned ahriman but it's purely white. Looks like shit.

Would any of you guys marry a Lalafel?

No but unfortunately i am. She used to be a hyur.

Maybe people would do them even without rewards if the base gameplay for them were actually fun. All SE is doing is making people do things they don't enjoy to get a reward they want, after people get the reward they stop doing it because it isn't fucking fun.

No but 2 lalas in my FC got married saturday, it was the stupidiest fucking thing watching then waddle down the isle

You guys have surely noticed that lalas don't have knees

>ravana ex
>throdan ex

what patch is it? am I missing something? last time I was there, most of dangerous shit was skipped because everyone had 230+ items

>tfw only me and tanks get 90-95% perf in savage

I'm still wondering, is it me shit that cannot go beyond 95% or other dpsers holdong me/us back

Don't underestimate Duty Finder shitters.

So, how the free login time event works?
Will my free time always end on august 30 even if I login tomorrow or later?

No they wouldn't, because they are actually fun.

>doing roulette
>shiva ex, mind numbingly easy
>wipe at golems
>explain mechanics
>wipe again
>explain again, get told to relax
>wipe again
>try again, these morons finally clear the dps check with the echo buff
>everyone else is a caster of some kind, none of them move out of ages, we wipe
>initiate vote to leave
>whm: no guys, we almost had it that time we can do it
>leave at take the penalty

wow, relax, dude, it's just a game

>People stopped doing aoe trash house after all the items tanked in price.
>People stopped doing diadem after the only useful gear rewards were made more rare.
>People will stop doing palace of trashgrind after they get 1 or 2 weapons and the reskinned ahriman.

Better get what you're after now user because it'll be harder to get in a few weeks.

>explain again, get told to relax
Something makes me think you explained it with a bit more fervor.

they do have knees but their skeleton is like toothpicks and their muscle is marshmellows

i had probably the most attractive character ever made in the game back when i played. she was a regular cummies dumpster. the game has turned so stale though. literally did the same things for over 2 years, hope 4.0 really shakes things up or ill never sub again

>i had probably the most attractive character ever made in the game back when i played.
I've seen at least a dozen that look just like you just this week.

>log in sometime between now and the end
>4 day timer starts after logging in
>after 4 day timer you're unable to log in anymore without subbing

>i had probably the most attractive character ever made in the game back when i played.
So the same cat girl as everyone else but with a different hair style?

>go in with matched party
>get at least 2 english players
>never make it to the end of the set
>get full JP party
>everything goes smoothly
Had a MCH that was actually playing like content that mattered, using all her buffs and turning on and off gauss barrel. Really need to just untick the E in the duty finder.

Same on EU except replace E with F and D.

Literally all I added was "she's not hard, come on guys"

She may not be but I am if you know what I mean.

How do people get in statics? How do people make friends in this game? Help ;_;

>"she's not hard, come on guys"
And you can't think of any possible way that could be construed as antagonizing?

>making excuses for shitters
I'm sorry if saying easy content is easy triggers you

>How do people get in statics

Have friends or already have all of your clears

>How do people make friends in this game?


>Help ;_;


Don't be autistic and don't be bad at the game and you'll probably get a FC invite from someone at the end of a dungeon, that's the first step

Nobody invites at the ends of dungeons because dungeons pull from a pool made up of every server under your data centre.

But male cats are for breeding with real men.

That's how it went for me, and I thought roulette wasn't set up that way yet and it was just planned for the future

someone decides to make one and you join it. or you make one.

this girl in my fc formed a static of people she knew. five of us are actually relatively geared. she is still using the 210 globe. we have one or two dps still using 210 weapons as well depnding on who shows up. it is starting to get frustrating.

don't expect much this late in the patch cycle.

I hope you don't actually believe the shit that you shitpost

You now remember that Roegadyn exist

No, you're thinking of the raid & party finders.

Roegadames exist to make me erect