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Is there online multiplayer (custom IP server)?

Yes there is multiplayer, both LAN and online.


I wanted to replay Two Worlds, but my back-up 8500 won't play it even at lowest settings.
Fuuuck why did my card died just in moment when I'm broke? If it happened year earlier or later I could bough new one.


Damn, that's rough.


This thing.

>I wanted to replay Two Worlds

but why?

Because I played only demo

It's so bad its great. An actual fun for a while.

Panzer Corps

I watched Fury and realized I needed more war in my life

What class are you my man

Isn't Two Worlds a meme

>Isn't Two Worlds a meme
How so?

A lot of classes.

That one displayed is Demolitionist/Occultist.

Xcom 2 now that all the dlc is out.

I don't play games.

Any adult working 40 hours a week who likes to work out and has to cook/run errands has no time for such things

playing grim dawn too

level 47 warder, started elite difficulty, its alright


But you have time to go here and post BS, don't you.

I'm trying to get A+ on every Hotline miami level

I usually bounce between a few games at any 1 time.
Right now I'm playing:
La Mulana
the PS1 Guilty Gear
Tag Force Special

What kind of Warden are you?
>DW or 2H?
>Mainly physical or bleed?

I'm finally playing a poisonmancer alt. Any advice/tips/links to your build/etc? I'm following one on the forums while planning to maybe modify it a bit based on another build but I also need an actual Devotion path because figuring out the order to spec constellations is beyond me.

now i remember why i couldnt get into the game,combat as no feeling

Dragon's dogma. Just defeated the dragon, moving to post game now

,im at work but as soon i leave im gonna continue playing dragons dogma. till 1 am

in between fucking my gf. Shit is cash

Playing Grim Dawn too, tried adding some faggots on Sup Forums to play hardcore and they both kept dying before level 15 and then stopped playing.

Been soloing as an Elementalist (Shaman/Demo) using 2H ranged. Veteran hardcore at level 37 now.

>then stopped playing
That's disappointing.

I'm playing through the Last of Us on an achievement run to get it to 100% while also playing Shadowrun Hong Kong to try out a Physical Adept build I've been tinkering with.

Foxy lady simulator.

Regarding devotion let me say tainted eruption is THE SHIT, 9 meters radius, decent damage and low cooldown, and it confuses enemies so you can breath or reposition yourself for a moment. This build is a tank based on health regen and to have decent damage I had to stack up multiple sources and chug energy potions, I don't know what kind of build you want to make.
youtube.com/watch?v=AxSpLO2e3RI this one for example is pretty cool too.

Overwatch. I would play Grim dawn, but I have yet to figure out a build that isn't boring as fuck, at least for the firs t20ish levels.

Sounds badass.

At first, I wanted to make a poison caster but could never find any builds for fit. Then I saw that dual Slithtongue build and figured a melee dual-wield poisonmancer thing mite b fun to play as, especially if I could pop around and drop massive amounts of AOE on doods. I'll check this video out. Thanks.

>grown men are playing this

Did you ever send thirty monsters flying as you blew them up with a lightning storm? Combat against tough boss monsters can be a slog, true, but the combat normally feels great.

If you were one yourself you'd know that it's a waste of time to get angry by what other people do.

>dual gun
is it still shit or not?

are you talking about 2 worlds or 2w2?
2w1 was decent

Its been the go to for firestrike builds since forever.

It's pretty lame early on, something that Diablo 3 does well instead.
Later on though it's rad city.

>grim snore

Works fine on my end, despite being a glass cannon.

A shitty korean gear grind mmo

Which one?

blade and soul

I'm sorry.

Dark Souls 3
>Grinding 2 Types of items
>hate it
>i need them for achievements

2 fucking rings and one miracle ...

me too

San Andreas and Tesla Effect.

God fucking damn I love San Andreas. Might be me favorite game ever.

Does DS3 still have that shitty "you have to get to X level in Y covenant to get all the spells to get all the achievements.

It was bad enough in DaS1, I'm not fucking going through that again for DaS2.

>spent 1 hour farming offline talismans
>got 1
Thanks From.

Dark souls 3, just beat the last of the Lord of Cinders and I'm just about to face Dancer

Fire Emblem Birthright.

It's alright so far, feels like an improved Awakening.

Eating a sandwich I got at subway

after this will probably play Destiny

Its a really good sandwich in case anyone was wondering

None because I got home from work an hour ago and I'm still tired. Maybe I'll play Doom or Insurgency.

>could have gave user free gear
>no reply

FFXIV and Legend of Grimrock II

Do I know you? :D

lol playing, I have been modding shit more than playing, Modding SFV and Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 and DAI and The Sims 4 and I think that's it, I was going to attempt to mod MGSV but I got too lazy as it seems more complicated than the other games listed. I will probably play some MGS V today.

