Go on.
Tell me why I shouldn't buy this tomorrow.
Go on.
Tell me why I shouldn't buy this tomorrow.
Other urls found in this thread:
because I don't like it, which means i'm gonna spend 20 posts telling you how stupid you are if you like it.
So don't buy it, bitch.
It's your money not mine.
Who is Sup Forums going to main?
It's yet another procedurally generated survival game, really fucking disappointing but if that's what you're into then there's no stopping you.
I'm not a fan of procedurally generated games, but I hope you have fun with it :)
Slim is the only one that looks reasonably unhappy enough, the rest are kinda neutral.
fuck off
me on the right
I'm sure inventory management autists will enjoy it
>Early Access
What does this mean? Not a PCfag tbqh
Freeware procedurally generated dungeon crawling ASCII game with permadeath and RPG elements.
Really makes you think
Yes user people talk about games near release.
It turned from a weird dystopian future to a fucking survival/crafting game.
Will pirate sooner or later.
I literally couldn't give less of a shit about how you spend your money, user.
Tried the beta, it's amazing
m-maybe its just a meme?
Fucking get blown the fuck out markteter
Is this post satire?
wtf I hate we happy few now
I'm now a #nomansskymissile
Say what? I thought this was going to be be a new Bioshock made by talented people instead of those retarded chimps who made 3.
Yeah that trailer was misleading as absolute fuck
I like this meme, it is a good meme.
The core gameplay is nothing like what the trailer suggested. It's a mediocre stealth game.
Here's actual gameplay:
Sup Forums really has the best memes
Closed 1 second in.
No one fucking said it looked like bioshock your fucking retards. Fuck off with this meme.
Try watching the trailers, retarded. They've gone out of their way to make the game look like anything but the shitty early access survival game it is.
Nothing to see here folks, move along. I bet this game even has zombies.
what if he's autistic and just really wants people to like the game he likes?
>mfw the first few seconds of this vid
Is that guy going to be like that the whole time?
Wait, it's not a story game?
>early access
Over 15$ for early access and I'll drop it, how much is it
do you think feeling under pressure to react that way to everything and generally act like an 8 year old dampens their enjoyment of the game?
The story won't be released til next year
also its 30 bucks
that shit is from 2015 my nigger
I bet the game has changed since then
What the actual fuck?
I've never dropped a game this hard before
please buy it and post about it so i can have a laugh at what a turd it is
Yeah this is what weirds me; on one hand it looks like a game really heavy on story, atmosphere and immersion, but on the other the procedural generation hints at a gamey-game that you play over and over again.
You pay to play a raw, unfinished game, and by the time the game is "complete" and polished, you'll already have seen basically everything.
I would wager it just turns vidya into a job. So probably
Somehow I don't get the feeling that these types of people really truly "care" about vidya. It's probably more about the narcissism.
but on the other hand it could make it more fun because you're "entertaining" people constantly.
Because the gameplay and history is motherfucking procedurally generated
I'd personally wait for some other people to play it and review it.
>I bet this game even has zombies.
You're right user, it's the PEOPLE who are the zombies! Metaphorically speaking.
It's a very British style of writing, I'm not surprised that Americans don't understand it.
too gamey. RNG = anti fun
Fucking this.
They make a genuinely interesting premise, setting and characters and ruin it with procedural generated memes. It just murders the plight and value of the game's setting so much. Incompetent developers not knowing when and where to implement procedural generating worlds.
He's saying that it's the type of game that tastes like a hunted animal.
>his voice
literally falseflag:the videogame
>"oh no these conservators are changing history so that they can live in their own little world where dindus didnt build pyramids"
>That commentary
Holy shit is this what people like nowadays? This is super annoying.
Also game looks shit.
You're right, it looks totally unlike what you'd think.
Also, fuck me, now I'm going to have Pewpewpie wannabes in my recommendations for weeks.
>Gets in the game for literally one second
>All he sees is a desk with some paper on it
>Says this after barely getting a glimpse of a dull clump of assets
What the fuck is this
>full playthrough
>1hour 18minutes
yeah nah
Why are all these MCs talking to themselves? It's happening more often now where you have vidya with characters who can't stop talking.
Masturbatory developers thinking that they know how the player should feel about the situation more than the player themselves.
Interesting concept, the actual gameplay looks awful.
I believe, and I might be wrong here, kids now have arguments about who are the best youtubers.
Ones like that are for the ADHD faggot kids, presumably.
What a stupid post.
Does this boy actually make a living making these videos? His voice is like the brown noise to me.
>Not disabling your history
Because you don't buy games first day you fucking nob
Wait, so this isn't a tense survival horror/BioShock alike? Its just Sir You Are Being Hunted with a slightly smaller Percentage of John Walker cuckoldry?
You say PewDiePie I say JackSepticEye, you say H3H3 I say LeafyisHere, you say Yogcast I say GameGrumps, you say Markiplier I say Jontron.
Repost this if you were born in the wrong generation and aren't like the other girls your age.
Have you seen how dull the gameplay is?
Wow, it's fucking nothing, it's really like every other goddamn unfinished survival game but with more schizophrenic animations and motion blur, and some shitty NPCs that you can barely interact with beyond stabbing.
Why is John Oliver in this game?
Because it's the current year.
posterity isn't going to think much of it. it's like Bioshock: all aesthetics, no substance
can't wait to pirate
arent all those people just as popular as each other?
>mfw seeing wrong generation post about loving the 80s on a song about the 50s being better
Video closed.
They're not even trying to hide the fact this is a shittier pathalogic
That was my first impression after watching 3 minutes of the IGN gameplay
it's kinda freaky if the kids are having 80s revivals now. we had 60s/70s. what if it moves forward like a wave, always 30 years behind
honestly, if your algorithms keep making up interesting situations to be in I am all gay for a roguelite with graphics like that
can't wait to send all all those unruly miscreants to the farm
All of the dialogue is just quotes from movies, plays and songs.
Which is fine, if you're going for that stylistic approach. But the people who queued this up didn't really know what any of the quotes actually meant.
When you go to bed it's
"Ah, that was a hard day's night" as in sex. But they thought, whatever, that'll work.
"To sleep, perchance to dream". This one's okay, as it literally says sleep, though it actually refers to death.
"You see the violence inherent in the system!"
That's just a monty python quote. Fucking lazy. You can't just drop that whenever you attack someone. Fucking lazy.
Didn't know you could do such a thing. Hokay.
You're blind. This is a bonafide marketer.
But I made the thread. I just want to see if I can play this on my bone.
>It's another "1 hour long indie game" episode
Why are these cucks so incapable of putting content in their games
Content gets in the way of art.
Its not one hour fuckface. Its just sandbox mode.
Sure, maybe you did. But the guy making threads saying it's the next GOTY is a marketer.
it is in early access, don't even bother user.
The game is nothing but sandbox mode.
it's not out tomorrow. The Early access is.
Yeah well user some people like that.
its more then likely terrible
Sure, but sandbox types, the types who enjoy skinner boxes and ringing bells before meals, usually like some content. Imagine Don't Starve where everything that can be done has been done after an hour.
>knock woman on concious
>store her in a closet.
feminist are gonna be all over this one.
>knock woman on concious
It's out tomorrow? What?
Slim, looks exactly as i imgained winston from 1984 with a less shaggy coat.
>it just cuts to black
It was the fucking demo you retards
I think this game actually could have ended up better off being a walking simulator than a DayZ/H1Z1/Whatever ripoff.