Indie wank?
or GOTY contender?
or just mediocre
Indie wank?
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All of the above.
Great at building a world and a mystery.
Then it swiftly dashes all of it by ending abruptly and with no satisfactory explanation for literally anything.
Good world building is wasted if you don't pay it off.
>t. sonycuck
This. Just like Limbo, it's all style and no substance.
20$ for go forward
right back at ya, cunt
Same as Limbo.
Decent for single playthrough, then never touch it again.
Worht $5 for 3 hours entertainment. no more. the exact same as Limbo, dipshit
why does the xbonebro look like a 90 year old shriveled burn victim
Boring as fuck
>listening to Giant Bomb and TBFC
>they jerk off this game so hard
>only Giant Bomb mention that it's a fucking two hour game
Spend your $20 at a mediocre restaurant with a friend, the ordeal of getting seated, ordering, waiting for food, eating, drinking, and talking will last longer than that fucking game.
Are you implying just because the same criticisms apply that it doesn't count as criticism.
I watched Adum play it and it seemed pretty well made. Never played Limbo though.
I agree with this, I think the ending was appropriately abrupt but the final shot was very lackluster.
five bucks? I can buy a 6-pack of 211 Steel Reserve for that money fuck video games
I scrub toilets & pick out feminine waste as a dayjob and I'd gladly spend $20 on alcohol instead on this game. It never was about how much money for me.
Pretty fun little game. If it was a wank, it was a really emotional, satisfying wank that makes you think gfs are unnecessary.
>Then it swiftly dashes all of it by ending abruptly and with no satisfactory explanation for literally anything.
Meh, I think you can connect some dots for quite a bit of the plot.
>Sonygger - nigger
>Xbot - mexican
>PCfat - fat neckbeard
>Nintendyearold - manlet
lmao son you cant separate the real world from the virtual world.
It wasn't me who cemented these falseflagging wojaks should be this way.
enjoyed it, got it for free so im not sure if i can comment on its value
Sup Forums is probably THE worst place to discuss this game and games like it considering how bitter (IMPORTANT: does NOT mean experienced or wisened like so many of you love to believe of yourselves) and childish this place has become
the game features obtuse symbolism which is very much a crime in the eyes of the anti-2deep4u Sup Forumscensus