Just booted up VLR after beating 999 earlier today. I regret not jumping on the disappointment train earlier


You two should fuck.

yes.you need Rank 1 & 2 in Warriors of Sunlight, Rank 1 & 2 in Blue Senitels/Blades of Darkmoon, Rank 1 in Rosarias Finger, Rank 2 in Mound Makers, Rank 2 in Farrons Watchdogs, Rank 1 in Aldrich Faithful

everything was easy till now (you'll find pvp and so on very easy), but Watchdogs & Darkmoon is dead. I dont get summoned, so i have to farm the fucking items. The drop rate is way to low. i have item discovery at 350 and still only get ~2-3 blades in half an hour (i need 30).

DaS was easy to farm, but in 3 it's cancer to get everything


you know, there are 4 and you will face the last Lord after Dancer?

Nothing. Im waiting for FFXV and after that, the sweet embrace of death.

Hardcore is such a meme. ARPGs don't have interesting enough gameplay.


Duke Nukem Forever
I hate myself

Be careful not to embrace death before FF comes out user.

still on that Overwatch

been thinking of buying Twilight Princess since it came out but I strongly disagree with paying more than $40 for it.

Got a couple weeks before work starts again so maybe I will just buy it, to have something to soften the blow of having to once again present my ugly ass to society.

Not like FF15 has anything going for it. MGSV was a better suicide game

>been thinking of buying Twilight Princess since it came out

Alright guys sandwich is done for. Time to level my Hunter

Beat the tutorial and it recommended me for "Hard" difficulty. I've been playing on Hard for a couple hours now but I keep getting my ass kicked. I considered going down to a lower difficulty but fuck that. How do I git gud?

I don't know what to play actually.
I want an rpg like baldurs gate 2 but I really can't find one I haven't played yet.

2h savagery, 6.5k dps buffed
using olerons might, modrogen pact, the usual soldeirs passives too as well as blitz to go fast

I'm playing some SSBM.. working on my tech right now, with Fox ofc. I stopped by a friend's house for a birthday party last night and now I'm hungover as shit. We all played Smash though. They had never played before and it turned into a 5+ hour session constantly passing the controllers. So much fun.

I'm thinking about maybe finishing the Bloodborne main story later. Other than that, it's all Smash, all day and probably tomorrow.. and so on. I've also got a slight urge to play MH3. I want to cool down with some comfy hunting/nature game later but I'm not sure what that will be yet. Might renew my sub on FFXIV actually. Yeah, that sounds fun. Anime/FFXIV/Smash.

>tl/dr: don't read this blog shit boio

Playing this game right now, only played 2 on ps3 , but since I just got a 360, I picked this up too, found a collector's edition at GameStop for $1.47.
Controls are fucking odd, and no fucking sprinting button, but it's okay so far

Care to post your build? I like it already.

i forgot how to but you can pretty easily cancel your hook grabs mid jump for extra speed

I'm kind of bored.

Post your build.

Really? Shit I'll find out how, thanks for the tip user-kun


I just said it dude

only level 47 so not that many points, both masteries are maxed, I put enough enough points in feral hunger and zoltan technique to get the 25% proc chance

few points in savagery and its modifiers, blitz, modrogen pact + heart of the wild, now I'm maxing Oleron for that sweet ÖA

I'm using phys 2h maces

devotions : I take the most efficient routes to get kraken ( much damage ) then later on I'll go grab blind fury
I got falcon swoop for the life leech.

forgot warcry and the totem for the life regen

Alright that's more helpful. When I level on my current character, I'll check my inventory and see if I have any useful items.

It's the only way I can enjoy them, makes the game more tense if any fuckup could be your last.

Getting sick of overwatch and finally getting to my hacked 3ds.
Enjoying the fuck out of 7th dragon, majora's mask 3d, NES remix, both fire emblems and SMT: Soul hackers

>start playing 7th Dragon
>stop playing 7th Dragon and start playing EOIV
I don't even

i was playing this before going to bed, damn my work, if i didnt have work i would play this all night

I did the same shit with SMT: Strange Journey and EO Untold
Send help.

Castlevania 1 on 3ds vc. Stuck on third level cause i suck. Music's great


Starbound (meh)
Vanquish (awesome)

>Starbound (meh)



Well I've a pair of Golemborn Greaves if you want them. About the only useful thing I have that you could use.

Also, make sure you have Savagery maxed if that's your main attack skill, and don't level procs beyond 20% (4 or 5pts).

Replaying Chrono Trigger right now. I am in Daltons ship. This game truly stayed kino.